Chompers, I am going to assume re you playing WITH the Alpha rules- as the thread stipulates that this is what it’s about.
I’m glad you agree Chomp that all games are fluid. A heavier Japanese Focus on Hawaii early, would mean a different strategy for India and Anzac, where as a typical German Sealion yield different counter strategies than a typical Barbarossa
What if Germany stacks inf/art at its primary means of attacking Russia? How is Russia coming up with the numbers to stop them before they’re within sight of Moscow if they’re also dispatching units to other theaters? Or finding the IPC’s to match even the starting German armor? It would seem to me that every unit built is critical to the struggle against Germany as they possess both an economic advantage as well as one in unit count. I know its a long road to the heart of Russia, but all too soon the Germans are gonna be knocking on the door and you might be left wishing those spare infantry were a little closer to home.
I read this question as two fold with optional strategies that can be used congruently, or independantly.
How to fight off a Barbarossa with Russia: First things first, a good strategy can only be developed the moment the Germans Attack. Likelky G2 or G3. Their buys should FORECAST whether this is going to happen or not. As the Russians, your starting income is quite solid - 37 IPC’, that’s MORE than Germany starts with. A a fighter early can help you later, But the main stay of your force should be in this order. Men, Tanks, and Artillery. Mechanized units have their uses at times, but not in FORCE for Russia.
Option strategy A. Control the route of the initial invasion Use your stacks as impassable objects on the map, to control what territories the Germans can take, IE you know they are going to BLAST Eastern Poland, but only have a handful of ground units in Poland. Park a stack of maybe 15 units in the Baltic states, it offers you a counter. or a strafe, and it prevents them from taking that territory G2, which means they have to bleed off a unit G3 to take it, or whatever…
Karelia is another good example of this. Use your Starting Battlship to block ANY possible invasion of Novogord. abandon Vyborg, and park your aa and whatever units you can in Karelia, sometimes a destroyer buy early can also stop the germans from boating around and coming in from Sz112 landing in Nenstia, but regardless, if you have a fat stack with aa in Karelia, it more or less prevents him from attacking, because he has to splt off to take vyborg, face your stack, or face your attack into Finland.
Optioan Strategy B. Use the Strafe. Yes you have 4, 6, maybe 10 tanks, but if you attack and liberate your territory, they are exposed and destroyed. You are also facing mostly medium stacks of defending infantry, which will mince meat your infantry if you just attack with those. so STRAFE THE STACK go in there for 1 round, get 5 or 6 hits, take your 2 or 3 hits, and retreat. This also works well with STRATEGIC RETREATS This is where you attack from several territories, all at the same time, go in for one round, hit them hard, and retreat to another territory in which you intend to hold them off, hence, sometimes moving your units 2 or 3 territories by design.
Optional Strategy C. Focus on killing infantry. If you make your focus killing the German infantry, eventually they won’t have any fodder left for your tanks. DON’T just leave infantry out there that you didn’t even try to attack, especially if you know they will be clustered later and used against you.
Optional Strategy D. Leave some territories empty, if you know you CAN’T defend them. If he blitzes, kill his tanks. If you had left a unit behind, it was going to die anyways under the jack boot of his massive attacks.
How to fight off a Barbarossa as the Western Allies
Aircraft will be used against your Russian Ally exstentively. Coax the germans into using there aircraft to scramble, and trade them plane for plane if necessary. You have planes to trade, Russia does not, and neither does germany. Even if the germans rebuild their planes, thats $10 that they didn’t just spend on men.
Build only the navy you need in which to survive an attack from the germans make eveything else ground units or transports. For the U.S. that means your starting navy might just be enough, if the germans aren’t sending anything south towards Gibraltar. Just build ground units and transports, to get in the fight quickly, shucking whatever you can into africa and europe to draw units off of russia, by threatening and taking territorie from the axis. Remember, you can’t get to Russia to help, so you better draw the axis into France quickly.
Focus on pulling the teeth. Take away the Germany Navy, it’s adding huge mobilitiy to the offensive in Russia. It doesn’t matter what you have to sacrfice to do this, if it means it’s going to stop the germans BUTT COLD in Moscow. Make sure they aren’t shuck tons of units into Novogord from Berlin. Invade Norway and fight them there if you have to, if there navy is out of range.
Widdle Widdle Widdle, every Axis unit you kill, is one the Russians don’t have to fight. Do what it takes to get in the way, and get it done.