AA50: Strategic –> New Global Techs

  • Personally axis_roll, I’ve just come to the conclusion that Imperious is obsessed with “Historical Realism” and there’s nothing wrong with that.

    I suppose one can think that I’m more obsessed with “Increasing Strategic Options and Variation in Playout”, and that’s OK too.

    I think that when we see each of us comes to these forums with our own particular biases, then we come to understand each other and there is not always a need for a response.  I just chalk it up to Imperious being Imperious  :-)

    My only hope, is that maybe one day Imperious can see that this vairant is mainly about Strategy and Playout, rather than history, and just chalk it up to cousin_joe being cousin_joe.  That’s when we’ll have progress  :-D

    How about it Imperious?  :-)

  • Of course your original premise among other things was being more realistic as well as more options and strategy.

    If realism is of any concern and if options are, then why not make the optional rules standard rather than techs. What is the advantage in this?

    That was my question and too me it does not address either issue as an advantage to either realism or options.

    Nothing i have posted is somehow ‘not relevant’ Just trying to contribute ideas so it can be more ‘out of the box’ thinking or something like that. Thats what i try to represent but AR just wants to think i am devious or something. I am not.

    Also, its really good if you got input from all types of references and not ‘close off’ people. Let anybody and everybody help out and be courteous. I will do the same ok?

    We are all on the same side here. Down the road i will sticky the main thread once its final so you can use it to link.

  • Customizer

    Huh… I agree with this statement:
    “Also, its really good if you got input from all types of references and not ‘close off’ people. Let anybody and everybody help out and be courteous.”
    I’m not part of the close off club, so my Atomic Bomb post was for naught. Damns… how do I get membership?

  • just post what you think is best based on your own ideas.

  • Customizer

    Did so, see above. Was looking for feedback or discussion. Cheers.

  • @Imperious:

    Closing a territory is not based on a unit, so how can you ‘develop’ a unit to have that capability?

    This is not an answer, War bonds for example are just extra IPC and have nothing to do with units or technology. Its just extra money that could be used to repair factories too.

    You pointed out two optional rules that are specific UNIT modifications and question turning them into developing techs (which to me seems logical).  I posted an opposing view based on your poor example of Dardenelles straight optional rule, and I correctly pointed out it’s not a unit mod.  So then you (again) bring up another poor analogy.

    War bonds is not a Cousin_joe added tech, it’s already an OOB rule.
    There are only two optional rules.

    There’s another entire optional concept called Weapons Development.
    That’s a package deal.  And when you can target the development of these, then they become startegic parts of the game.  Also, a 1 in 6 shot is not enough ‘targetting’ in my book.


    And i am not sure why you don’t ever answer the first question which was asked twice already?

    here it is again:

    Why repackage optional rules as new techs, rather than just keep them as they are optional or standard rules, like NO’s and techs.

    Because I already answered this question TWICE.

    If you give a weapon to everyone in the game, it’s not STRATEGIC.
    Everyone has it, just not the players who CHOOSE to develop it either to gain an advantage or react to a threat, i.e. to counter the other players advantage.

    In this sense, DEVELOPING an ‘optional rule’ into a tech, then it becomes strategic.
    I don’t think it’s that hard of a concept to follow.


    if they are on then all players gain more options.

    no, it gives players more modifications to ALL players.  Where’s the option?
    EVERYONE gets it.  If I were to continue your way of thinking, giving everyone all techs but 2 would give every player ALL THESE OPTIONS….

    No it wouldn’t.  You’d have a game with Alien Laser flying tanks.  Hey, if you love tech, that’s great, give it to everyone, but that doesn’t give players more options (it actually LESSENS them) and it certainly does not make the game more strategic.


    to limit them to ‘technology’ also limits them to players because they have to roll dice to get them and may never get them. So if you want more options you make them standard and required and make original house rules to support them right?

    I was always under the impression that less house rules are better, not more.  However, that’s a personal taste that varies by player.


    The other question was why and how can you apply the same exact rules for 1941 and 1942 such as the UK free factory , when clearly the value of this is not clear at all as a blanket fix for ALL the balancing issues of all 4 games?

    I believe Cousin_joe targetted his rule changes to 1941 scenario.
    I don’t think he EVER mentioned 1942 scenario, if he did, I missed it.


    And also please don’t get personal with me too. ok?

    If you keep your responses from being so glib, I would respect you more.
    Unless you actually thought you could develop a tech that closes the dardenelles straight…

  • If you keep your responses from being so glib, I would respect you more.

    They are not glib to me and please give and others me the benefit of the doubt because thats how we all can get along I extend the same too you. Its just possible i am looking at this entirely differently. And yes i could be wrong in how i look at it or you can be wrong, or we both could be wrong.

    And too me most people do not like optional rules becoming a ‘technology’ because your after maximum ‘options’ and want to add more techs, but not reconfigure the old techs. To me just adding stuff and not modifying some of the OOB rules seems like a letdown, because alot of people don’t even use techs BECAUSE OF WHAT SOME OF THEM ARE WHICH IS BAD.

    If your after options then make some new techs, because some of the OOB techs are simply nothing techs ( war bonds and others) and look like fillers for slots. Even take older techs from AAR or MBAA and use them. Nothing wrong with that right?

    If the tech tree is a ‘best of’ the other games ideas, it may offer more options. I mean you already made optional rules as technology, so taking technology from other games is not a stretch.

    War bonds seems like an American NA anyway

    And Heavy Artillery could be replaced with anything else from AAR and still be better.

    You already invented some techs, so its not a greater stretch to take ones from AAR or even 2nd edition.

    I also like less rules to make it more appealing to anybody.

  • Chill folks! IL, a “tech” can be whatever is needed to improve the strategy of the game; it does not necessarily have to be a technology developed during the war.

    On the other hand, IL has a good point. Maybe instead of making a bunch of new techs, perhaps a system of NA’s would be in order.

    Here are my thoughts on the suggested techs:

    1. Escorts and Interceptors - these seem too specific to be put as a tech. Perhaps tack Interceptors onto radar and Escorts onto jets. This would allow radar to be the general tech to buy to counter SBR.

    2. ASW-cruisers - Interesting, my take would be to make a general cruiser tech that also gave them ASW.
    I don’t really like the idea of minor techs as shown here. They seem to be over-complicating the game without adding much flavor. I think you should remove the minor category from techs and don’t keep any that don’t make the moderate category. (for aesthetics, perhaps rename the moderate, minor; the major, moderate; and the ultimate, major)

    Here are some alternatives:
    a. Advanced cruisers - your cruisers bombard at 4 and can detect subs
    b. Fleet coordination - Your Cruisers may detect subs and your battleships gain an AA gun
    c. Give these abilities to radar
    d. Make it an NA or part of one.

    3. Air transport - seems too close to paratroops - consider combining?

    4. Air bases - One that I like.  :-D Perhaps make it the same as AAP40 by giving air units +1 move off of the islands. This would also improve it making it more more deserving of its position as a moderate tech IMO.

    5. Atomic Bomb  :roll: Really? The atomic bomb was only used once the US had practically won the war. It might have been drawn out, but they would have won. This is already represented by VCs. Once you capture enough VCs, you win. This would happen before and atomic bomb was developed.
    In regards to game play, it seems lame. The cost seems to be too much merely to prevent one turn of production. I honestly think the whole idea should be scrapped.

    Sorry to be a wet blanket, but I am just not too keen on most of these new techs.

    Edit: Yay!! I’m no longer a conscript.  :-P

    I really don’t like the errata for heavy bombers and improved factories. I think the HB one is too much of a bandaid fix (and not in lline with the ultimate tech price of HB). I didn’t like the factory one because I thought the whole point of the factory tech was to give more production to secondary factories. Many of these could be on 2 IPC territories. (I am not too against limiting 1 IPC territories to 1+ but I think it is unnecessary)  Consider scrapping these errata for this ruleset?

  • I have a new idea for ASW cruisers, but first I would like to propose a couple other changes. The first is a change to sub detection. I am not a fan of 1 8 point destroyer stopping a fleet of subs from surprise strike. Here is the suggestion: each destroyer (and perhaps ASW cruiser) can only detect 1 sub at a time. (or per round if liked better) This way unless the destroyers outnumber the subs, some of the subs get surprise attack. Now before you say that there is a problem because subs cost less than destroyers, think of it this way: If one player builds 4 subs with 24 IPCs and his opponent counters with 3 destroyers for the same price, the subs will only get 1 surprise strike. That won’t cause much damage. Besides, the subs lose in defense anyway and can’t stop the opponents fleet. This is especially critical since a large fleet of subs cannot put one sub between them and the opposing force to prevent and attack. Whereas, a surface fleet can do that to the subs with the cheapest surface ship out there. Perhaps a 7 point destroyer would be in order, but probably not. Too many changes are not cool.

    These second suggestion is the 11 point cruiser. This is to make it more in line with other ships and aircraft. Lets face it who besides Italy (and that even rarely) really buys cruisers.

    The third is Battleship AA gun as standard. Even with an 11 point cruiser, planes outmatch ships in AA50. To demonstrate simply compare 2 FTRs to a battleship. 2@3 or 1@4, same number of hits. Bombers are 12 points to attack at 4 whereas cruiser is same price (1 less with my proposed change) and only attack with 3. Also with either of the aircraft techs, planes become even more dangerous toward ships.

    Finally to the tech. My suggestion is a tech for cruisers called enhanced cruisers - your cruisers are equipped with ASW technology and an AA gun - Cruisers have ASW capabilities and can fire and AA gun stackable with the BB one to fire @2. This tech would increase the utility of cruisers and would provide a counter tech to protect fleets against jets or heavies. Fleets are expensive to build and should be protectable. Especially with the change of Jets from defense to offense, every tech there is (including super subs) seems to make fleets weaker. Obviously with this improvement it couldn’t be a minor tech, but hey, I didn’t like the minor tech idea anyway.

    I would love to try all my ideas out and tell how they went but I might have to wait a few weeks for school to end. (Then my brother will have no escuse not to play with me.  :evil: )

  • 5. Atomic Bomb  rolleyes Really? The atomic bomb was only used once the US had practically won the war. It might have been drawn out, but they would have won. This is already represented by VCs. Once you capture enough VCs, you win. This would happen before and atomic bomb was developed.
    In regards to game play, it seems lame. The cost seems to be too much merely to prevent one turn of production. I honestly think the whole idea should be scrapped.

    The war would have gone on till 1946. The two bombs dropped changed that. japan figured it could get a negotiated peace if it soiled the beaches of Japan with American blood. The bombs changed that completely. It was also dropped to get political advantage over the Soviets who wanted spoils in Asia and to deny them the same. The bomb was the most important invention of the war and it above all other techs must be represented. Obviously, it would be had to obtain and require alot of research to have. The idea is also to have one tech that changes the game and makes it end. Some games require such an outcome because players sometimes never surrender and Atomic weaponry will finish the stalemate.

    And that is exactly what it did.

    In some games you can play and not obtain an outcome, while with this technology you are assured that the game will finish up soon. In most games that last of normal duration it wont be developed and thats the charm of it.

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