I downloaded the module in a PC in the university, and it works, so it’s not a problem of the file. It has to be a problem with the instalation. In this test, I instaled AABattlemap from scratch (from daak.de), then F40.gim and then 0.80a update of battlemap (from flamesofeurope). It works, even the convoys
I don’t know what’s the problem in your cases, but you should not edit the sektors because it’s highly probable that you’re going to have compatibility issues (specially with convoys). Try downloading the file again just in case you downloaded it corrupted somehow. Also, beware of direct access (is that the word?), because in some cases are corrupted or not well addressed. Try starting AABattlemap from the .exe file, not from a direct access in desktop
As last solution, send me by e-mail a zip file with your AABattlemap folder (including the F40.gim file instaled) and let’s see if I can discover what happened