• In E40, if Germany holds Novosibirsk at the end of Russia’s turn, does Russia still place the 2 inf there?

  • Situation: What if a tank originally purchased by India (Calcuta) moves accross the board and captures Iraq for 2 IPC’s, who gets to spend the money and who can build a factory there (which economy?). Can the Pacific half of the U.K. build a factory in Iraq if they take it with there units?

  • Italy liberated Iraq first.

  • @Sasquatch_Lives:

    Situation: What if a tank originally purchased by India (Calcutta) moves across the board and captures Iraq for 2 IPC’s, who gets to spend the money and who can build a factory there (which economy?). Can the Pacific half of the U.K. build a factory in Iraq if they take it with there units?

    London and Calcutta use the same units, the money goes to the Capital on the same board as the territory….Iraq goes to London, Siam would go to Calcutta. In other words, left side(Europe map) of board goes to London, right side(Pacific map) of board goes to Calcutta. Lose the capital on that board and you lose any money that board would have collected. Pieces don’t belong to one board or the other, they are all the same and need not be tracked back to their origin.

  • @Sasquatch_Lives:

    Situation: What if a tank originally purchased by India (Calcuta) moves accross the board and captures Iraq for 2 IPC’s, who gets to spend the money and who can build a factory there (which economy?). Can the Pacific half of the U.K. build a factory in Iraq if they take it with there units?

    And London must build the factory on the Europe board.  Calcutta must pay to build a factory on the Pacific board.

  • @Flashman:

    If the setup was historically accurate, the Baltic States would be neutral and Bessarabia part of neutral Romania; this would give the Russians something to do R1.  Also, Persia should be Pro-Axis giving them something to think about on their southern border.

    But I don’t think Soviet units should EVER be allowed to share territory with other Allies.  Even when at war ships can share the same sz, but not fight together.  Similarly I’d allow US/UK units to land in Russia on NCM, but not defend with them if the tt is attacked. Stalin simply didn’t want to share the glory with anyone else.  He’d take your money but he wouldn’t plough your path for you. He didn’t even help the Polish partisans in the Warsaw uprising.

    To balance, the same thing should apply to Japan in regard to German and Italian units and tts, as there was practically no military cooperation between Japan and the Euro Axis.

    In other words Japan and the USSR should be considered to have allies only in the sense that they have enemies-in-common with other powers.  They are still members of the two great alliances for game victory purposes, but are essentially fighting different wars.  Some monetary aid to Russia from the West is authentic, but then Germany got huge non-military aid from Russia until it decided to invade the place…

    Excellent stuff Flash, and for (at least house rules) easy enough to correct in the game.

  • '22 '19 '18

    In the Europe only version, does a captured major IC become a minor one?  That rule is only mentioned in the Global rules.

  • Official Q&A

    It only applies in the global rules.

  • '22 '19 '18

    Thanks for the confirmation.

  • Does the Russian player still receive the two infantry in Novosibirisk during the Global game?

  • @Beerandpretzels:

    Does the Russian player still receive the two infantry in Novosibirisk during the Global game?


  • Question: It says in the rules that all techs take effect immediately. Does this mean if I roll for Improved Factory production I can place the extra troops in the my IC complexes this turn (meaning 4 instead of 3 in a minor and 12 instead of 10 in a major)? I think so, but when you upgrade a factory you cant place the extra units until the next turn so I am not 100% sure.

  • You should be able to produce at the new level since the tech actually changes your existing and future factories output and those factories were yours at the beginning of your turn.

    When you upgrade the factory, its the same as placing a New larger factory in the same spot, you can build out of the smaller one since you had it, but the newer one would need to wait. Hence you still get to make 3 units when you upgrade to a major.

  • Tech takes effect immediately, and upgrade of factories is delayed. It is possible to build a large factory in place of a minor and acquire the tech in the same round. Then it would be: 3 (previous turn), 4 (this turn since you gained tech), 12 (next turn).

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, dadler12!

    James and 13th are correct.

  • You’ve said before that Central US doesn’t border Alberta. Does Alberta border any US territory?

  • Official Q&A


  • You should include that in the official FAQ, because at first sight it seems that Alberta borders with Central USA  :|

  • Krieg, three questions:

    1. Has there been a ruling on if Russia can move units onto allied tt w/just a DOW w/Jap. It seems like it should not be allowed.  Maybe at least til both allies are at war with the same power. Like both Russia and UK have to be at war with Jap before Russia could move into India. That gets pretty tricky though with UK having tt on both maps, especially in Africa & Middle East before Russia is at war w/Euro axis. Maybe a map split or something?

    2. Has there been any waver on the fact Russia has to be at war w/someone (Jap), before it can invade (or align with) the neutrals on the Europe map. It does seem kinda corny that what happens on the Manchurian boarder would have an effect on Russia being able to move on Euro Neutrals (the opposite would make more sense, tying down troops). It should just be able to take neutrals in Europe w/o this corny loophole.

    3. Convoy question: R2 Russia moves its sub to sz 125, and Norway is still in German hands (no convoy disruption can happen at this point, no Euro axis attack). On G3 Germany attacks Russia, but can’t kill the Red October (no German dd). Does the Russia sub cost Germany 2 ipc (Norway still German) in the G3 collect income phase, or does Russia first have to make a formal DOW on Germany at the beginning of R4 to raid convoys.

  • Thanks for that answer guys James, 13th, and Kreig. This forum is really useful. I’m glad I finally registered so I can ask all my silly questions.

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