Jim/Stirling vs Bruce/ghr2/axisplaya AAG40 alpha 2+

  • Customizer

    That ship is a TT, not a destroyer in sz41.

  • Customizer


    UK 2 - All axis in UK first mode… and we feel alone in Europe.

    London (34) : Arm(6) + Art(4) + 8Inf(24) = 34, save 0
    Calcutta (17) : 2Art(8.) + 3Inf(9) = 17, save 0

    #1 z98 (Tr alone)
    MAL : Tac - Land in EGY

    QUE > ENG : Inf, Art via Tr z106>z109
    GIB > ENG : Ftr
    z96 > z98 : DD
    BUR > IND : 2Ftr, Tac, 7Inf, AA
    z56 > z37 : DD
    RHO > CON : Inf
    RHO > Tang: Inf
    z76 > z80 : Tr
    EPR > CPR : Inf - recruits 2Inf
    ETH > EGY : Inf, Art via Tr z76
    ETH > EGY : MInf
    z76 > z79 : Cr
    z83 > z91 : DD

    ENG : Ftr, 8Inf6Inf, Ftr
    IND : 3Inf, 2Art

    London  : 27 - 2 Convoy z109 + 0 Saved = 25
    Calcutta: 17 + 0 Saved = 17

    ANZAC 2 - Slow build and wait… still.

    PURCHASES (17)
    AC(16) = 16 save 1


    SUD > EGY : Inf
    z62 > z63 : Tr
    JAV > SUM : Inf
    NSW : AC

    COLLECT : 18 + 1 Saved = 19

    In your typed moves and on the map you provided, there is no ANZAC DD in sz41.

  • :x You’re right, I screw up good there… how could I not type that order, it was so clear in my mind!

    But since Japan didn’t declare war in previous step, then Japan can’t give combat move orders against UK… sorry.  :-D

    Nah… just kidding! Oh well, sick I loose India in such stupid way. US droping UK in Europe, I guess I won’t have much playtime now…
    No scramble.
    I see no orders for planes on AC’s in sz37, so I take they don’t perform combat moves.
    Let’s GO AA guns, I want 5 hits on those 19 planes!

  • The anzac dd would have made no difference any way I just don’t go into FIC then french destroyer does not block.  Anyway in reading the rules to make sure I had no cheated it turn out I did a little.  I have to move fleet in malaya z37 on my combat move not on my NCM.  I had moved the fighters into Indian on the map I sent You I just forgot to type it so I will move 1 ac z 37 to Ind the rest of the fleet from z37 to z36.  Sorry about that.

  • IND

    DEF AA


    DiceRolls: 11@1; Total Hits: 011@1: (2, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 2, 4, 3, 4, 2)


    DiceRolls: 8@1; Total Hits: 18@1: (5, 4, 1, 5, 5, 3, 4, 5)


    DiceRolls: 2@1; Total Hits: 02@1: (6, 5)

  • IND


    DiceRolls: 1@1 2@2 12@3 10@4; Total Hits: 151@1: (1)2@2: (5, 1)12@3: (3, 5, 3, 5, 6, 6, 6, 1, 6, 1, 6, 2)10@4: (2, 3, 1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 4, 4, 2)


    DiceRolls: 15@2 2@3 2@4; Total Hits: 615@2: (5, 4, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 5, 2, 6, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4)2@3: (4, 5)2@4: (4, 4)

  • IND


    DiceRolls: 10@3 9@4; Total Hits: 1210@3: (3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5)9@4: (5, 4, 1, 5, 4, 1, 2, 5, 3)


    DiceRolls: 2@3 2@4; Total Hits: 22@3: (3, 3)2@4: (5, 5)

  • NCM

    1ftr 1 tac Ind - ac z39
    rest air IND- Yun
    1 dd z6 - z25
    1 dd z 6 - z36
    all Hop - Cha
    all Jeh - Cha
    5 inf 1 aa man - jeh


    1 ab YUN
    4 Subs z6

    4 Saved 17 Captured 62 collected = 83 IPC


  • Customizer

    You collect another $5 for having India.

  • sorry for this further change but having to move during cb and not ncm I have to put both carriers off IND and I collected 5 more IPCS for having IND corrected map total of

    88 IPCS Japan


  • @Stirling:

    The anzac dd would have made no difference any way I just don’t go into FIC then french destroyer does not block.  Anyway in reading the rules to make sure I had no cheated it turn out I did a little.  I have to move fleet in malaya z37 on my combat move not on my NCM.  I had moved the fighters into Indian on the map I sent You I just forgot to type it so I will move 1 ac z 37 to Ind the rest of the fleet from z37 to z36.  Sorry about that.

    Yes it would. Knowing you could pick up even at war, the UK’s DD would have moved to z38 instead of z37… where it was useless. There you would have been blocked. It first time ever I loose India in Apha2. That was a newbe mistake.

  • Well, I guess not a team player, sorry guys…. I should hold on 1vs1 game I guess.

  • Customizer

    The problem you had was that Japan would just go through sz41 to get to India.  Moving your UK DD to sz38 wouldn’t have stopped it.

  • Customizer


    Well, I guess not a team player, sorry guys…. I should hold on 1vs1 game I guess.

    It’s just a game.  Don’t beat yourself up over it.  I learn from mistakes i make, too.  And I’ve made some pretty catastrophic ones.

  • @jim010:

    The problem you had was that Japan would just go through sz41 to get to India.  Moving your UK DD to sz38 wouldn’t have stopped it.

    OK, I didn’t give the whole picture at once.
    I moved UK DD to z37 (instead of z38) not knowing it was useless to z37. Knowing JAP could load even in a state of war (which I’m still surprised), then that DD would have been move to z38.

    I overlook to move ANZAC DD to z41, which was an obvious move to me. I guess I got confused with the transport which mislead me thinking that move was done.

    Bottom line, UK DD in z38 and Anzac DD in z41, India would have had another turn before the Japan assault. Besides, then can’t move forward without declaring on UK… which I was sure auto trigger Anzac, US AND French. I’m so surprised France is not auto at war with Japan if Japan declares on UK… so unlogical. The whole world gets at war, but not France.

  • Well, I feel it’s done for me.

    US is no way near to take back UK.
    Russia gives no pressure on Japan
    ANZAC is too weak to be significative
    US fleet will either get wacked of stay defence.

    So Russia is basically all alone on main land…

    Japan : You don’T get AA gun BTW, it’s destroyed. (In India)

  • Customizer

    OK, yes a UK/AN DD in 41 and 38 would have done it.

    In case you want to see the TT exception, it is on page 15 in the blue box of the Europe manual.

    The issue with the French is here:


  • Customizer

    I’ll be gone for the weekend, by the way.  And next week will be very busy and I’ll be gone next weekend as well.  I’ll try to get a move in when i can.

  • @jim010:

    OK, yes a UK/AN DD in 41 and 38 would have done it.

    In case you want to see the TT exception, it is on page 15 in the blue box of the Europe manual.

    The issue with the French is here:


    Nice!  :-) Thank you for the refences, it’s very much appreciated. I learned a lot about France. From now on, I’ll always make France declare on Japan… no reason not to do so!

    I’ll read to manual reference later on tonight, I have the book… but not at hand reach now. :)

  • Customizer


    You’re up.

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