• @BadSpeller:


    BTW, you have 2 rows of French ships. Do both cause convoy raids?

    calvin, read, Read, READ, and go back and reread.

    Funcioneta’s already stated in reply #112 and #115 for the answer to your question.

    Neither of them really answers the question. They both say Indian ships are now blue so French can raid convoys

  • Hmm, I am having the same issue as Calvin on my computer.  When I downloaded it earlier today on a different computer, I didn’t notice this problem (all zones and territories are wrong on Europe Board).  It must have been right on that computer, because the convoys worked.  But on this one, everything’s completely off (UK is the Jap NO for Hawaii, for example).

    What is causing this?  I just over-wrote my F40 folder in my Battlemap directory.

  • Mine seems to be fine.

    However, I did delete the old F40.gim file; and then copy paste the new one to the list.

  • @BadSpeller:

    Mine seems to be fine.

    However, I did delete the old F40.gim file; and then copy paste the new one to the list.

    I reinstalled it and it still didn’t work…

  • Not sure what ACME wall option is for. With it on, I can still put chinese units outside china

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Not sure what ACME wall option is for. With it on, I can still put chinese units outside china

    Calvin, it’s so the player remembers what options they’re playing with.  So if the box has the China symbol, it’s OOB China can’t leave China rules.  If it’s empty, you’re playing with Func’s favorite house rule that Chinamen can roam the world and the flying tigers can pounce on Japanese transports.

    ACME wall is Func’s pet peeve.  He did the module, so he gets to leave his signature on it.

  • @gamerman01:


    Not sure what ACME wall option is for. With it on, I can still put chinese units outside china

    Calvin, it’s so the player remembers what options they’re playing with.  So if the box has the China symbol, it’s OOB China can’t leave China rules.  If it’s empty, you’re playing with Func’s favorite house rule that Chinamen can roam the world and the flying tigers can pounce on Japanese transports.

    ACME wall is Func’s pet peeve.  He did the module, so he gets to leave his signature on it.

    I see.

  • Mine is fine.  Looking foward to more updates.  thanks Func :-)

  • I checked the issues noticed by calvin:

    • The optional boxes are only reminders. However, the diplomatic boxes are important if you want to use the auto-convoy feature

    • Territories and SZs are not mismatched (double checked). I guess that is a problem of instalation: you should delete the old F40.gim folder totally and only then install the new one

    • Gamerman is right with the ACME wall (including the pet peeve status  :lol: ). Observe that the default is always the OOB rules (ON in this case). If you don’t want chinamen out of China, Burma and Hong Kong, simply don’t delete the marker, but, in any case, it’s just a reminder

    • The french ships and the convoy system: AABattlemap seems to have a limitation on the number of power that can do and suffer autocalculated convoy raids (asked to and confirmed by Stoney, who did the tutorial). That limit is 8. China (the 9th power) is not a problem for obvious reasons, but France, the 10th, can be a issue because usually at least the Madagascar dd survives and potentially even the Mediterranean fleet could have a chance. If you want auto-calculated convoy raids work, you must mark the proper France-vs-axis power at war box, and use the blue boats included in the 5th/dummy/India row (it’s ‘row’ the word?). The setup starting french fleet is indeed based in those boats. This will allow France do convoy raids. However, in the rare case that Paris is liberated and can collect income before the end of the game, France is NOT going to suffer convoy damage, so you MUST calculate it manually. Finally, if you don’t want auto-calculated convoy raids, simply 1) delete the optional marker, 2) use non-national markers for the diplomatic chart (I advise using pro-axis or pro-allies markers) and 3) delete the fake french boats and use normal french boats of the 10th row

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    BTW, func, Alberta borders CUS

    It doesn’t border. Krieg said this in the FAQs thread

  • I deleted all my ABattlemap modules and reinstalled them. The sectors are still mislabeled. Guess I’ll be doing a lot of Sektor Editing this weekend…

  • That’s indeed odd … you should not edit the sektors. I’ll download the module myself and let’s see if it works

    Edit: this that I did, and it works

    1. Deleted F40.gim folder and all inside(I did a backup, but in another different folder, not in AABattlemap folder)
    2. Downloaded ‘global_1_0’ file
    3. Don’t do a F40.gim folder. This will be done in the next step
    4. Unzipped ‘global_1_0’ to AABattlemap folder. This includes the F40.gim folder
    5. You should start a new game to check. Pick ‘Axis & Allies: Global 1940’

  • Too late. Already fixed East Canadian territories…

    Seems those edits will come back even if I delete the whole thing and reinstall.

  • No, it should not be so. In fact, you’re not installing: it’s pure copy-paste. You could even unzip in a totally different folder and then copy the new F40.gim folder to AABattlemap folder

    Check if you have also installed Stoney’s G40 alpha (the one with Europe board as a big white space). It’s possible that it could interact. If not, check for viruses. Also, be careful: you could accidentally be coping the new F40.gim folder in the old F40.gim folder (a F40.gim folder inside of other)

  • Am I supposed to copy-paste or not?

    I don’t think I have Stoney’s map.

    I deleted the old F40 folder multiple times.

    1. Delete old F40 folder and all files inside
    2. Unzip new F40.gim folder (with all its files inside) and then copy-paste all of it to AABattlemap folder

    Basically, it’s the same thing that you did when you ‘installed’ the fix for the beta version: download, unzip, copy-paste

  • Func, there definitely is some sort of problem.  It works on one computer and not on another of mine.  I did the same thing on both - just over-wrote the F40 folder with your new one.  All files are from your new one and none in the folder are old.  They all match the files in the zip file…

    I think I’m going to be doing a lot of sektor editing as well.  Wanna come over to my place and do mine, Calvin?  :wink:

  • Then, we’ll have to wait until Saturday … then I’ll have access to my portable PC (or laptop or whatever word you use in English) and I’ll install the new module. Let’s see if it works there

    Now I’m working in a PC with Windows XP installed. Also, I’m working with the new latest version of AABattlemap (0.80a, I think).

    A question: it’s only matter of names or convoy raids don’t work as well?

  • Try this: after installing the new module, delete ‘start.AAM’ file. If then works, the problem is with that file. Also, try loading old savegames and tell me if they work (in my case, they work)

  • @Funcioneta:

    Try this: after installing the new module, delete ‘start.AAM’ file. If then works, the problem is with that file. Also, try loading old savegames and tell me if they work (in my case, they work)

    Yes, I had tried old save games and they didn’t work.  I’ll try deleting start.AAM when I’m back at my other computer where I have the problem.

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