1.) Kursk (The war-deciding tank battle after which the wehrmacht was in a headlong retreat on the Eastern front and was no longer able to launch a major offensive). Good option to introduce new units e.g Tiger tanks ( att: 4, defense 4, takes two hits to destroy, no point cost as units will be fixed as in Bulge and D-day), fortifications (infantry and/or artillery units in a fortification take two hits to destroy, on the first hit destroy the fortification),some dedicated AT guns (may reroll a miss when firing at armor units) and some more new tank sculpts(Elephant, Panther D, Su 76, SU122) and SS units (Slightly different colour) could be introduced.
2.) Stalingrad. Divide the map up into two halves: one half city of Stalingrad, other half of the map the area from which operation Uranus was launched. The more troops the Germans lead into Stalingrad the bigger the chance they won’t be able to hold the perimetre. Some die rolls might be nice for the Russians so the Germans don’t know exactly how many Russian units are lining up for the attack. Id Stalingrad itself is taken, Germans win.
3.) Battle of Midway