AA42 Questions & Answers
I buy two fighters and a aircraft carrier in the same turn.In my mobilization phase, can I put my two fighters on the aircraft in same turn ?
I buy a aircraft carrier ,in my attack phase or moving phase ,can I land my fighter in that cv I brought this turn?
You cannot land the fighters before the AC is mobilized during mobilization phase. But you can bring the fighters to the SZ in which the AC will be mobilized.
This can be either in combat move phase (if there will be a battle in that SZ where the AC will be placed later) or in the noncombat move phase. -
i have a very important question to ask. can the UK build ship into SZ 3?
and can you build into seazone 17 with algeria?
why can uk build into sz 3 with only a fraction of their land touching it but algeria cant build into 17 with the same amount touching it.
See the FAQ.
I’ve played so many versions of this game I sometimes lose track of different rules. Can complexes be built on islands? The rulebook doesn’t specifically forbid it? At least not what I could find.
The official FAQ has been updated per September 3, 2014. The link is outdated as of the time of editing this posting.
There is a source for Spring 1942 on AH’s website:
But the FAQ-document linked there does not reflect Spring 1942 (but 1942 2nd ed. instead).
did’nt see this anywhere so I’ll ask.Does sz6 connect to sz2?