whew, alot to catch up on, including another pm from the almighty idi himself.
nothing in this game is guaranteed, including this strategy. the beauty in it that i found is that it’s never been done before (at least in my group), in any incarnation of axis and allies, the us proper is NEVER attacked. i thought it would be interesting to see if it could be done and it could ONCE.
moving the italy fleet to sz 92 during I2 is a good idea. it allows for more OPTIONS, which is the key of this strategy and this particular game.
as far as trolling goes or whatever, i can say that some people make fun of what they don’t like or understand to feel better about themselves. I posted this idea cause it was exciting to plan out ahead of time and to witness it in action. the allies were like "Holy S**t!!, he’s going for the US and they had to scramble back out of their comfort zone, changing alot of what usually happen in this game…
Anyways i digress, other changes that i thought of :
more german transports (i bought alot of capital navy, thinking the US would have more capital ships in the atlantic by then)
Splitting the german fleet on G3 (moving some of the fleet (namely ACC to allow fighters and tacs to attack EUS would have helped also