@clamoxyl Welcome to the forum.
Have you looked at https://boardgamegeek.com/ ?
Good luck.
@allister said in đ Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):
bought 1940 pacific. trying to play with a clever 6 year old rela
example: how to work out what income at the start of the 2nd move if we have lost track of territories that have changed hands? do we just count all territories occupied by the nation, and how many points, and then any factories that have a 10 or 3 on them add them too? if so, this doesnt seem to match with the intitial starting income?
Hi @allister
Welcome to the site. :)
At the end of a Player"s turn, you count up what they currently control, so Territories can change hands multiple times in the same round.
For example, Japan could take Philippines and get the value of that TTy at end turn and then America could take it back on their turn and get the value as well.
Not sure what you mean about Factories. Factories are for Production only, not income, although the TTys they are based in will provide income independently
@barnee thanks!
is it just the factories that are added to the points from the territories?
yea, so the factories just allow units to be produced there. They have no affect on income
@barnee thank you