• i  didnt not know that. how did we wind up with half of BERLIN anyway? still love the idea of taking bridges and towns under pressure. bridges speed your advance, towns allow you some sort of supplies. plus still have to keep supply lines open.
    i would also love to see a MIDWAY game with tons of navy and aircraft. you would need to have some kind of “fog of war” mechinisim in the rules. ships and aircraft would have to constintly have to “locate” enemy ships and aircraft to engauge.

  • The decision, for berlin to be slit was made at the postadm coference. I guess the soviets regretted letting the allies have half of berlin as they tried to take it back a few years later.

    And yah fog of war sounds awesome. idk how though.

  • How would Germany win this game. Plus only 5 players could play no more or no less.

  • @finnman:

    How would Germany win this game. Plus only 5 players could play no more or no less.

    yeah, only about 4 or 5 players. Germany could win if the allies run out of steam before they get to Berlin, sort of like FORTERESS AMERICA. that game has America attacked from east,west, and south from 3 different players with limited reinforcements. if they dont crush mainland US forces by like the 5th or 6th round America can win by surviving. thats how Germany wins. the cool thing about the game is that it probably would be playable in 4 0r 5 hours. cool when you need an AA fix on Friday night and cant do a 5 am AA global game when you have to work Sat. morning.

  • And yah fog of war sounds awesome. idk how though.

    the only way to do fog of war i think would to use task force markers on the board and you oppoinent would not see the ship grouping until it is spotted and identified, sort of like stratigo. that game was kind of fun before we all discovered AA. you would have to roll dice like ASW in AA to detect subs. this would have to be a 2 player game. again probably played out in an enjoyable 2 or 3 hrs. whatya think?

  • I’m up for anything similar to BOTB. Kursk seems a terrific candidate for that.

  • The biggest problem I see for a Race to Berlin is that the German player gets to decide who he wants to let win.

  • @dinosaur:

    The biggest problem I see for a Race to Berlin is that the German player gets to decide who he wants to let win.

    did not even think of that.but like i said in previous post Germanys incentive is to hold out until the allies run out of reinforcements. by blowing up bridges and disrupting supply lines Germany could win. it wouldnt be easy but i wouldnt automatically assume germany would lose. in FORTRESS AMERICA game, America won a good amount of times even being attacked from east,west and southern boarders by 3 separate enemies trying all to achieve individual goals. i dont know? any better ideas on this?

  • I’d like to see a battle with some not so dominant powers or a battle not involving the US, Germany, or Britian, if that’s at all possible. I don’t know a lot about the war.

  • Well it looks like Kursk, which was the biggest battle as opposed to a ‘campaign’ like Stalingrad.

  • @munchie19:

    I’d like to see a battle with some not so dominant powers or a battle not involving the US, Germany, or Britian, if that’s at all possible. I don’t know a lot about the war.

    there isnt many bettles i now of with out the major ww2 powers in them (battles with out germany,uk,us,japan,russia,italy i quess.i supposes frances)

  • Customizer

    Here’s my three:
    Battle of France 1940 – I think it would be really cool seeing the German advance against the French when they were still pretty strong and had a good army.  Perhaps the French and British could have done something different to stop the Germans?  Perhaps the Belgians could have been a bigger factor?  Or, perhaps the German advance could have gone quicker?  What if there was NO miracle at Dunkirk?  By the way, I would also think a game based on the original German invasion of Poland might be pretty cool.
    Battle of the Philippine Sea 1944 – This was the last real fleet vs fleet action where warships squared off against each other in history.  I would like to see great fleets of battleships and cruisers slugging it out.
    Tobruk 1941 – I like this idea mainly because of the heavy Italian involvement.  ALthough Larry Harris has said “he doesn’t want to make a A&A Africa game”, I think he should reconsider.  That is what I would really want is a game for all of the North African campaign.  Germans and Italians against British and (later) Americans back and forth across North Africa?  That would be great!  Also, particularly involving the Americans, he could include a Vichy French component.  Maybe the players could decide just how much the Vichy French resist the landings of Operation Torch.  What if the Vichy French decided to put up more of a fight?  What if they had German backing?  Then again, what if the Vichy French totally threw in with the Allies and turned on the Axis?  Interesting possibilities.  Also, what if Rommel captured Cairo and the Suez?  WHat would have  happened with Operation Torch then?

  • Why not create a hex map that can be moved around and create an operation Barbarossa game with different scenarios this could be handy to choose scenarios from http://english.pobediteli.ru/flash.html?DR=0 but you would net to go more in depth but you could choose the scenarios from it but research the map.

  • Well, it dosnt seem very historical. Churchill and Roosevelt had already argeed to let the Soviets have berlin, Ike didnt see any sence wasting allied resources taking something that they would have to give right back to the russians. Let the soviets bleed fighting the suprsingly tough hitler youth and whatever was left of the german forces, was the thinking. Maybe it could be a five player game Germans/Soviets/Monty/Patton/Ike. The Ike player would spend his time trying to make sure Monty and Patton didnt take berlin.

    I am not putting it on the list cause its so multi-sided and the players goals arn’t that clear, but it sounds like it could be a good game.
    It kinda sounds like a 1944 setup for AAE40.

    Actually, there was also a very similar rivalry over on the Russian side between Marshal Zhukov and Marshal Konev, who Stalin very cynically pitted against each other in exactly this way; ironic that the Brits and Americans were accused of having such a rivalry to “reach Berlin first” but the Russians were actually doing it, human costs be darned…

    But yes, Ike was far too humane a general to spend lives unnececessarily to take something he’d just have to give away and kept his “dogs of war” tightly leashed, so it sounds like it would be difficult to make it into a good game, if it’s remotely historical.

  • Your reading to far into it. Just US,BRITIAN,and Russia against a well fortified GERMANY.Bridges must be taken to speed advance before Germany can blow them. Allies must hold supply lines,Germany can sabatoge and counter attack. Simple and fun.

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