Do you typically buy additional tac-bombers besides what is in the setup?

  • Customizer

    I have found with my group that no one (except occasionally US) buys tac-bombers. This is a big disappointment to me as it almost feels as if the new unit is not necessary and does little to change game play in spite of the tac-bombers special rules. Is this the case with your games?

    I feel that the reason no one in my group buys additional tac-bombers is because fighters are superior in nearly every way. Perhaps if tac-bombers were able to strategic bomb up to a maximum of three like the Germany’s NATIONAL ADVANTAGE Dive Bomber rule in REVISED EDITION then more people would buy them.

    Any thoughts?

  • I haven’t played much yet, but when I read the rules the first time I thought, “This Tac Bomber may not be worth the extra IPC.”  Fighters are better except under certain situations when Tac Bombers are attacking.

  • I think they are completely worth it. It’s harder to get 4’s on the attack now in my experience. BBs are weaker than ever without the auto-healing and Bombers are extremely limited by range on that bigger map. This leaves CV-type aircraft and if you want those 4’s, it means Tac Air. We tend to keep our airgroups as 1 Fighter and 1 Tac unless we KNOW the CV is only intended for defensive work. Even there it’s handy to have Tac around to play the trade-off games with the CV and get maximum firepower.

    Regardless, when attacking, Tac Air provides 33% more firepower than simply adding another Fighter. Sure, on defense it’s a bit weaker but I like to have more firepower when I am deciding on the combat more than when my opponent is calling the shots (ie, attack vs defense).

    I think they are pretty much correct. It’s harder to get offensive firepower than defensive and that means you pay a tad more for the Tac.

  • @Uncle_Joe:

    We tend to keep our airgroups as 1 Fighter and 1 Tac unless we KNOW the CV is only intended for defensive work.

    I find this in my case, too.

    When when I need to lose a unit, the fighter goes before the Tac bomber.  Then I need to replace the fighter to match up with the Tac bomber that is on the gameboard. OR….I need the defense power of the fighter, and I already have enough Tac bombers to work with.

  • to me…the US is probably the best buyers of tac bombers…I have bought them as USA…never as Japan or the UK/ANZAC…

    The Tac Bomber u buy if you are going on the offensive…I cant see it as a defensive buy becuz the fighter is better at defense then the TAC…

    However…i do like the unit…attacking at a 4 or less without using a battleship does have its advantages…

  • @Bob_A_Mickelson:

    I have found with my group that no one (except occasionally US) buys tac-bombers. This is a big disappointment to me as it almost feels as if the new unit is not necessary and does little to change game play in spite of the tac-bombers special rules. Is this the case with your games?

    I feel that the reason no one in my group buys additional tac-bombers is because fighters are superior in nearly every way. Perhaps if tac-bombers were able to strategic bomb up to a maximum of three like the Germany’s NATIONAL ADVANTAGE Dive Bomber rule in REVISED EDITION then more people would buy them.

    Any thoughts?

    They had to have something new to get the interest up to get people to buy an overpriced cardboard game……THE END!

  • I like to buy 3 fighters for each Tac, when I play USA.  I think its a bad idea to buy one Tac for each fighter, that will be a waste, you’ll need fodder too. Its like buying one infantry for each Tank, nobody does that. I think the most ultimate purchase is to buy 4 infantry for each artillery and tank. The rule are 4:1:1 and I think the same will be true with the planes, 3 fig and 1 Tac is a good buy,

  • I just don’t seem them as worth it myself.  A fighter is always a 4 on defense, and the purpose of my navy is to defend my transports.  If my goal is to sink your boats i’m using subs and DDs primarily.

  • @Vareel:

    I just don’t seem them as worth it myself.  A fighter is always a 4 on defense, and the purpose of my navy is to defend my transports.  If my goal is to sink your boats i’m using subs and DDs primarily.

    I agree with u here…however…i like using aircraft to strike down the enemy fleets…Tac bombers are good for the offensive minded admiral and fighters for defensive…also dont forget that tac bombers go great with tanks too…nothing like hitting from the ground and the air…

  • I think the tac will be used more in the Euro side. Getting that 4 w/tank or ftr on a land attack is when you will see tac’s having more value. There’s only 2 units that will give you a 4 on ground (bmr & tac), unless you have tech. Just think in AA50 when you get jet ftr tech, now you can get a 4 on attack w/o tech. Who knows if jet ftrs tech will even be in the new game, may not be needed now.

  • I just don’t see a point in a 3/3 unit that becomes a 4/3 for 1 more buck than an always 3/4 unit.  I’d rather just buy an extra sub at some point for the bit more punch if I need it, or on ground a strat bomber for the range, or an art if range isn’t an issue.

  • @Vareel:

    I just don’t see a point in a 3/3 unit that becomes a 4/3 for 1 more buck than an always 3/4 unit.  I’d rather just buy an extra sub at some point for the bit more punch if I need it, or on ground a strat bomber for the range, or an art if range isn’t an issue.

    Yes exactely, and this is what I tell people all the time, the missing Tac’s are not an issue because they will never make it out of the box anyway, we only need the 10 Tac’s for set-up.

  • I still see it the other way. If your Russia you buy ftrs because for the most part your a defensive nation. Germany on the other hand will be very aggressive. Those 4’s on attack are going to be awesome, right out of the box. Now granted Germany will have a bunch of them at set-up as Japan did, so may not buy many, but will value them non the less. As for strat bmrs there roll may be reduced because of the new SBR rules. Seriously how many times have you SBR in the new pacific game. I haven’t heard any chatter about that in this forum at all. It might be worth SBR if you have heavies.

  • I just don’t see a point in a 3/3 unit that becomes a 4/3 for 1 more buck than an always 3/4 unit.

    To me, the difference is that I get to decide when my Tac is a ‘4’, but YOU get to decide when my Fighter is a ‘4’. I’d rather have the more powerful piece when I’m calling the shots. But honestly, both units are useful for their own role. If I’m not exposing my Tac to undue attack then why WOULDN’T I want a unit that that 33% more firepower for only 10% more cost?

  • See, this I just don’t understand.  Art only costs 1 more than inf, and has double the chances of getting a hit that an inf has, and with inf fodder actually has three times the power of an inf.  Yet no one buys art, or atleast not a large quanity of art.  Now personally I always buy a ton of art, not quite 1:1 with inf, but around 1.5:1 in the beginning then just keep replenishing my inf.  But going from a 3 to a 4 on attack, when I meet specific conditions, for more money, and being worse on defense, I just don’t get it.  If I want a plane with punch i’ll buy a true bomber that has killer range.  If the range isn’t that important, i’ll buy art or subs.

  • I have to admit that Tac. Bombers are only bought by me when I know it it will be used offensively. Also remember guys, this same unit will be ultra deadly in AA40E. They also move up to 4 attack when paired with a……TANK! So Germany and Russia are going to be buying loads of Tac. Bombers I suspect.

  • I still say the T-bmr will prove itself more when the Euro side comes out and for the GL game.


    I just don’t see a point in a 3/3 unit that becomes a 4/3 for 1 more buck than an always 3/4 unit.  I’d rather just buy an extra sub at some point for the bit more punch if I need it, or on ground a strat bomber for the range, or an art if range isn’t an issue.

    Comparing a T-bmr to a S-bmr is like comparing apples to oranges (they are both fruits, but different non the less). Both will give you that coveted 4 on attack (granted w/strings attached). S-bmr gives you +2 in range (very helpful in certain circumstances). It will depend on your strats for the game, and what power you are playing.
    For the axis who normally attack very aggressively in the beginning of the game, that 4 (on attack) will be an awesome tool. Then later if your in a more def role the t-bmr (3) will come in much more handy then the S-bmr (1) for def purposes. I know your going to say you should have bought Ftrs instead, but you wouldn’t have the 4 on attack.
    The new air line up will blend to the game very well IMO. Each of the units will prove there value through its unique contributions. Looking at what Jap got as far as air power, Germany may not need to buy many air units as long as it isn’t careless with them. If Germany is forced to attack UK/US ships with its air units (very common) having another unit (4) will come in very handy.

    As far as the UK/US/Jap, S-bmrs can’t def your carriers or scramble. The range comes in handy though, so again each unit has its role.

  • 2024 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '10


    I still say the T-bmr will prove itself more when the Euro side comes out and for the GL game.


    I just don’t see a point in a 3/3 unit that becomes a 4/3 for 1 more buck than an always 3/4 unit.  I’d rather just buy an extra sub at some point for the bit more punch if I need it, or on ground a strat bomber for the range, or an art if range isn’t an issue.

    Comparing a T-bmr to a S-bmr is like comparing apples to oranges (they are both fruits, but different non the less). Both will give you that coveted 4 on attack (granted w/strings attached). S-bmr gives you +2 in range (very helpful in certain circumstances). It will depend on your strats for the game, and what power you are playing.
    For the axis who normally attack very aggressively in the beginning of the game, that 4 (on attack) will be an awesome tool. Then later if your in a more def role the t-bmr (3) will come in much more handy then the S-bmr (1) for def purposes. I know your going to say you should have bought Ftrs instead, but you wouldn’t have the 4 on attack.
    The new air line up will blend to the game very well IMO. Each of the units will prove there value through its unique contributions. Looking at what Jap got as far as air power, Germany may not need to buy many air units as long as it isn’t careless with them. If Germany is forced to attack UK/US ships with its air units (very common) having another unit (4) will come in very handy.

    As far as the UK/US/Jap, S-bmrs can’t def your carriers or scramble. The range comes in handy though, so again each unit has its role.

    Good point.

  • Customizer

    i think more people would buy tac-bombers if it didn’t need another unit with it to have that 4 attack
    i always thought it should just be a plain 4/3/4/11 unit, no conditions

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