I’m not that tall, only 6’-4". I’m the shortest in my family. But most times when I’m in a group, I’m the tallest of several Pauls, so that’s what they call me, “Tall Paul”.
Yes, I’d agree completely with you on there being way too many +s in the game already, and IMHO the ideas for these commander units has gone TOO FAR perhaps.
I really like the SIMPLICITY of ideas like you can’t do PARATROOP DROPS unless you have an Air Force General within range. Simple, Logical, and Fast in gameplay terms. I think everyone could come up with some excellent ideas like these without radically changing the game and making it even more complicated.
For example along the lines of Simple, Logical, and Fast thinking,…In the game that Tigerman and I are designing of The Solomons Campaign, We’re probably going to adopt some of the House Rules(sometimes modified) from this forum(giving credit where it’s due), like:
All Infantry have an attack factor of 1. When attacking they are boosted to a 2 by
We might even include Tac-Bombers in this boosting for the Infantry.
This represents the combined arms approach and is very Simple, Logical, and Fast to implement.
Another SL&F idea:
All Tac-Bombers have an attack factor of 3. When attacking they are boosted to a 4 when there are NO ENEMY FIGHTERS present.
I think these are two of the Imperious Leaders best suggestions that I’ve heard. There are more HRs from other people as well, but these seemed to illustrate the Simple, Logical, and Fast method best.
As I Say,…What Do YA’LL Think???
“Tall Paul”
Simple yet memorable. Agree. But I simply don’t like messing with the paratrooper rule and commanders. You’re dividing the commanders into 3 types first off, and so we have that many more abilities for each one - that’s not my idea of simplicity. Second off… it doesn’t do anything for me - just my opinion, might as well not even have it. My third reason for not being a fan of it may only be an isolated reason, but I plan on having actual paratrooper representations and planes for the task someday, and an air force commander will be necessary as well? No… think I’ll stick to the hybrid commanders rule I mention above - which I feel is an apt representation. But they are house rules so hey, whatever you like (I’m thinking that DFW’s cancel out rule would go nicely with the commander rules as well - nice one Supertrooper). That’s why it’s all good, such as using the other rules you mentioned - it’s all about finding what suits your game, or particular group. I have one crew who doesn’t accept any house rules or tech., NA’s or NO’s. While another likes adding heaps of rules - and admittedly, some of them are really cool - but strings out the game even more. While others just add slight tweaks that are barely noticeable. I seek the in-between for (ultimately), a nicely edited pdf for my own house games :wink: