A scrambled plane cannot hit sub without a DD.
Yeah my mistake. I was thinking the plane could hit the sub, but it can’t w/o a def destroyer.
This came up in a game where Germany seemed intent on sealion and America decided it would be prudent to retake london so i am just looking for verification the US can park there.
In my game i had the american navy and loaded transports in the mid atlantic ready to land anywhere. Figured if the germans attacked me it would cost them in the long run.
US while neutral cannot enter UK or any other non original US territory.
As long as they’re not adjacent to Africa or Europe (including Iceland), it’s legal.
Hes is intimating that USA will retake London if it falls. He can’t do that.
You can have your navy in position, but you can’t attack German troops in England unless an Axis power has declared war on you or its after Turn 3.
Germany would have a hard time taking the UK before turn 3 anyway.
As long as you remember they’re only going seal spotting; they’re not serving overseas. Not our boys.
Copy. I can park my navy off the canadian naval base while not at war but i can not use its land territories or the base facilities until america is at war. For that matter if england falls america can not liberate it until something brings the US into the war.
If UK falls on G2 they get that build before USA, which if they also and planes, the game is hard to come back from.
If UK falls on G2 they get that build before USA, which if they also and planes, the game is hard to come back from.
G2 Sealion is unlikely. G3 is more likely