• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Then, by extension, you are permitted to fly over a true neutral, it just joins the enemy if you do so. (And all of it’s buddies are pissed at you too.)  ?

    Oooo - good question.  I should probably stop answering G40 questions esp since I haven’t been playing it, but I can’t resist.  I’m quite sure you can’t fly over any neutrals while they are neutral, period.

    The only “no-no” flyover you can do, is UK/ANZAC can fly over Chinese territory when UK/ANZ is still neutral towards Japan, which is considered an act of war by Japan (allows Japan to DOW on UK/ANZ without giving the US a chance to DOW on Japan)….

    You MAY fly over a true neutral, you just turn all true neutrals against you, then…but the pilots could fly over Turkey if they really wanted too without literally attacking Turkey, right?

  • @Krieghund:


    I’m quite sure you can’t fly over any neutrals while they are neutral, period.


    You must not be reading every post on this thread, Jenn.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator




    I’m quite sure you can’t fly over any neutrals while they are neutral, period.


    You must not be reading every post on this thread, Jenn.

    No, I took a break and didnt read two or three (thousand) pages. lol.  So I got confused.

  • @Cmdr:

    No, I took a break and didnt read two or three (thousand) pages. lol.  So I got confused.

    Thing is, it was on this page.
    Reply #230

  • Has the official Europe/Global FAQ been released already like the Pacific FAQ?

  • Official Q&A


    Has the official Europe/Global FAQ been released already like the Pacific FAQ?

    No, but there are Official Rules Clarifications.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    No, I took a break and didnt read two or three (thousand) pages. lol.  So I got confused.

    Thing is, it was on this page.
    Reply #230

    Okay, sea lawyer, but reply number 230 is not on this page.  :-P

  • @Cmdr:



    No, I took a break and didnt read two or three (thousand) pages. lol.  So I got confused.

    Thing is, it was on this page.
    Reply #230

    Okay, sea lawyer, but reply number 230 is not on this page.   :-P

    It was when you posted #239…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator





    No, I took a break and didnt read two or three (thousand) pages. lol.  So I got confused.

    Thing is, it was on this page.
    Reply #230

    Okay, sea lawyer, but reply number 230 is not on this page.   :-P

    It was when you posted #239…

    Yes, but again, not when Gamerman posted his reply saying it was on “this page.”  And yes, I’m feeling petulant.

  • :-)

  • Two questions:

    I) Can UK fly over Russian territory in the following cases:
      1) Russia is not at war with anyone?
      2) Russia is at war with Japan but UK isn’t?
      3) Russia and UK both at war with Japan?

    II) Can Italian troops disembark from a German TRN on Italy’s turn and immediately on Germany’s turn German troops can board and land from the same TRN, basically back to back transporting?

  • @shadowguidex:

    Two questions:

    I) Can UK fly over Russian territory in the following cases:
       1) Russia is not at war with anyone?
       2) Russia is at war with Japan but UK isn’t?
       3) Russia and UK both at war with Japan?

    II) Can Italian troops disembark from a German TRN on Italy’s turn and immediately on Germany’s turn German troops can board and land from the same TRN, basically back to back transporting?

    I1) No
    I2) Yes
    I3) Absolutely

    II)  Yes.

  • Official Q&A

    Note: I2 and I3 apply to Soviet territories on the Pacific map only.  The USSR must be at war with Germany and/or Italy before UK (or anyone else) may overfly Soviet territories on the Europe map.

  • @Krieghund:

    Note: I2 and I3 apply to Soviet territories on the Pacific map only.  The USSR must be at war with Germany and/or Italy before UK (or anyone else) may overfly Soviet territories on the Europe map.

    Awesome clarification, thank you Krieg!

  • Ok, sneaky attack question.

    If Britain has 2 fighters, a carrier, and a cruiser off Gibraltar in z92 and Italy has a cruiser in z94, a battleship in z96, destroyers in z93 and z95, and undefended transports in z99; can Britain attack z94 with its cruiser, z96 with a fighter, and send a fighter to z99 to splash the transports under the allowed assumption of victory in z94 and z96 which would allow the carrier to come and pick up the z99 fighter in non-combat?  (Crete is neutral, Greece is German, and Cyprus and Syria are Italian, so no landings there)

    The intention is to roll 1 round for z94 and z96 and retreat (if attackers are still alive), stranding the z99 fighter so that it dies, and sending the carrier elsewhere in non-combat.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Ok, sneaky attack question.

    If Britain has 2 fighters, a carrier, and a cruiser off Gibraltar in z92 and Italy has a cruiser in z94, a battleship in z96, destroyers in z93 and z95, and undefended transports in z99; can Britain attack z94 with its cruiser, z96 with a fighter, and send a fighter to z99 to splash the transports under the allowed assumption of victory in z94 and z96 which would allow the carrier to come and pick up the z99 fighter in non-combat?  (Crete is neutral, Greece is German, and Cyprus and Syria are Italian, so no landings there)

    The intention is to roll 1 round for z94 and z96 and retreat (if attackers are still alive), stranding the z99 fighter so that it dies, and sending the carrier elsewhere in non-combat.

    Legal.  Since you can assume your naval attack will succeed and thus, the fighters would have a legal place to land.  Since the carrier cannot make it to recover the fighter, you may Non-Combat move it to whereever you want.

  • @Cmdr:


    Ok, sneaky attack question.

    If Britain has 2 fighters, a carrier, and a cruiser off Gibraltar in z92 and Italy has a cruiser in z94, a battleship in z96, destroyers in z93 and z95, and undefended transports in z99; can Britain attack z94 with its cruiser, z96 with a fighter, and send a fighter to z99 to splash the transports under the allowed assumption of victory in z94 and z96 which would allow the carrier to come and pick up the z99 fighter in non-combat?  (Crete is neutral, Greece is German, and Cyprus and Syria are Italian, so no landings there)

    The intention is to roll 1 round for z94 and z96 and retreat (if attackers are still alive), stranding the z99 fighter so that it dies, and sending the carrier elsewhere in non-combat.

    Legal.  Since you can assume your naval attack will succeed and thus, the fighters would have a legal place to land.  Since the carrier cannot make it to recover the fighter, you may Non-Combat move it to whereever you want.

    That’s what I thought.  Thanks.

  • Hi All,

    I hope this isn’t answered already in this thread.

    I have a question relating to the new Alpha 3+ AA-guns. The rules state:

    “Each AA gun in the territory may fire up to three times, but only once per attacking air unit.”

    Does this mean that when I have 4 AA-guns in a territory and two planes attack that territory, I get to fire 8 times at the planes? In abstracto: each AA-gun may fire at each plane? (max 3 off course)  :?


  • Another question:

    Can I land with UK, ANZAC and US planes in Dutch territories (DEI and Suriname), while they are still under Dutch control?  :?

    (And I know USA should be at war)

    One would say that seen the Dutch Queen and government are in London already, they wouldn’t mind some allied planes defending the colonies… :roll:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Hi All,

    I hope this isn’t answered already in this thread.

    I have a question relating to the new Alpha 3+ AA-guns. The rules state:

    “Each AA gun in the territory may fire up to three times, but only once per attacking air unit.”

    Does this mean that when I have 4 AA-guns in a territory and two planes attack that territory, I get to fire 8 times at the planes? In abstracto: each AA-gun may fire at each plane? (max 3 off course)  :?


    No, that means that you get to fire one shot at up to 6 attacking planes.  If an attacker brings 11 planes, then 5 of them will not be shot at by your AA Guns in that battle.

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