• Thanks!

  • Hello.

    I have a few questions. They’re probably pretty basic, but I’d still like to know that I’m in the right. For the questions, let’s assume that all airplanes are making legal moves. I’m fairly sure I’ve got that part down.

    1. Is it possible to attack ships in a sea zone with only airplanes? The rulebook says “Both [fighters and bombers] can attack in sea zones.” However, there’s not any clarification as to whether they can do so alone or not. For the time being, I presume that this means that it is allowed, but I wanted to check. For example, if I’m playing as Germany and there is a UK battleship (and two transports) in SZ 5, can I attack those with only bombers and fighters based in Europe? If so, are the transports destroyed as normal if the airplane force is victorious and at least one plane remains in the attacking force after the battleship is destroyed?

    2. In a similar way, can an airplane-only attack “clear” units from an island without taking it? For example, if fighters from a US-based carrier were to attack one infantry on Borneo, does normal combat result? I do know that if the fighters are successful, they cannot take possession of the territory.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • 1. Any plane, any time! And yes, the trans go away assuming you survive the onslaught.

    2. Yes, but why would you risk losing a fighter?

  • Thank you for your response, Mallery29. I don’t really have an answer to your question; you make a good point. It was just for reference, I guess.

  • Only time I would risk a plane is if I were UK/US and I saw I could open a hole in German lines for the Russians to exploit…being that it’s an island, unless its UK or Japan, it ain’t worth it.

  • @Mallery29:

    2. Yes, but why would you risk losing a fighter?

    Sometimes a ground unit can be more valuable than a fighter. Imagine that the Germans only have 1 armor left in Africa and their Med fleet has been destroyed. Wouldn’t you send 2 fighters with the UK to destroy it?

  • As I’ve said before, the Axis can win w/o Africa.  I’d hope that I’d be using those planes to poop all over Stalin.  You know Germany’s goal is Moscow, not Africa.  Hell, I’d rather lose them in an escort in an IB raid again UK/Russian than waste them on Africa.n  Germany focusing on Africa is like taking your eye off the 8 ball in pool…  if you’re not careful, you’ll scratch.

  • Don’t take my “you know….” statement as sarcasm, but stating fact.  I know you’ve played a lot, so I just wanted make sure that was clear (I know how things on the usenet can be misinterpeted.

  • Hello I have just recently purchased this game and started playing with a group of friend, which we all love. I just have one question about spawning new sea units in hostile territory. It says in the rulebook that you can do this, but if this is true then you could never make an amphib assault on a country like Germany for instance if you were the UK. I ran into this problem last night as i had a major fleet amphib assaulting berlin but beings germay goes before the UK he would just spawn one sea unit there to stop my amphib assault. This just doesnt seem correct to me. Plz help, could be the whole deciding factor in the war!

  • A sea unit does not stop an Amphibious Assault. It stops a bombardment. If the Attacker wins the sea battle, he can then unload his transports.
    And yes you can build in a Hostile Sea Zone as the Combat Turn is over and combat can only happen in that turn. The sea unit beginning his Combat Turn in a Hostile SZ, then has to choose to fight or move away . In your scenario you would stay, sink his fleet and then unload in to Germany.

  • TripleA '12

    And the only enemy sea units you would need to worry about would be Battleships, Aircraft Carriers, Cruisers & Destroyers (surface warships). Submarines (warships but not surface warships) and Transports (neither warships or surface warships) will not stop your amphibious assault in any way (unless you choose to engage them with your warships).

    Hope that makes sense!  :-)

  • thanks alot guys this has helped out a ton! glad to find a site that you can actually get a real time answer from educated players. once again thanks alot and also for all the other questions i will have in the future

  • @wittman
    So they could spawn a destroyer, say off of japan, in their mobilization move, if i have my fleet there already?? IF they can, would I have to attack the destroyer, with my fleet and stop ALL of my bombardment for the amphib assault?? If this is true then they couldnt stop my amphip assault but they can stop the bombardment??

    Also to anyone
    Can you unload a transport onto unoccupied enemy territory without amphib assaultin with fleet and/or air force?

  • Yes he can build in a sea zone where you are and his Destroyer would have to be attacked in your next go if you wanted to stay in the Sea Zone (and necessary to Unload a Transport). One ship stops all bombardments.
    Once you sink his surface warships, you can land.
    2nd point: a lone Transport can unload in Combat Turn if there are no surface warships present even in to an empty territory. It is still an Amphibious Assault. No Air necessary either.

  • In the 2nd Edition of 1942 you could not unload a Transport if an enemy  Sub were present in the SZ. The Transport would have to be escorted by a warship in this case.
    I presume you are playing 1st Edition.

  • Yes sir, it is first addition. Now i completly understand all points that i had doubted and once again thank you for taking the time out to help answer some of my questions.

    Also, this is the first A&A game I have ever owned/played and have really enjoyed it. I noticed some of the other games are a little pricy, so thats why I had bought this one as kind of a trial to see if it were something my friends and I would enjoy. Now seeing it is something I could get into more, any suggestions on the next buy??

  • Global(Pacific and Europe 1940) if you have the time. Can take 10 hours or more. Also the most expensive. If you like the sound of it, wait until the 2nd Edit, due in Autumn.
    Battle of the Bulge is quicker and the rules different. But most people love it.
    At£25-35 the newest 1941 might be worth buying. Is designed to bring new players to the game, so simpler rules and fewer territories.

  • If its sub on sub combat in a sea zone and the defending sub has a loaded transport with it can the attacking sub conduct normal combat or does it have to suprise attack??

  • @kaptinknaughts:

    If its sub on sub combat in a sea zone and the defending sub has a loaded transport with it can the attacking sub conduct normal combat or does it have to suprise attack??

    Attacking sub goes first w/ suprise attack, then defending sub can fire if it survived.  Only a destroyer can cancel out the suprise attack.

  • So does thr attacking sub have to suprise attack? Or does it posses general combat capabillities

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