• the rules say any DEFENDING fighters in that territory can intercept a sbr, so what is a defender. that should be clarified!  only defenders can intercept so what is the criteria for being a defender?  in other combat all units in the territory or sea zone BEING ATACKED are considered defending, but in sbr no space is considered to be attacked, it is a targeted attack.  so if i am attacking a UK industrial complex in India then the UK is diffending right, but the ANZAC fighters in India are not in a space that is being attacked so if they go up is it a violation like the UK is comanding the Anzac plains?  or should it be written that any fighters in the territory can scramble.  this is completly unplayable by the rule book.  just terrible, tecnicly intercepting SBR’s is imposible because there is no set criteria for defending, yet only fighters that meat the (none existing) criteria for defending can intercept SBR’s

  • You don’t have to read that hard into it. Defending ftrs are those in the territory being bombed.

  • where is that in the rule book?

    it makes no sence that the UK cant send ANZAC fighters into the air when they are on a UK carrier that the UK sends into battle or a units from a transport in an amphibius assalt but can comand the ANZAC fighters to intercept a SBR.

  • @Tim:

    where is that in the rule book?

    it makes no sence that the UK cant send ANZAC fighters into the air when they are on a UK carrier that the UK sends into battle or a units from a transport in an amphibius assalt but can comand the ANZAC fighters to intercept a SBR.

    The reason for that is that multinational forces can DEFEND together but not ATTACK together.

  • @Tim:

    they seem to have gone out of there way to put that defenders in that sentence of the rule book.  it would make sence if it were not in there.  either way would work but they are so different and i want to play it right.

    playing this game right is realy hard when they printed the rule book on swischees

    Defender=unit in attacked territory. When you sbr, you are attacking a territory, so the fighters on it can defend(and should if there are no escorts)

  • multinational forces MUST defend in land and sea battle because if they didn’t japan could take a territory from the UK and leve ANZAC units there.  this is not a land or sea battle and deffenders are chosen.

  • on page 14 the first line in the stratigic bombing raids reads
    “A strategic bombing raid is a direct attack on a facility.”

  • Welcome, Tim!

    In the absence of a special definition of “defender” in the case of SBRs, it means what it normally means.  It means all of the fighters in the territory, regardless of ownership.

  • A couple of further thoughts:

    The word “defending” was included because some players were fuzzy on the concept that interceptors were treated as defenders.  It seems they thought of them as “attacking” the incoming bombers.

    It’s up to the owner of the fighters whether or not they’ll defend against the SBR.  Your ally may not be willing to risk his/her fighters to defend your facility.

  • If you look at the procedure as a whole, the dogfight occurs over the territory, with all attacking and defending air units participating in a single battle.  Then the bombers split up and attack their individual targets.  I don’t know if that helps you at all.

  • @Tim:

    ok, well i still think the rules are porly writen in this area.  it would be eazyer for me if it said you were attacking the space. it realy makes no sence the way it is writen.  but thanks for clarifing.  also i was confused on how was attacking but figured that you cant attack on someone elses turn.  that sentence in the rules would be purfect if it didn’t have the word “defending” in it.

    This coming from a guy who can’t even spell correctly. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black….

  • @C_Strabala:


    ok, well i still think the rules are porly writen in this area.  it would be eazyer for me if it said you were attacking the space. it realy makes no sence the way it is writen.  but thanks for clarifing.  also i was confused on how was attacking but figured that you cant attack on someone elses turn.  that sentence in the rules would be purfect if it didn’t have the word “defending” in it.

    This coming from a guy who can’t even spell correctly. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black….

    Amen to that. Krieg must have the patience of Job. Some of these posts are so poorly written that I just give up trying to understand them. I do not know how Krieg has the patience to attempt to answer them.

  • @C_Strabala:


    ok, well i still think the rules are porly writen in this area.  it would be eazyer for me if it said you were attacking the space. it realy makes no sence the way it is writen.  but thanks for clarifing.  also i was confused on how was attacking but figured that you cant attack on someone elses turn.  that sentence in the rules would be purfect if it didn’t have the word “defending” in it.

    This coming from a guy who can’t even spell correctly. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black….

    an unsatisfied customer of any purchase has the right to make a legitimate complaint even if the customer himself does not act in the opposing manner of the complaint.

    there is a big difference from a poorly written online post and a game rulebook. no one paid $100 to read tim’s spelling errors. i paid $100 for my copy and am disappointed about the poorly written rulebook.

    luckily i have found this website and krieghund has done a fantastic job at correcting and explaining the rulebook. the game publishers did a great job at sending out replacement tactical bombers.

    unfortunately they did not/can not fix map errors, small ones such as spelling errors, and big ones such as misdrawn maps, misaligned map boards, and warped map boards.

  • First of all, I am not in any way discounting someone’s right to complain about an inferior product.  Secondly, I find it terribly ironic that your opening sentence was unclear and confusing at best.  Thirdly, I am not insinuating that online posts are the same thing as printed rulebooks, or that I am paying big money to read said online posts.  What I’m saying is that it is excessively difficult to take a complaint seriously when the complaint is written in a manner that is so extremely juvenile and ironic.  It looks like a joke post, to be honest.  Even if someone has an excellent point, it is hard to agree and respect that point when it is so horrendously misspelled.  If the writer didn’t care enough to correct spelling errors, why should I care enough to read his complaints?  Plus, I don’t want to look ignorant by lending credence to a ridiculously spelled post by agreeing with its butchered content.

  • @Tim:

    yes and i know i cant spell well.  you know im nlot on face book, myspace, i dont use email and i dont right much, but i draw blueprints free hand. drafting is a lost art and im shure if you tried that for the first time since highschool you would make a bunch of mistakes too.

    also i am sure krieg dose this because he knows we appreciate him

    also read the rules, they are wrong!! i guested right defender=all units in a space being attacked and the rule book said sbr’s are directly on the ic, so the space isn’t under attack!  only because krieg corrected the rules can we understand this correctly.  or to interceptors at all.

    another point is that this is a forum for disscussing the game not for gosupe (and i am sure that is spelled wrong) or belittling pepole for something as stupid as there spelling, and the fact that you would go out of your way to do so just proves you are an idiot, with no life, GET A GIRL!!!

    Um, you’re gossiping by accusing everyone of not being able to get a girl.

  • @allweneedislove:



    ok, well i still think the rules are porly writen in this area.  it would be eazyer for me if it said you were attacking the space. it realy makes no sence the way it is writen.  but thanks for clarifing.  also i was confused on how was attacking but figured that you cant attack on someone elses turn.  that sentence in the rules would be purfect if it didn’t have the word “defending” in it.

    This coming from a guy who can’t even spell correctly. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black….

    an unsatisfied customer of any purchase has the right to make a legitimate complaint even if the customer himself does not act in the opposing manner of the complaint.

    there is a big difference from a poorly written online post and a game rulebook. no one paid $100 to read tim’s spelling errors. i paid $100 for my copy and am disappointed about the poorly written rulebook.

    luckily i have found this website and krieghund has done a fantastic job at correcting and explaining the rulebook. the game publishers did a great job at sending out replacement tactical bombers.

    unfortunately they did not/can not fix map errors, small ones such as spelling errors, and big ones such as misdrawn maps, misaligned map boards, and warped map boards.

    Amen brother.

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