Thank you! Seems like G2 is better than G3.
Does Sealion break the Game(Europe Only)
the game is not broken with Sealion. Larry himself said that he built it into the game–you guys are chasing a ghost. There is absolutely zero assurance that taking over the UK gives the Axis an auto-win. Go ahead and build eleven transports for two turns and watch Stalin smile. Puny Italy has no chance agains the US in Africa. There is still enough material in Africa to check the dagos before the US butts in. Russia will become the historical colossus. This is all just “mental masturbation”–who Can-Try-To-Find-A-Flaw and run apeshit with it.
to be fair there IS a precedent in this franchise of there being such a flaw…. :)
There is also a precedent for there not being such a flaw(1942, original Pacific)
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Sep 14, 2010, 12:47 AM
to be fair there IS a precedent in this franchise of there being such a flaw…. Smiley
That would be AAE original and AAP40?
… and AA Pacific, and Bulge.
… and AA Pacific, and Bulge.
Bulge was broken? I had the impression that it was balanced, assuming you were extremely smart with the allies
I thought D-Day tended to have pretty predictable outcomes.
I liked D-Day the best.
I found that if I advanced along a broad front in Bulge, I only needed to get to the middle of the board and I had my 24 points before the allies started using their planes.
Maybe I didn’t give the game enough of a chance.
Original – huge allied advantage
Europe – german advantage
Pacific – Japanese (I have heard)
Revised - allied advantage
d-day – huge german advantage even with larry’s post release “fixes”
bulge – I have not played it
Guadalcanal – balanced. This game is awesome, I am surprised more people do not play it and discuss it
50th Anniversary – 4 scenarios (1941, 1942, with or without national objectives) all unbalanced
Spring 42 – balanced. This is a great update of revised.
Pac40 – japan has huge advantage
Euro40 – I have not played it
Global40 – I have only played it a few times but it seems to favour the allies. Despite germany being able to threaten early sealion, which forcing uk into same reaction everygame (boring) it seems the allies still have a huge advantage. Granted this is from a small sample of games.
Ahh, I forgot I was referring to the AAP revised setup(sort of like the upcoming revised setup to P40). However, can you list how unbalanced each game is(i.e. what bid is needed to balance the game).
I know when AA Europe was being played back on Don’s Axis & Allies forum (whatever happened to that site?) the bid was over $30 and rising. I remember Hartman was at the top of the ladder and was still beating members as Germany even w/ $30 +.
Pacific over at Days of Infamy was bid w/ Victory points, not money. They were bidding b/n 26 and 27 VPs, if I remember right.
Seriously? Even 10 inf in Belarus didn’t help?
I wasn’t playing online at the time, but I do remember the bids being rediculoulsy high - and this Hartman guy and M&M cleaning up w/ the Germans.
M&M? Who’s that?
Was he winning because he was a much better player or because the game is THAT unbalanced?
On that forum, the way that a ladder worked, you either gained points for winning a game, or lost points. How many points you won or lost depended on the spread b/n the 2 players. If 1 player had alot of points played a newbie with no points, the higher player had lots at stake as he could lose the difference in points to the newbie. The higher players tended to play higher players. Newbies had to work theri way up to challenge the higher guys.
Hartman and M&M were in the 1 - 2 spots for a long time until the forum closed down, I think.
Days of Infamy worked the same way.
Okay, can someone list the 4 anniversary scenarios and approximate bigs needed(and which side needs it)?
Ahh, I forgot I was referring to the AAP revised setup(sort of like the upcoming revised setup to P40). However, can you list how unbalanced each game is(i.e. what bid is needed to balance the game).
Original – 25-30ipc to axis
Europe – i dont remember, but the problem was germany could tank rush moscow, if a medium sized bid was given to stop the rush then axis had no chance so even with bidding it was hard to balance this game.
Pacific – victory points were bid on instead of ipcs
Revised - 9ipc to axis(this was not a range of ipcs. 9ipcs and only one bid unit per territory made this game perfectly balanced)
d-day – there was no production so there were no ipc bids. we did not figure out another bid method as the game is not as fun as other games so we only played it a handful of times.
bulge – I have not played it
Guadalcanal – balanced. This game is awesome, I am surprised more people do not play it and discuss it
50th Anniversary – 4 scenarios (1941, 1942, with or without national objectives) all unbalanced. the bids were dependent on scenario. if i remember correctly then… 1941 with objectives had bid going to allies 9-14ipc. 1942 without objectives axis get about 10ipc
Spring 42 – balanced. This is a great update of revised.
Pac40 – allies +15-25ipc.
Euro40 – I have not played it
Global40 – I have only played it a few times but it seems to favour the allies. Despite germany being able to threaten early sealion, which forcing uk into same reaction everygame (boring) it seems the allies still have a huge advantage. Granted this is from a small sample of games.
Perfectly balanced game: 2 countries, each with 1 territory. They border each other. Each has 3 ipcs(value of the capital) and a major factory.
The advantyage still goes to the guy who moves first …
The advantyage still goes to the guy who moves first …
How? 1st guy builds an inf, 2nd guy builds an inf. 1st guy can’t attack
Its like chess. White has a slight advantage in moving first b/c they get to set up the first piece.
Its like chess. White has a slight advantage in moving first b/c they get to set up the first piece.
Not really. My game is like world war 1 on the Western Front. Since inf defend twice as much as they attack, and each side will have equal inf, then the game is a draw