94Canuck's Global 1940 Alpha + 2 Setup Charts and Game Aids

  • TripleA

    EDIT:  Nov 19 - Added link to Alpha + 3 to Page 6.

    EDIT:  Mar 5 - Corrected spelling error on USA/Japan Set up.  ADDED:  Global 1940 Battle Board!!

    EDIT:  Feb 26 - Added Global Rule Change Chart.

    EDIT:  Feb 15 - Updated G40 NO Chart to correct spelling/grammer on a number of NO’s.  Updated France and USA/Japan Setup Charts.

    EDIT:  Feb 9 - Updated G40 NO Chart to correct spelling.  Updated Tech Chart to correct spelling.

    EDIT:  Feb 1 - Updated G40 NO Chart to include Germany control of UK.  Corrected spelling on Japan Setup Chart.

    EDIT:  Jan 20 - Updated Game Aid to correct turn sequence numbering.

    Hello everyone, seems like there have been a ton of Setup Charts and Game Aids that have come out in last week or so since Alpha + 2 was released.  I normally wait for Bob Mickelson’s charts since they are very well done, however he has stated he won’t be updating his Global charts until the rules are finalized.  Not wanting to wait I decided to try my hand at making some of my own.  As you can tell these are clearly inspired by Mickelson’s charts, however I didn’t use any of his material before people say I stole his stuff :)  I scanned all my textures and images from my own AAA games and created the templates from scratch.  Now, since since is the first time I’ve ever attempted such a thing outside of MS Paint I am really happy with the outcome.

    I decided to take a simplistic approach to the aids.  I always disliked how to many things were jammed into one chart so I tried to keep it simple.

    For the setup charts they are just the units, and meant to be put away once set up.  I hated how you had unit info charts on them that were really small and forced you to keep the bulky setup charts with your boxes so I split that up as well.  I made a full page IPC tracker up to 88 which still might not be enough when the USA gets to full speed.  I did a full page NO, with the multiples noted to stack markers rather than make a ton of extra spaces.  I also hated how the Tech chart was part of the other ones so I split that off as well.  Since you won’t play with Tech all the time you can take it out as needed and store it if not.  I didn’t make a battle board since Mickelson’s is perfect IMO the way it is.

    I’ve read through each of them a number of times so there should not be anything missing in the setups, nor noticeable spelling errors :D

    Lastly, all of these have been designed around a 8.5 x 11 (Letter) size so no funky paper needed.  I printed out a full set on an old Epson Photo printer and they look MINT so I hope you all enjoy them.  Any suggestions please post here as I’ve saved them in layers so future updates shouldn’t be that time consuming… hopefully.

    One more thing, don’t use the photobucket files, they are reduced use the mediafire links below.






  • Great work! Thanks!

  • Those are really nice, great work!

  • These are by far the BEST aids out there yet!

  • Could you use the same style and graphics, to make an chart for the RULES updates?

    That addendum is REALLY required aswell :S

    Excellent work!

  • @Gargantua:

    Could you use the same style and graphics, to make an chart for the RULES updates?

    That addendum is REALLY required aswell :S

    Excellent work!

    I will add it to the list.  Trying to think of a good way to present them on a chart.  There is a lot there.  I’ll see what I can do.

  • Somehow i’m getting a red x in Microsoft Office Picture Manager when i open them.  The preview in the folder works fine and i can open it in ms paint…… any one else?

  • You need something a bit better than MS Paint for a PNG file I think.  If you absolutely cannot figure it out I might be able to save you some .jpgs which will work in Paint.  Try a free version of Photoshop :)

  • @94Canuck:

    Hello everyone, seems like there have been a ton of Setup Charts and Game Aids that have come out in last week or so since Alpha + 2 was released.  I normally wait for Bob Mickelson’s charts since they are very well done, however he has stated he won’t be updating his Global charts until the rules are finalized.  Not wanting to wait I decided to try my hand at making some of my own.  As you can tell these are clearly inspired by Mickelson’s charts, however I didn’t use any of his material before people say I stole his stuff :)  I scanned all my textures and images from my own AAA games and created the templates from scratch.  Now, since since is the first time I’ve ever attempted such a thing outside of MS Paint I am really happy with the outcome.

    These look great. Seriously can we get a sticky on this? BTW thanks for not stealing my source material as a template. It can be quite discouraging when someone tries to pass of something that is 99% your creation as their own, especially when the original took many many hours to create.

    Great job.

  • Thanks Bob, as I said they were inspired by yours, I have basically everyone you’ve ever done printed for my other games.  Needed something to tide me over till you updated and these came out.  Better than I had hoped, and you are right about the time invested.  I started working on these the day after that Alpha 2 came out… what’s that a week ago now?  I’ve spent probably 3 to 5 hours every day on them.  I had to learn literally everything as I went which is why it took so long but now that they are templated I think I can update or modify them without much trouble.

    Thanks for the sticky as well, glad you guys are liking them.

  • @Bob_A_Mickelson:


    Hello everyone, seems like there have been a ton of Setup Charts and Game Aids that have come out in last week or so since Alpha + 2 was released.  I normally wait for Bob Mickelson’s charts since they are very well done, however he has stated he won’t be updating his Global charts until the rules are finalized.  Not wanting to wait I decided to try my hand at making some of my own.  As you can tell these are clearly inspired by Mickelson’s charts, however I didn’t use any of his material before people say I stole his stuff :)  I scanned all my textures and images from my own AAA games and created the templates from scratch.  Now, since since is the first time I’ve ever attempted such a thing outside of MS Paint I am really happy with the outcome.

    These look great. Seriously can we get a sticky on this? BTW thanks for not stealing my source material as a template. It can be quite discouraging when someone tries to pass of something that is 99% your creation as their own, especially when the original took many many hours to create.

    Great job.

    but its fine if we dont share it with others right? because i modified your charts for private use and since i am the only one using it i know that most of the work was yours so im not passing it of as my own

  • I like them. One thing i did notice though is that your conduct combat and noncombat move are both listed as step # 4, meaning all of your steps from then on need to have one added to them.

  • Good catch, there is always something :)  I will updated that later today.

  • These are fantastic!  They put my charts to shame!  Great work!

  • @axisisthebest:

    but its fine if we dont share it with others right? because i modified your charts for private use and since i am the only one using it i know that most of the work was yours so im not passing it of as my own

    That is my personal view. As long as someone isn’t passing them on to others claiming (or implying) them as their own work, I don’t have a problem with people modifying them.

  • @Bob_A_Mickelson:


    but its fine if we dont share it with others right? because i modified your charts for private use and since i am the only one using it i know that most of the work was yours so im not passing it of as my own

    That is my personal view. As long as someone isn’t passing them on to others claiming (or implying) them as their own work, I don’t have a problem with people modifying them.


  • Hey Mickelson, did you ever see that Axis and Allies Globe I made - for a forum avatar?

    Wasn’t it dope!

  • I’m printing these out now and will be mounting them to thin cardboard.  They will look like the AA50 charts when done.  Thanks a bunch!

  • TripleA


    I’m printing these out now and will be mounting them to thin cardboard.  They will look like the AA50 charts when done.  Thanks a bunch!

    No worries.  I went out and got a large black piece of picture matte, was $15 and a can of adhesive spray.  They really do look great with a hard backing, should last a long time.  (Assuming I don’t have to change them with more changes from Larry :) )

  • Many thank you’s for all this work! It’s exactly what I needed to keep all the new updates straight. Hats off to you!

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