Regarding SZ 110, I got hosed one time on a UK scramble. Usually as Germany, I send 3 fighters, 3 Stukas, 1 bombers and sometimes 1 sub to SZ 110. Our UK player had gotten in the habit of not scrambling in order to save the RAF for future action.
Well, this one game I made the mistake of just assuming UK would not scramble. I sent 2 fighters, 2 Stukas and 1 bomber to SZ 110. The other fighter and Stuka I sent to kill the French fleet in SZ 93. Well, UK taught me a lesson. They scrambled and wiped out my planes. I didn’t even kill all the ships in the channel.
Never made that mistake again.
Seeing as its 2 different rulesets and 2 different setups, isnt 2 different FAQs needed?
Combining them doesnt seem to serve any purpose, if im playing the origional G40 and i have a question, then i post here. If im playing 2nd edition i ask my questions in the 2nd edition FAQ.
Or I could just have different sections with questions from original, alpha, alpha 2, alpha 3 and second edition. In theory. Although, to be honest, I’d just have 2nd edition and leave a pointer to a thread with answers for the other versions.
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