Sweet, thanks man. I’ll give it a shot!
Accurate Miniature Equivalents for Custom Painting your 1940 E&P
id like to see the europe board :-D
Well in that case, I’ve only got Germany, UK, Russia, US, and Italy to go. :|
I did break down and get my 2nd copy of Pacific 1940. :-D
Thanks! I plan on taking some Pacific 1940 setup pics once Japan is finished.
By the way: I was thinking USA next… What do you guys want to see?
The only country that is left is USA right?
there is Britian too
they did use the same molds…
stay on topic. Stop with these useless posts about nothing. geez
they did use the same molds…
I guess he’ll have to paint the Union Jack on the pieces so that you can tell them apart.
I’m actually rather curious to see UK next, just because I’d like to see how our glorious painter makes them distinct from the ANZAC forces. Though I doubt anyone here would complain if US comes next, because these paint jobs are INCREDIBLE.
Makes me wish I had the time, patience, and fine motor skills to paint my own A&A pieces. But no, all I’ve got is pieces envy. :-P
they did use the same molds…
I guess he’ll have to paint the Union Jack on the pieces so that you can tell them apart.
BD - it’s not a Union 'J unless its at the prow of a ship, the pole is wooden.
:wink:Fantastic paint jobs… still waiting for the rest…
BD - it’s not a Union 'J unless its at the prow of a ship, the pole is wooden.
:wink:I tried to figure out what you meant but all I found was information supporting my statement:
BD - it’s not a Union 'J unless its at the prow of a ship, the pole is wooden.
:wink:I tried to figure out what you meant but all I found was information supporting my statement:
Just josh’in, but yeah, it’s not termed a union Jack by British mariners unless (above) - just a tidbit of relatively useless knowledge. Wiki not including it doesn’t surprise me, could only know if - yadda yadda.
By the way Allworkandnoclay - threw out a link of some of those painted minis I was talking to you about.
By the way Allworkandnoclay - threw out a link of some of those painted minis I was talking to you about.
I must have forgotten, which minis were those and what is the link?
By the way, I saw your painted minis in the AA50 forum and your pieces are fantastic.
By the way Allworkandnoclay - threw out a link of some of those painted minis I was talking to you about.
I must have forgotten, which minis were those and what is the link?
By the way, I saw your painted minis in the AA50 forum and your pieces are fantastic.
Forgotten? I only knew by accident because I floated down the Thames, eh eh eh. Good stuff.
Allworknoclay - couldn’t post my pics directly here as you suggested in or convo., link here:http://s889.photobucket.com/home/Viracocha_bucket/index
Have more pics if interested…
Dude your tanks looks badass. The detail is amazing. Keep it up!
Dude your tanks looks badass. The detail is amazing. Keep it up!
Yeah, no kiddin’!, I cant believe the detail. Hey Viracocha, did you make your own decals for the lettering.
THanks guys! Oops - I don’t have a painted 1940, -
Hey Allworkandnoclay! Where’s the rest! C’mon man… those minis aren’t going to paint themselves! eheheh Sweeet halfs and stands btw…
Sorry guys - I’ve got two A&A projects going simultaneously and I’m trying to put equal effort into both… That and I’m at least trying to pretend I have a life outside all this.
Flat Brown Camo (Early War, Army)
Flat Green Camo (Late War, Navy)
Flat Blue Camo (Ocean Camo)
Blotched Camo (Tropical, Palm Tree)
Striped Camo (Mainland China)
Reticulated Camo (Late War, Tropical)
Extra Fighters
Flat Grey (Early War, Navy)
Flat White (Japan Mainland)
Bare Metal (Late War, due to lack of materials)Japanese Fighters
Japanese Tactical Bombers
Japanese Strategic Bombers
Imperial Japanese Air Force
Japanese Progress
Absolutely brilliant. how long did that take?
Absolutely brilliant. how long did that take?
Please don’t ask heh. :|
THanks guys! Oops - I don’t have a painted 1940, -
Hey Allworkandnoclay! Where’s the rest! C’mon man… those minis aren’t going to paint themselves! eheheh Sweeet halfs and stands btw…
Fantastic paint job, V! It doesn’t take much to update a painted A&A50 set to 1940 - just China, ANZAC, France (we assume), mech inf, and tact bombers (maybe a naval vessel as well? I forget). What did you seal your pieces with? Also are those decals or hand painted lettering?
Coming up next: Japanese Navy, Six more Japanese Mech Inf, and the Six Chinese Artillery I forgot to do.