I believe you misunderstood me. Let me better explain my ideas.
1. Yes, I take it that it is UNDERSTOOD that all units everywhere are lead by someone and to represent this would obviously be ridiculous.
2. The “Commander” units that we’re talking about would represent SPECIFIC
leaders with SPECIFIC abilities, and have a certain RANGE. We all agree that many wartime operations took specialists in their field to plan and execute,…such as Paratroop Drops, Large Amphibious Invasions, etc., etc. And this is only a part of what the “Commander” units could represent.
3. The AIRBASE does NOT represent the funtions of Air HQ, rather it only adds capabilities available through the physical base improvement itself.
4. The Air Force General could add capabilities such as PARATROOP DROPS and other improvements/capabilities within the “range” of his command.
Since there is no “fog of war” in A&A, when a player chooses to place an Air Force General in an area his opponent would have to take into consideration the improved capabilities that the Air Force General would represent , and plan his dispositions accordingly.
5. As far as a Naval Admiral, Yes, the Fleet (or Task Force) Commander would ride on the ships giving them the improved capabilities of his command. One of the improvements/capabilities might be LARGE INVASIONS as well as others.
I couldn’t agree more that it would look stupid putting an Army General next to a Battleship and claiming he is the captain. The ship already has a captain. And I certainly didn’t propose that. The player could easily paint or lable the “Commander” as a Navy Admiral. The Fleet (or Task Force) Commander is what I was representing with a Navy Admiral commander unit.
That is why there are ARMY Generals, AIR FORCE Generals and NAVY Admirals in my plan. They each have something in the form of improvements and/or capabilities that they would add to the forces under their command.
There are many “improvements” or “capabilites” that each commander might be able to add to the units under his command(in his “range”). Obvious ones would be:
Paratroop Drops, Large Naval Invasions, Encirclements(?), Etc., Etc.
I think we should discuss further what “capabilities”,…and what “combat enhancements” we would want. Remember, we need it to be Logical, Simple and Fast in gameplay terms to be most useful.
Thus, simply the presence an Air Force General would allow Paratroop Drops, Etc. within the “range” of his command.
Remember, by adding all of these new units, and their capabilities,…we are not only complicating the gameplay, but potentially making the games much loooonger. I think it would be in everyone’s interest to keep in mind “the big picture” of TIME and COMPLEXITY. IMHO we would be best served by making any changes we add as simple and streamlined to USE as possible.
There are several people with really good ideas concerning these “Commander” units. IMHO we should discuss which of these would be best to include BASED on the SIMPLICITY and SPEED of there execution in our games.
As I Say,…What Do YA’LL Think???
“Tall Paul”