First time playing the AA50/41

  • I am playing my first AA50/41 edition and we are playing with no national objectives. I will be playing as the allies. I have played the original verison many times and I have won the majority of my games. I need help as this game is very different and I need a sound stragety for the Allies.  Do I stick with the same game plan as the original version? We are playing tomorrow so I need your help asap.


  • What was your original gameplan?

  • I would always kGF when I was playing the Allies. The game set up is much different from the first one. I also would buy an IC for India and this always worked very well.

  • '16 '15 '10

    KGF is a good bet.  Be on offense with Russia.  Wear Germany/Italy down at every opportunity.  Take advantage of being able to combine defensive stacks with all 3 Allies.

  • What is the best game plan against Japen?

  • '10


    What is the best game plan against Japen?

    Japan is hard to stop in '41 but it will probably be slowed a little without NOs. It generally boils down to taking Berlin before Moscow falls.  '41 is much more even without NOs.

  • By the way, for the Russians: beware the italian can-opener!

  • @Petebu:

    What is the best game plan against Japen?

    Harass and Contain the best you can with the US.

    I’m not sure what most people do with the US in AA50/41, but depending on the way the Axis turns are playing out I like to try and drop a loaded carrier + loaded transport into the pacific every turn (or at the very least the loaded carrier).  This tends to cause Japan all kinds of headache.

    Russia needs to be offensive (but carefully) and watch what Italy is doing closely.  I also like to start sending 1-2 infantry per turn through China towards the Japanese front, or down into India, depending on which way Japan is headed.

    The UK has the hardest job of all … you need to get US troops to africa to help the UK there.  You need to demolish any German naval forces and build enough of your own to be able to get troops off the British Isles.  You need to hold back Japan in Asia.  And you need to do all this with limited funds.  An India IC is situational.  It depends on how hard Japan is gunning for India (if they’re going all out for India, you may lose that IC quickly and give Japan a leg up on the mainland at your cost).

  • Does the 1941 scenario even work without the NOs? I solitaired it for a bit once and the board seemed almost empty of units after about three turns. Germany collapsed because its lost income from the rather easy NOs really makes a difference. Japan seemed rather irrelevant since it takes longer to gain momentum without the NOs, and Germany falls sooner to a KGF.
    The 1942 scenario seems better suited for a non-NO game because it´s got more starting units and the theaters are better balanced. Germany is stronger so a KGF will take longer and Asia has got more options since India won´t fall as easily, China is tougher and the US Pacific fleet is stronger.

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