• Func, what is the box called "Gibraltar used for?(It’s the one with the various boxes to denote Russia having German territories for 6 ipcs).

  • Just additional space in case you need it (per example, an Axis control marker)

  • Okay. Remeber that Philippines has an airbase and Argentina has 4 inf, not 2

  • @Funcioneta:

    If that’s the case, I’ll try end a full version of my module soon or later. That means that I’ll have to deal with the dreaded convoy system  :| I have not much time now in autumm, so let’s see what can I do … anyway, the graphics will not be very good even in my full version

    Func, don’t sweat the convoys too much.  I’m sure most of us don’t want to wait for an improved version (with on map labels for territories and sea zones, and better graphics) just because the convoys don’t work.

    In the meantime, your beta version is working fine for us.  Would be nice to get the sea zone numbers done, first of all.  I think that’s more important than the territory names that are much easier to remember, for those of us who already know our geography.

    Thanks, and let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

  • @gamerman01:


    If that’s the case, I’ll try end a full version of my module soon or later. That means that I’ll have to deal with the dreaded convoy system  :| I have not much time now in autumm, so let’s see what can I do … anyway, the graphics will not be very good even in my full version

    Func, don’t sweat the convoys too much.  I’m sure most of us don’t want to wait for an improved version (with on map labels for territories and sea zones, and better graphics) just because the convoys don’t work.

    In the meantime, your beta version is working fine for us.  Would be nice to get the sea zone numbers done, first of all.  I think that’s more important than the territory names that are much easier to remember, for those of us who already know our geography.

    Thanks, and let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

    I agree, we can just use the damage markers for now.  Besides, according to the rules, the players are suppossed to remember about the convoys themselves.  So if they don’t put on the damage markers…oh well.

  • Please number the Caspian sea, which is an actual sea zone, and make Mongolia the same color as other neutrals

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Please number the Caspian sea, which is an actual sea zone, and make Mongolia the same color as other neutrals

    I second the motion.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Please number the Caspian sea, which is an actual sea zone, and make Mongolia the same color as other neutrals

    Yes, please make the colore scheme the same- make the map more uniform- don’t care about the pretty stuff.

  • Fix the map so Z109 borders Z118, like it actually does in the game. Right now, they just touch corners

  • How will the convoy zones work.
    Could you add one item to the toolbar for all nations that acts as a minus 1 similar to flags on TT.

    If this does not work, how about a Transport image with damage for convoy markers. (like BB and CV and factories etc. that are damaged.)

  • @questioneer:


    Please number the Caspian sea, which is an actual sea zone, and make Mongolia the same color as other neutrals

    Yes, please make the colore scheme the same- make the map more uniform- don’t care about the pretty stuff.

    Yep, I plan doing this in the long run (the color stuff). However, I’ll wait until official FAQ to change Caspian Sea, because it could more changes and because you can put units there in AABattlemap anyway

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Fix the map so Z109 borders Z118, like it actually does in the game. Right now, they just touch corners

    Good point here also

  • @jeffdestroyer:

    How will the convoy zones work.
    Could you add one item to the toolbar for all nations that acts as a minus 1 similar to flags on TT.

    If this does not work, how about a Transport image with damage for convoy markers. (like BB and CV and factories etc. that are damaged.)

    Both solutions could be used as last solution. I’ll try doing the convoy stuff automated, however

    Still, It will need time, because lately I’m not having too much. And I cannot call a version ‘full’ without all the calculations done … and convoys are showing as a tricky stuff to remember manually

  • Hey Func, is there any way the India stats on the info bar could be fixed?  When we place damage markers or other markers on India’s toolbar row, the stat counter counts them and throws the numbers off.  Do you know what I’m trying to describe?

    If this is not fixed, it is more difficult to count up TUV for each side, or even TUV for India.  Thanks.


  • Good news: finally I understand how program convoy raids (it was tricky). Now all I have to do is doing all the maths and such mechanic stuffs. Let’s see if I can end this in a week or so. I’ll add a diplomatic chart to check war status

    Anyway, I want add some optionals. Tell me if you want add some to this list:

    • German supersubs (german subs convoy damage is 3, default OFF as in OOB)
    • Tech ON/OFF, default OFF
    • Tech tokens (persistent researchers like in AA50) ON/OFF, default OFF
    • Directed tech (like in AA Revised), default is OFF, this should not be compatible with the latter
    • USSR-Japan non-agression treaty (marker to see how many IPCs must pay the breaker of the treaty, default will be 0 as in OOB)
    • ACME wall ON/OFF (limitations on China’s movement), default ON  :-P
    • Exiled government (powers with lost capital can colect income and buy/deploy new units), default OFF  :-P
    • VCs needed to win as axis (default is 14)
    • VCs needed to win as allies (default is zero -it doesn’t apply- but can be set to 14 as well or to another amount)

    I cannot add optionals for Canada or Free/Vichy France because that would be too complicated. Other ideas are welcomed  :-)

  • Sounds good, Func, just let us know as soon as it’s ready for use!!!  Looking forward to it!

    The diplomatic status area will be extremely useful to players like me who are playing 5 or 6 games at once.

  • @Funcioneta:

    I’ll add a diplomatic chart to check war status

    I would like to suggest a “Neutral With” chart, instead of an “At War” chart.

    Control markers would be removed as the game progresses.  When all power are at war, then all the control markers are removed. With a quick glance, it is easier to see the short list of who is still neutral with whom, than looking at a longer list of who is at war with whom.

  • Good point BadSpeller, but I need those ‘at war’ markers for the convoy raid system

  • My work continues at good speed. The convoy raids are working now, with the exception of some small issues that I need fix (France raids and some Atlantic zones). After that, all it lefts is doing the optionals boxes (very easy) and polishing a bit the graphics (more tedious that difficult). It’s possible that I release a version without improved graphics and latter add a fix for graphics and also to correct any small errors that I could miss

    The good news is that old savegames work. At least for now  :-)

    Edit for my reference: Ontario-CUSA connection fixed, but z109 correction is still unfixed. Done. Also, Nova Scotia-EUSA connection fixed

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