you can always modify it yourself if you want like me, it only took a couple of hours. i also did the task force markers
Latest posts made by axisisthebest
RE: Bob_A_Mickelson's AAE40 National Production/National Objective & Setup Charts
RE: Tactical Bombers in Alpha +2
yes i live in new zealand, i sent WOTC an email and they posted the extra tacs to me free of charge and earlier than i expected to.
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RE: 94Canuck's Global 1940 Alpha + 2 Setup Charts and Game Aids
Hello everyone, seems like there have been a ton of Setup Charts and Game Aids that have come out in last week or so since Alpha + 2 was released. I normally wait for Bob Mickelson’s charts since they are very well done, however he has stated he won’t be updating his Global charts until the rules are finalized. Not wanting to wait I decided to try my hand at making some of my own. As you can tell these are clearly inspired by Mickelson’s charts, however I didn’t use any of his material before people say I stole his stuff :) I scanned all my textures and images from my own AAA games and created the templates from scratch. Now, since since is the first time I’ve ever attempted such a thing outside of MS Paint I am really happy with the outcome.
These look great. Seriously can we get a sticky on this? BTW thanks for not stealing my source material as a template. It can be quite discouraging when someone tries to pass of something that is 99% your creation as their own, especially when the original took many many hours to create.
Great job.
but its fine if we dont share it with others right? because i modified your charts for private use and since i am the only one using it i know that most of the work was yours so im not passing it of as my own
RE: Bob_A_Mickelson's AAG40 National Production/Objectives and Setup Charts
i have modified bobs charts for alpha+2 europe and pacific setups and also made task force markers for europe. i wont put it on the internet unless i get permission to do so
RE: Bob_A_Mickelson's AAG40 National Production/Objectives and Setup Charts
The files are locked, can’t modify the layers. I have been working on my own, not as fancy as Bob’s, and I wouldn’t give the source files out. I can’t imagine the time he has spent on these, I think that is a pretty unreasonable request.
i assume that means that we can edit the ones that we do have access to then? or is that still a violation of copyright?
RE: Bob_A_Mickelson's AAG40 National Production/Objectives and Setup Charts
would it be an inconvenience for you to send people your complete files by email, as in with all the different layers intact for others to play around with? or can you already seperate the layers with the current files?
RE: Bob_A_Mickelson's AAG40 National Production/Objectives and Setup Charts
how long do you think it will take you after finalisation to complete the update of the charts of global and pacific and make the europe charts?
Just a few questions. I have read these posts as well as those on Larry’s website.
1. Will Alpha + be published and replace the AA Global 40 rules and set up?
2. Is Alpha +1 an update to Alpha +?
3. Will you need a new map or are all the download maps just for electronic use?I am following multiple forums on this subject and I think many of us would like to see LHG nail this one soon. After playing for 20 years I am looking forward to a XMAS break with friends and the new games, but w/o the fuss of evolving rule sets.
yes, yes, no. changes include NO changes setup changes and rules changes you do not need to replace the map
RE: Latest ALPHA+ setup
apparently its slightly unbalanced to the axis now. some people have suggested ditch the split US NO or the minor to major rule or increase to 7 VCs. i think that 6 VCs, minor to major and split US NO is overkill. maybe if its only 2 out of 3 of those might make it more balanced such that US still needs to intervene in the pacific but can also help more in europe. for example keep split NO and minor to major but increase to 7 VCs or keep 6 VCs and split NO but ditch minor to major. something like that
in terms of setup are the only differences between global and the separate games the 18 infantry and 1 AA gun of russia in pacific map and the 2 infantry of anzac in the europe map?