• Well, how could all this apply to aa game?

    AA games are ifs in history. So if anyone thinks that is too dangerous talking about ifs in history, that i really do not understand why not, those persons should not play AA.

  • @Flashman:

    Yeah, but the parts of America the Hispanics conquered were more developed than they were.

    Tenochtitlan made Madrid look like a small cluster of hovels.

    Even the cruelty of the Spaniards and the Inquisition pales in comparison to the Aztecs. They had mountains of skulls from human sacrifices that were meant to keep the sun coming up every day. They would attack other tribes just for prisoners to sacrifice. And seriously, pulling someone’s heart out while they are still alive is just sick.


    If Hitler did not decide to invade SU the last 60 years would have been very different.

    Europe would probably has become a german territory, with perhaps Great Britain independent, Portugal, Spain and Swisss half independent and the east controlled by SU (Lituania, Letonia, Estonia,Finland, half of Poland).

    The cold war would have been between USA and Germany with two other smaller players: China and SU.

    And lets say things as they are: in 2010 the two nations that in terms of economy rule the world are USA and Germany.

    1. Stalin had plans to eventually attack Germany anyway. The only thing that would’ve differed about the attack would be which side and when. It certainly wouldn’t have taken 60 years to do it.

    2. The Cold War was largely about the spread of communism, so who’s to say that US and Germany wouldn’t have been united against the commies? That’s too hard to really predict.

  • Much of the topic in the this thread have been discussed before.

    If Germany and Russia was allies like UK and France, the WW2 would be very different, where Russia and Germany would have everything except the American continent and perhaps Japan and the pacific.

  • Neither I believe wouldn’t have ‘won’ the war, they both hated each other to much, Hitler didn’t trust Stalin and Stalin didn’t trust Hitler, plus within a few more years had Stalin been given enough time probably himself would have invaded Germany, and with a much larger population and stronger industrial capacity. The Russians would have won either way, an historically of course they did win.

  • @Himilayas:

    Neither I believe wouldn’t have ‘won’ the war, they both hated each other to much, Hitler didn’t trust Stalin and Stalin didn’t trust Hitler, plus within a few more years had Stalin been given enough time probably himself would have invaded Germany, and with a much larger population and stronger industrial capacity. The Russians would have won either way, an historically of course they did win.

    You are right, but in the what-if-scenario that Germany and Russia were buddies like UK and US, meaning, if the personal chemistry between the German and Russian leaders was like Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, they would rule most of the world.
    This isn’t very relevant to AAG40, but if the rules was different, like in diplomacy, then it would be really interesting, or maybe not, because Russia or Germany would win all games if they choose to stay allied until they got rid of all other powers except the US.
    Now, this would probably not be a good idea to implement in A&A, but as for history, it is very obvious that both Germany and Russia would gain extremely much more if they choose to stay allied for much longer than they did in the actual WW2.

  • @Flashman:

    Yeah, but the parts of America the Hispanics conquered were more developed than they were.

    Tenochtitlan made Madrid look like a small cluster of hovels.

    The Aztecs were masters at Architecture and Agriculture.

  • @Flashman:

    Yeah, but the parts of America the Hispanics conquered were more developed than they were.

    Tenochtitlan made Madrid look like a small cluster of hovels.

    But look, the Aztecs aren’t around anymore, Spain is.

  • @Flashman:

    Yeah, but the parts of America the Hispanics conquered were more developed than they were.

    Tenochtitlan made Madrid look like a small cluster of hovels.

    Pizzaro was also an illiterate, but he still managed to “get the job done…”.



  • And Rome was conquered by barbarian hordes…  Just because a society is more sophisticated doesn’t mean it can’t be conquered by a less sophisticated one.

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