question of my own concerning firststrike subs:
It states in the europe manual that:
attacking subs roll and if hit defending player places sea casualties behind casualty strip.
Then each defendingsub conducts surprise strike. attacker chooses 1 sea unit for each hit and removes it from game.
The last step is that each casualty is then removed from play.
So… Does this mean then that the defender while rolling for 1’s with the dice does have one advantage… namely that a defending sub which was HIT and put behind the casualty strip may FIRE a surprise attack back before its put out of play?
To illustrate using the rules observerd in the manual:
attacker: 2 subs, 1 cruiser
defender 1 sub, 1 cruiser
attacker declares both subs use surprise strike. Defender declares surprise strike.
attacker rolls: 1 and a 3
defender moves sub behind casualty strip
defending “hit” sub rolls a 1
attacker removes 1 sub out of play and then the last step all players remove casualties out of play (the remaining defending sub).
now normal combat starts between the cruisers (they both miss) and next combat turn the last sub utilizes its first strike killing the cruiser. no defendingsubs annymore so casualties are removed.
Is this correct?