• On Doolittle raid: it did get the Japanese to respond by bringing some of their air defense assets back to Japan from S Pacific.

    Could someone point me to the page in the rule book that says you cannot put a minor IC on an island?  This is for Global Alpha 2.

  • @JimmyHat:

    On Doolittle raid: it did get the Japanese to respond by bringing some of their air defense assets back to Japan from S Pacific.

    Could someone point me to the page in the rule book that says you cannot put a minor IC on an island?  This is for Global Alpha 2.

    Sure, it’s on page 20 of the Pacific manual, under “restrictions on placement”

    Alpha 2 has no rule changes regarding island complexes.

  • Thanks Gamerman, I see the entry on page 20.  I thought in Global the Europe rules take precedence over Pacific, and that the Pacific rule book is mostly useful for Kamikaze rules and China rules.  I checked the Europe book and see that it mentions IC’s on islands cannot be upgraded to Majors, but doesn’t mention they cannot be built on islands.

    So are you saying that this is the one other rule that carried over from Pacific but didn’t make it into the Europe rule book?

    EDIT:  Perhaps Krieg could weigh in on this one?

  • Well, on Europe page 31, it says to follow the rules and setup information found in both Europe and Pacific unless otherwise indicated in this rules set.

    Oh, I see what you’re talking about.  Well that sentence says to consult the Pacific 1940 rulebook for Kamikaze attacks, China rules, and so on

    “And so on” must include island complex rules.  I don’t remember anything in the Europe rulebook that would alter the no island complex rule, and I’m sure there’s not anything or someone would have brought it up in the past year on this thread.

  • Suppose Japan takes Calcutta and the US takes Borneo from the Japanese.

    Can the US claim Borneo or is that only if London is occupied?

    If not, that means UK territories on the Pacific map are dead territories for the allies after India goes down. There are worth zip to the allies.

    That doesn’t seem right.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Exactly which island were you going to put a complex on in Europe?

    West Indies = 1 IPC, invalid
    Malta = 0 IPC, invalid
    Cyprus = 0 IPC, invalid
    Sicily = 0 IPC, invalid
    Iceland = 0 IPC, invalid
    Ireland = 0 IPC, invalid
    Madagascar = 1 IPC, invalid

    Did I miss any?

  • Official Q&A


    I checked the Europe book and see that it mentions IC’s on islands cannot be upgraded to Majors, but doesn’t mention they cannot be built on islands.

    It’s on pages 22 and 24.


    Suppose Japan takes Calcutta and the US takes Borneo from the Japanese.

    Can the US claim Borneo or is that only if London is occupied?

    If not, that means UK territories on the Pacific map are dead territories for the allies after India goes down. There are worth zip to the allies.

    That doesn’t seem right.

    The US (or any other Allied power) can take temporary control of UK territories that fall under the Pacific economy by recapturing them from the Axis if India is Axis-held.

  • @Cmdr:

    Exactly which island were you going to put a complex on in Europe?

    West Indies = 1 IPC, invalid
    Malta = 0 IPC, invalid
    Cyprus = 0 IPC, invalid
    Sicily = 0 IPC, invalid
    Iceland = 0 IPC, invalid
    Ireland = 0 IPC, invalid
    Madagascar = 1 IPC, invalid

    Did I miss any?

    :-)  Good post.


  • Thanks, its on page 22 of Europe book.  The wording was tricky otherwise, since the Europe book overrides the Pacific book when playing Global, I see many islands where IC’s can be built, they are just all on the Pacific map.  :-o

  • Got a few quick questions, sorry didn’t read all the 100 posts :(

    1- Can you send ‘infinite’ number of plane to attack a territory, a sea zone if there is no landing room EXCEPT for 1 carrier. Basically, this allows US or Japan to launch very powerful attack (while losing most of their air force). For example, can you attack a seazone  with 10 fighters, but only 2 can actually land on the Aircraft carrier?

    2- Technology and UK : Will a technology breakthrough be shared with Europe and Pacific UK?

    3- Germany and Italy OIL NO. Is the OIL NO (persia, east persia, iraq etc) shared with both Germany and Italy? In other words, if Italy controls, say Iraq, does it also give +2 to Germany?

    4- (Not very important ^^) : Say Germany or Japan gets a REALLY BAD turn 1, will you continue to play, or just reset the board? Last time, on G1, I failed to sink Canadian navy with 2 sub, failed my attack on BB + Cruiser, failed attack on France (France survived!) and Normandy. -.-

  • Official Q&A

    1 - No.  Each plane must have a potential landing space.  One carrier equals two landing spaces (assuming it has no planes on it already that can’t be moved somewhere else).

    2 - Yes.

    3 - No.

  • I had a question about the naval convoys in Japan Sea. The US attack convoys with 3 submarines and during the Japanese collect income phase i must to subtract 6 IPC from my whole income. The following turn i bought a destroyer and place it in the sea containing the submarines. did i have to subtract again the ipc from my income?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Until you sink them.

  • That depends, were the US subs still present in the Jap convoy zone?  If so then yes you have to pay.  You count the enemy ships at the collect income phase of your turn, and in your example there were enemy ships in the convoy zone during that phase…you gotta pay.

  • @Krieghund:

    1.  You’re right - Korea is the only option.

    2.  The defender fighters will fire, killing transports with any hits, as they have no other target.  If both attacking transports are killed, the battle is over, as no units remain that can hit each other or retreat.  If any attacking transports survive, the attacker may retreat.  There is no way the attacker can win this sea battle, as no units that could hit the fighters were brought to the battle, so bringing the transports along was pointless.

    What happens to the defending transport varies with the outcome of the battle.  If the subs get three or more hits on the initial attack, it will be sunk.  If it survives the first round and the attacker retreats, it will live.  If the battle ends with only attacking subs and defending fighters in the sea zone, it will be sunk.

    In any case, the fighters will land on New Zealand after the battle is over.

    Thanks, Krieg! Much appreciated :D

  • '10

    In sz93, there is a little island, without name. Is it considered part of Spain ? Can allies planes land in there ?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    In sz93, there is a little island, without name. Is it considered part of Spain ? Can allies planes land in there ?

    Short Answer:  The island is part of Spain.  What is on Spain defends the island in SZ 93, what is on the island in SZ 93 defends Spain.

    Long Answer:  If they went to the trouble of naming Crete, Cyprus, Ceylon, Jonah, Somoa and other little do-nothing islands so they could be playable territories, and they didn’t name the island in SZ 93 (or elsewhere) it’s safe to assume that island is not a playable zone.  Much like the Great Lakes.  You cannot build navy units in the Great Lakes.  (Although, it would be almost as funny as building units in the Caspian Sea!)

  • '10

    Got my answer very quickly. Thank you Jennifer.

  • If I have a MIC that has say 8 hits of damage and then gets taken by the opposition and is downgraded to a mIC, does the damage stay at 8 or does it go down to the max of a mIC of 6 hits of damage?

  • Q1: Can a fighter that participated in combat, land on a newly built carrier that was built in a hostile sea zone?

    Q2: Anzac moves a single transport and man into an Anzac island seazone with a Jap sub and American destroyer. The US just declared war at the end of round 3 collect income phase, which is why the sea zone is shared. Can the Anzac transport use the American DD as cover to unload?


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