First, a big thanks to Imperious Leader for the invitation to come over here and plug our games.
Next, let me briefly introduce myself and Conquest Gaming. I’m Russ, and my business partners Kyle and Ken used to be my gaming buddies back in the late 1990’s. Kyle and another mutual friend introduced me to Axis&Allies in college. I didn’t like it much because I played USSR and my US/UK overlords advised me to buy nothing but tanks! A couple of years later, I saw some other guys playing in the dorm, and joined in and loved it. A couple more years later, I found Kyle (again) and Ken through a different mutual friend. From there, we invented Warlords of Europe. But, not having a ton of money for production, we turned to expansion type games using the pieces from A&A and RISK to help generate some money. Warlords was always in the back of our mind, and we never would make it an expansion. It had to be done right, if at all.
It’s done right. And right now. The very first games shipped out Feb 11. I invite you to take a look at our website, and at BGG. We’ve got pictures and detailed descriptions of the game in those locations. You can e-mail me directly if you have any questions. I’ll also stop by here from time to time to see what’s going on when I get a chance. See, we’re still just 3 gaming buddies with day jobs, and now separated by a couple of states. We have no cubicle dwellers keeping track of the books or shipping stuff out, so its pretty busy.
And finally, here’s some exclusive content, never before seen on the web anywhere (I may have posted some of that other stuff elsewhere previously, I really don’t recall):
One day in the late 1990’s, Ken and Kyle sketched a huge map of Europe on 2 poster boards taped together, wrote down maybe 2 dozen special event cards (many were duplicates), and played what was a modified Shogun (Samurai Swords) on their Europe map (using the Shogun pieces, the RISK cavalry, and A&A money). They showed it to me the next gaming session, and after playing it, I went home and went to bed. I lay there wide awake, thinking. I finally just got up and cranked up MSPublisher v2.0 and started writing rules and a ton of new event cards, for several hours. We tried my ideas during the next gaming session, much of it “stuck” and remains to this day, as do many of their original cards and their terrain based combat/economic system. After a few weeks, they invited me to form a company with them for the eventual publication of Warlords.
The game has changed quite a lot from those first few weeks, and our company has created a ton of other games (but only a few have we published thus far). Nevertheless, Warlords created Conquest and not the other way around. It was first, and best, and we saved it for over a decade. It’s been an intense 2 years that we’ve been finalizing and printing it. Needless to say, we’re quite proud of the result.
If you’ve ever gotten an e-mail from Conquest, chances are good that you’ve seen this line before…
“We hope you enjoy playing it as much as we do.”