• @Cmdr:


    The target is considered inoperable if it receives any hits. It can be repaired by paying 1 IPC for the removal of each chip. This is done during the players next Purchase & Repair phase 1.
    The maximum damage a major IC can receive is 20 damage markers. Minor ICs and bases can’t receive more than 6 damage markers each.

    Unless something changes, this is the current discussion on SBR damage.  In effect, 1 IPC damage to an industrial complex or base renders the entire facility unusable until it has been repaired.  If you cannot afford or choose not to repair an industrial complex or base, then it remains unusable.


    Also being considered:
    Major industrial complexes can mobilize up to 10 units per turn minus the number of damage markers they have. For example a major IC with 6 damage markers can produce only 4 units. A major IC can only receive up to 20 damage markers, after that they are no longer assigned. A major IC with 20 damage markers would have to remove 11 of them before it could build 1 new unit.

    This was added later after pressure was brought to bear by the community.

    Has this been changed at all or are current Alpha 3 rules that you can’t build anything while any damage is present on an IC?

  • Thank you. You summed it up really well.

  • @SAS:


    Thank you. That clears up alot and I really appreciate your help! I have one final question though regarding the new AA gun rules in alpha 3.

    "Air Defense: AA guns can only fire at an air unit when that unit attacks the territory containing that AA gun. AA guns fire only once, before the first round of combat. Each AA gun in the territory may fire up to three times, but only once per attacking air unit. In other words, the total number of air defense dice rolled is three times the number of AA guns, or the number of attacking air units, whichever is the lesser. Once the number of air defense dice is determined, the dice are rolled. For each 1 rolled, the attacker must choose one air unit as a casualty. These casualties are removed immediately, and will not participate in the remainder of the battle. This AA gun attack is made immediately before normal combat occurs in the territory containing the AA gun. AA guns do not defend facilities against strategic or tactical bombing. Facilities have their own built in air defenses. "

    I don’t understand the bit about the AA gun firing up to three times. The previous sentence just stated that it only fires once… and what does it mean that the total number of air defense dice rolled is 3x the number of AA guns? What is this air defense dice? I’m sorry but I’m completely confused about this entire paragraph. I understand that the AA Gun’s hit value is 1 and it fires first before any other units, but I do not understand about this " three times" firing. I also noticed that In alpha 3, a territory now can have multiple aa guns.Can anyone explain this?

    In short, AA guns may now only fire at a maximum of three aircraft each.  They still only fire once before any normal combat round, but each AA gun can only fire at a maximum of 3 aircraft while in earlier editions they fired at all aircraft attacking the territory.  That means that if you have two AA guns in a territory and your opponent attacks with 8 aircraft, you roll 6 dice for your 2 AA guns before the combat begins and any 1s rolled count as hits; your opponent now chooses which aircraft take the hits.

    However, for strategic bombing raids, bases and industrial complexes are considered to have their own air defenses which fire at all attacking aircraft in a strategic bombing raid, and is not dependent on the number of AA guns in the territory.

    Also, if I am correct, AAguns never fire more times than the number of planes, so in the above example with 2 aaguns, if the attacker only sent in 4 planes, only 4 rolls may occur…each plane may only be shot at once basically.

  • Right - it’s a maximum.

  • Right. Thanks for that! Makes much more sense now

  • Hey guys, I ran into some problems again! Sorry for being troublesome. First is the AA guns no combat value para.
    It states:
    “Even though an AA gun can defend, either alone or with other units, it has a combat value of 0. This means that an AA gun cannot fire in the defending units fire step. It can, however, be taken as a casualty. If a territory containing AA guns and no combat units is attacked, the AA guns are automatically destroyed. AA guns may never attack.”
    What does it mean by it cannot fire in the defending units fire step? What I understand is that aa guns fire before the attackers roll the dice and any successful hits force the opposing player to remove his aircraft without having the chance to fire back. I’m interpreting the no combat value as it does not fire WITH the defenders and its purpose is to only fire at enemy aircraft in the beginning of the battle?

    Also, if I participate in a strategic bombing raid as the attacker, can I retreat if the interceptor and escort battle is not going my way?

  • Official Q&A

    Your understanding of AA guns is correct.  That’s what the statement means.

    No, you can’t retreat.  I’m not sure what you mean by if the battle “is not going your way”, as it only lasts for one round.

  • @Krieghund:

    No, you can’t retreat.  I’m not sure what you mean by if the battle “is not going your way”, as it only lasts for one round.

    I’m guessing he means can you retreat your bombers before AA fire to cut your losses.  Or in other words - is there any way to abort any part of an SBR once you’ve started rolling dice?

  • Yes that was what i meant but that effectively means not participating in the bombing raid altogether.

  • Official Q&A

    No, there is no retreat.  I can’t think of a reason why you’d want to, really.  The most dangerous part is over.  You have a far greater chance of inflicting damage than of losing more bombers at that point.  If you can’t afford to lose them, it was probably a mistake to send them in the first place.

  • In A3, do major ics still get downgraded to minor if captured by the enemy?
    And do the allies need to capture or recapture the specific territories ( i can’t remember sorry) in order for japan to launch kamikaze attacks? ( still talking bout a3 )

  • There are no island capture prerequisites for kamikazes anymore.  They can be used anytime, since Alpha2.  Quite sure majors still get downgraded to minor when captured (have in all versions, including OOB)

  • '10

    I’m in the middle of a game, and i’m the allies.

    Whole allies combined fleet is in sz94 (in the med). Gib is hold by Italy.

    Now, US send a tr with inf + mec in Gib and retake it.

    Can the US fleet get out of the med (in sz91) in the same round they took Gibraltar ?

    My oponent says : " In OOB rules at least, ships can’t pass through a strait unless it was controlled by a friendly power (or themselves) from the start of their turn "

    Is he right ?

  • Yes he’s right.  If you have to control a territory to go through a strait, you have to have controlled it at the beginning of your turn.  The power who secured the required territory can never pass through on that same turn.

    Note that subs can always pass through the strait of Gibraltar.

  • '10

    Ok, thanks for the quick answer.

  • Right. Thank you.

  • Can japan build Ics in the east of china which have chinese roundels but were controlled by japan in the start of the game? like kiangsu? The rules state that you are only allowed to build ics on territories you originally control. Do the territories in china with orange color count with chinese roundels count as china’s original territories or japan’s original territories?

  • This is a rookie question.

    If germany declares war on Russia does that effect U.S.A at all? as in the pacific or europe theater, or both.

  • '22 '16

    What happens to the UK major IC if London is captured and the factory already has damage on it?  Does it downgrade to a mi nor IC with or without damage?  Same question for naval and air bases?  Thanks!

  • @majikforce:

    What happens to the UK major IC if London is captured and the factory already has damage on it?  Does it downgrade to a mi nor IC with or without damage?  Same question for naval and air bases?  Thanks!

    captured bases keep all damage markers to not exceed their maximum possible damage.  So a major with 10 points of damage will be downgraded to a damaged minor with 6 points of damage (the max it can have is 6 damage).  A major with 4 damage will be a minor with 4 damage. An airbase/navalbase with 4 damage will be an airbase/navalbase with 4 damage.  etc etc etc


    This is a rookie question.

    If germany declares war on Russia does that effect U.S.A at all? as in the pacific or europe theater, or both.


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