dude, you did not include the entire quote…… :evil:
i think the full quote should be listed… cus… i rock! :mrgreen:
full quote:
I understand and agree with your alternate setup suggestion…
Have the 2 UK transports begin off India, instead of off Malaya.
I see the merit it this suggestion. The UK navy without a surviving transport is like a junk yard dog with no teeth. Other than barking… what good is it? This is of course not only about giving teeth to junk yard dogs but about game play balance. I’ve seen situations develop in games that I frankly never anticipated or ran into during the development of the game.
Sometimes I wish I had taken a more conservative path and not given Japan all those aircraft. If I had I could have avoided a lot of problems. However, I ultimately felt that Japan should be represented as the master of the skys, as they were at the time. I have no regrets for the high number of Japanese aircraft in AAP40, but boy, with all their range and combat power, they raise hell on game balance issues. This UK setup change will help adjust and fine tune the game.
This setup adjustment will offer more dynamic options to the UK player as he or she desperately tries to hold back the Japanese inital onslaught.
I’m also considering moving the BB (Prince of Wales) out of that sea zone, but that will take a bit more thought. I’m open to suggestions as relates to this BB’s ajusted placement on the map, if any…
I think the internet should be used in an effective, constructive way. If hours and hours of played games ultimately point out a problem with certain aspects of the OOB game… I feel it my duty and my opportunity to take advantage of this acquired information and ultimately make the game better by adjusting it accordingly.
I will also lobby for this setup change to appear on future print runs of the game.