• '10

    Hope I’m not doing anything wrong by posting this, and I’m not trying to advertise for these people, but I just happened to stumble upon gametableonline today and it has AA 1942 available for Beta testing to play on it.

    Now I can’t remember for sure, but I think the setup wasn’t dead-on with the OTB, but if it wasn’t it was pretty close. The game did actually freeze on me. I lost connection and then reconnected wrong from what it was when I left. Gave up after that, so if this happens often it might not be worth it. But like I said, it is beta testing.

    I’m pretty green when it come to experiece playing AA (a total of about 12 rounds), but from hanging around here I think I have a little better knowledge of the game than some other newbie with that little experience. Just played against the A.I., but it was smart enough to make me pay for a couple awfully dumb, obvious rookie mistakes and a couple “mistakes” getting used to the gameplay. I played as the axis and was two, three turns from taking Moscow with Japan, but was probably 3-4 turns from being in big trouble with the U.S. fleet in the Pacific. Without the mistakes it probably ends a few turns earlier. Then everything went to hell and froze.

    Just happy to get a game that far to be honest. Will have to give it a try again tonight.

    Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know it was out there.

    Be the ball

  • @Col.:

    Hope I’m not doing anything wrong by posting this, and I’m not trying to advertise for these people, but I just happened to stumble upon gametableonline today and it has AA 1942 available for Beta testing to play on it.

    Now I can’t remember for sure, but I think the setup wasn’t dead-on with the OTB, but if it wasn’t it was pretty close. The game did actually freeze on me. I lost connection and then reconnected wrong from what it was when I left. Gave up after that, so if this happens often it might not be worth it. But like I said, it is beta testing.

    I’m pretty green when it come to experiece playing AA (a total of about 12 rounds), but from hanging around here I think I have a little better knowledge of the game than some other newbie with that little experience. Just played against the A.I., but it was smart enough to make me pay for a couple awfully dumb, obvious rookie mistakes and a couple “mistakes” getting used to the gameplay. I played as the axis and was two, three turns from taking Moscow with Japan, but was probably 3-4 turns from being in big trouble with the U.S. fleet in the Pacific. Without the mistakes it probably ends a few turns earlier. Then everything went to hell and froze.

    Just happy to get a game that far to be honest. Will have to give it a try again tonight.

    Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know it was out there.

    Be the ball

    Can you link me to it?

  • '16 '15 '10

    Kudos to GTO for releasing Spring 42.  Fair warning tho–the game is in beta testing.  When it’s finished, we may have to play a modest activation fee to play it.  It’s a fun version, but I wish GTO would offer better save/edit options.  Who has the time to sit and play one single game for 6-7 hours straight?

    Note that there is another way to play 42 live online (using the free TripleA software) that has way more features (save/edit/and much more) and no bugs as far as I’m aware. It can be found here


  • '10


    I also agree that a save feature would have been nice. will have to try tripleA

  • It’s a painfully bad AI, once you figure out how to exploit it.  An aggressive Pearl Harbor 2 and a threatening Japanese naval stack causes it to buy many US Carriers and place them without fighters, and it always leaves India light on defense so Japan can take it easily and usually clears out Australia completely on the first round, trying to island hop.

    I miss the days when it was free to play by email.  I refuse to pay for a buggy app, especially as much as they charge for it because you’d need to play MANY games with MANY people at the same time and I just don’t have the time.  But back in the day (couple years ago) the revised edition was pretty grand to challenge people on facebook for free.  And then they decided to charge for PBE.  You can obviously still play in realtime, but again, lotta time to sit in front of a compy on a buggy program.

  • I have played a few games of the 1942 Beta on GTO, its ok, they do offer both dice and low luck, some phaze timer features n such, and they do keep stats however, no edit and no save (for killer long games) at least in the beta version … Not trying to disrespect GTO, TripleA seems better imo, at least for A&A, come join us Col. Web … we need more Spring 1942 players. :)


  • I saw another person post this a few weeks ago. I have to say it’s pretty impressive! Live play is pretty cool. The A.I. is horrible though, very easy to beat. Creating a table and playing with others is the way to go.

    Wonder if they is going to be any big differences after the BETA version?

    EDIT: Just downloaded TripleA, never saw a link on where to so I never did. I’ll give this a shot too :-D

  • Are all the graphics on the maps on Abattlemap and TripleA that bad? Are there no maps where it’s the original board like Gametableonline has to offer?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Anyone have a clue why Triple a crashes on my comp, have had it earlier butt now it doesn´t work i updated my java s well.

    heres the error message when i try accessing the online lobby:

    games.strategy.engine.message.ConnectionLostException: Connection Lost
    at games.strategy.engine.message.UnifiedMessenger.messengerInvalid(UnifiedMessenger.java:122)
    at games.strategy.engine.message.UnifiedMessenger.access$000(UnifiedMessenger.java:47)
    at games.strategy.engine.message.UnifiedMessenger$1.messengerInvalid(UnifiedMessenger.java:85)
    at games.strategy.net.ClientMessenger.socketError(ClientMessenger.java:291)
    at games.strategy.net.nio.NIOSocket.error(NIOSocket.java:129)
    at games.strategy.net.nio.NIOReader.loop(NIOReader.java:212)
    at games.strategy.net.nio.NIOReader.access$000(NIOReader.java:45)
    at games.strategy.net.nio.NIOReader$1.run(NIOReader.java:79)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Invoker Stack
    at java.lang.Thread.getStackTrace(Unknown Source)
    at games.strategy.engine.message.MessengerException.fillInInvokerStackTrace(MessengerException.java:36)
    at games.strategy.engine.message.UnifiedInvocationHandler.invoke(UnifiedInvocationHandler.java:77)
    at $Proxy4.getAllStatus(Unknown Source)
    at games.strategy.engine.chat.StatusManager.<init>(StatusManager.java:66)
    at games.strategy.engine.chat.Chat.<init>(Chat.java:64)
    at games.strategy.engine.chat.Chat.<init>(Chat.java:76)
    at games.strategy.engine.lobby.client.ui.LobbyFrame.<init>(LobbyFrame.java:64)
    at games.strategy.engine.framework.startup.ui.MetaSetupPanel.connectToLobby(MetaSetupPanel.java:175)
    at games.strategy.engine.framework.startup.ui.MetaSetupPanel.access$100(MetaSetupPanel.java:34)
    at games.strategy.engine.framework.startup.ui.MetaSetupPanel$5.actionPerformed(MetaSetupPanel.java:134)
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown Source)
    at org.jvnet.substance.utils.RolloverButtonListener.mouseReleased(RolloverButtonListener.java:111)
    at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)</init></init></init></init>

  • '16 '15 '10

    Hmm sry Nix no clue.  Make sure you’ve downloaded and installed the latest edition of TripleA (stable) and use that when you try to log into the lobby.  The lobby was down briefly last nite so something like that could also be the cause.

  • '10

    :-D          tripleA is the best thing going!


  • '10

    I agree McLovin. I think it looks looks brilliant, bit the A.I. is very easy. At the end of a game it says something about novice level, but I don’t see ahywhere else to change it before or during the game.

    I’ve tried a game with triplea, but the controls were a little clunky to me. Not use to it yet, but having a save feature is very nice. I sometimes can’t tell the units apart on triplea though, and couldn’t figure out loading transports at all. Would also be nicer if the maps did look a little more like the original, but that’s not a gamebreaker to me.

    If they get the A.I. straight and add a save feature I’ll be playing very often.

  • '10

    Played another triplea game, and much better this time. Don’t know what I was doing with the transports the first time, but had no problem with them this time. The A.I. is much better than gametable’s, but gametable’s map is much nicer.

    Both are great for me because I can’t find anyone to play in real life. I mean, it takes 2-3 hours just to play A.I. on a computer. Can’t find anyone with that much time anymore.

  • Anyone want to play a gametable game.

    I am new to online, played board game for a long time.

    Is “triplea” more active and do they have revised on triplea.

    Is this the triplea people refer to?  tripleawarclub.org

    I don’t think it has revised.

  • Replying to myself.  I installed tripleA and I then was talked through how to add revised addition.  I am now learning that interface.  I like gametable better so I could play someone there now while I learn AAA.

    tdfxman@yahoo.com is my email.

  • Just as a heads up, all A&A games on gametableonline.com are free of bugs and stuff now. That was just for beta testing to work out all those kinks. I play it all the time now on there. Subscription is cheap too: $4.00 a month for unlimited Play By E-mail of all games on the site.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Just a heads up… Triple A is awesome and costs NOTHING, has ALL versions, customizable options, and multiple methods of play!

    Not to mention about 100 other games like Fortress America etc…  You need to try it too!

  • @Gargantua:

    Just a heads up… Triple A is awesome and costs NOTHING, has ALL versions, customizable options, and multiple methods of play!

    Not to mention about 100 other games like Fortress America etc…  You need to try it too!

    I play both and they are completely different experiences:


    • Focus on Revised and Spring 1942 (only has those)
    • A LOT more competitive than TripleA
    • A much bigger player base and player ranking
    • Has timers to speed up play
    • Much less features (no edit function, no costumization, etc)
    • Official engine - uses all A&A artwork, etc.


    • Has more than 100 games, including all strategic Axis and Allies
    • Smaller player base and dispersed through the different games (World At War, New World Order, etc.)
    • No way to penalize droppers/stallers (on GTO you get assigned automatic wins for your ranking)
    • Completely moddable and costumizable
    • With the exception of original maps made by developers all other games are clones of commercial ones.

  • So I HAVE seen you on the other site. I thought your Profile Pic looked familiar.

    I do prefer Gametable’s accurate maps. Still hoping for 1940 to show on on there; maybe there will be a better chance with the 2nd edition coming out…

  • @TheVenocWarlord:

    So I HAVE seen you on the other site. I thought your Profile Pic looked familiar.

    I do prefer Gametable’s accurate maps. Still hoping for 1940 to show on on there; maybe there will be a better chance with the 2nd edition coming out…

    GTO forums? Yeah, that’s me too :)

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