• You should include that in the official FAQ, because at first sight it seems that Alberta borders with Central USA  :|

  • Krieg, three questions:

    1. Has there been a ruling on if Russia can move units onto allied tt w/just a DOW w/Jap. It seems like it should not be allowed.  Maybe at least til both allies are at war with the same power. Like both Russia and UK have to be at war with Jap before Russia could move into India. That gets pretty tricky though with UK having tt on both maps, especially in Africa & Middle East before Russia is at war w/Euro axis. Maybe a map split or something?

    2. Has there been any waver on the fact Russia has to be at war w/someone (Jap), before it can invade (or align with) the neutrals on the Europe map. It does seem kinda corny that what happens on the Manchurian boarder would have an effect on Russia being able to move on Euro Neutrals (the opposite would make more sense, tying down troops). It should just be able to take neutrals in Europe w/o this corny loophole.

    3. Convoy question: R2 Russia moves its sub to sz 125, and Norway is still in German hands (no convoy disruption can happen at this point, no Euro axis attack). On G3 Germany attacks Russia, but can’t kill the Red October (no German dd). Does the Russia sub cost Germany 2 ipc (Norway still German) in the G3 collect income phase, or does Russia first have to make a formal DOW on Germany at the beginning of R4 to raid convoys.

  • Thanks for that answer guys James, 13th, and Kreig. This forum is really useful. I’m glad I finally registered so I can ask all my silly questions.

  • Official Q&A

    1. No.

    2. No.

    3. Germany and the USSR are at war.  The convoy raid is done.

  • Thanks Krieg, for the update.

  • '22 '19 '18

    Another question for you krieg.  Can germany charge a toll to pass through the danish straits? Russia wanted to pass through R1 while not at war with Germany and I said they could if they wanted to pay a toll.  Is that allowed?  I know you can’t give your allies IPC, but it dosen’t say anything about giving it to your future enemies.


  • @cond1024:

    Another question for you krieg.  Can germany charge a toll to pass through the danish straits? Russia wanted to pass through R1 while not at war with Germany and I said they could if they wanted to pay a toll.  Is that allowed?  I know you can’t give your allies IPC, but it dosen’t say anything about giving it to your future enemies.


    Now that’s classic!!

    I can see a troll at the booth now, $5 buddy, and answer 3 questions.

  • Official Q&A

    No.  Either let them pass or don’t.

  • Is the optional rule in Europe allowing German subs to disrupt convoys for 3 IPC instead of 2 IPC allowed to be used in Global? Also, does the Super Sub tech allow subs to disrupt convoys at 3 IPC instead of 2 IPC?

  • I’ve often wondered this, and it has come up in our games. With regards to air units attacking a target and needing a place to land legally in order to make the attack, you cannot just send them on a suicide run to kill something and let the survivors just die at end of combat.

    But, if one has a single aircraft carrier as a legal landing spot, can one then attack with more air units than can legally land on the carrier? Say, four fighters but only 2 can land, but since there is a legal landing zone at the start of combat is the move legal?

  • Air units moving in the Combat move phase must have a valid landing spot available for each plane. This means with 1 carrier, you can move 2 planes (not 4) and count that carrier as there landing space providing the carrier and planes will have enough movement to meet. It is possible to send 4 air units into a battle because of 1 carrier if the ones that start on the carrier can land elsewhere to make room for up to 2 more planes.

    The way I understand it, you can count the carrier being able to meet the planes even if enemy ships have to be attacked first to clear a path. I understand that the attack to clear must occur and regardless of the odds, you can then allocate planes to attack somewhere and use the carrier’s “future” position as a landing spot. If the naval battles to clear a path fail, then any planes that need to land on a carrier that can’t meet them will crash.

    With regard to carrier designated planes, if they are all destroyed in combat, the carrier that was going to move to give them a landing spot in Non combat no longer has to move to provide a landing spot since the planes are gone. This is helpful when UK wants to destroy the Italian fleet at sz95 and then moves the carrier elsewhere if they lose the planes in combat.

  • Official Q&A

    Nice explanation, James.  The only thing I’d add is that the carrier must move to pick up any surviving planes if it is able and the planes have no other place to land.


    Is the optional rule in Europe allowing German subs to disrupt convoys for 3 IPC instead of 2 IPC allowed to be used in Global?



    Also, does the Super Sub tech allow subs to disrupt convoys at 3 IPC instead of 2 IPC?


  • One more thing about planes & carriers:
    A newly built carrier can also give your planes a legal landing spot.

  • @WILD:

    One more thing about planes & carriers:
    A newly built carrier can also give your planes a legal landing spot.

    Yes. Is this a question or an answer to someone else?

  • Let’s say you declare an Amphibious Assault that requires sea combat in the Sea Zone adjacent to the Territory where the combat will take place.  Two questions:

    1. Can the attacker retreat from the sea battle if it gets dicey?

    2. If yes to 1, and the sea zone the attacker retreat to is adjacent to a friendly territory, can the attacker unload the land units in the transports onto the friendly territory during the non-combat phase?

    Thanks!  I apologize if this is clarified elsewhere, but I could not find it.

  • @Griffin34:

    Let’s say you declare an Amphibious Assault that requires sea combat in the Sea Zone adjacent to the Territory where the combat will take place.  Two questions:

    1. Can the attacker retreat from the sea battle if it gets dicey?

    2. If yes to 1, and the sea zone the attacker retreat to is adjacent to a friendly territory, can the attacker unload the land units in the transports onto the friendly territory during the non-combat phase?

    Thanks!  I apologize if this is clarified elsewhere, but I could not find it.

    1. Yes
    2. No, ground units stay on board until next turn (or if owned by ally, the ally’s turn)

  • Rock on.  Thanks.

    Do you happen to have a reference for that?  I have a Japanese player that won’t be happy about that.

  • Reference regarding Amphibious Assault: AAE40 page 15 Section: Transports, second and third paragraph:

    "A transport can land units while in any friendly sea zone along its route, including the sea zone it started in. If a transport loads land units during the Combat Move phase, it must offload those units to attack a hostile territory as part of an amphibious assault during the Conduct Combat phase, or it must retreat during the sea combat step of the amphibious assault sequence while attempting to do so. A transport that is part of an amphibious assault must end its movement in a friendly sea zone (or one that could become friendly as result of sea combat) from which it can conduct the assault.

    Any land units aboard a transport are considered cargo until they offload. Cargo can’t take part in sea combat and is destroyed if the transport is destroyed."

    Based on the above text, loading the transport during combat means the units must be unloaded during combat, and if not unloaded during combat are treated as cargo since unloading a transport is part of the transport’s move and the transport’s move has ended during the combat phase as a result of the amphibious assault. Also, it clearly states that units loaded during combat must be offloaded in a hostile territory and a friendly territory after the retreat would not be a hostile territory for unloading.

    Furthermore, with the exception of air units, no sea or land unit moves in both Combat and Non Combat phases, therefor it is logical to assume they are stuck on a retreated transport until their next turn, in which they may be moved during either phase as normal.

    Well, that is my best guess anyway. I am not affiliated with the game so this is not an official answer. I hope this helps.

  • Official Q&A

    Sounds good to me.  I’ll add this from page 30: “If a transport retreats, it can’t offload that turn.”

  • Is the US allowed to move trough sea zones touching Europe into a sea zone that doesn’t(eg. from Z118-Z124) when not at war?

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