From new A&A Europe Rule Book, reprint and purchased this week.
Page 30, last paragraph under Air Units: Air units can hit submarines only if a friendly destroyer is in the battle.
Page 32, Submarines: Unit Characteristics: Can’t Be Hit by Air Units: When attacking or defending, hits scored by air units can’t be assigned to submarines unless there is a destroyer that is friendly to the air units in the battle.
Page 32, Destroyers: Unit Characteristics: last paragraph … cancels the following characteristics of all enemy submarines in that battle: Surprise Strike, Submersible, and Can’t Be Hit by Air Units. …
Sub in alpha 3
are the german sub the unly unit to disrupt convoy now?
All submarines do Convoy Raid Damage, German Submarines do it more effectively.
Germany does 3 CRD
USA, Australia, England (And India), Italy, Japan and Russia do 2 CRD
China does 0 CRD (cannot buy submarines)It would take 3 Japanese submarines to do 6 dmg to England, but it only takes 2 Germany submarines to do 6 dmg to England.