• TripleA


    Sorry, Allweneedislove, I didn’t answer because I figured a quote from Larry was sufficient.

    thanks as always for your support of the gamers.

    no need to appologize, maybe i did not trust larry because even larry relies on your answers.

  • Can the UK fly planes over Japanese territory when it’s not at war?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, as long as they’re not originally Chinese.

  • @Krieghund:

    Yes, as long as they’re not originally Chinese.

    Well, then the answer might as well be no, since the UK has no need to fly over Siam or any island. The only useful one may be FIC

  • ANZAC NO says it is gained by ANZAC “occupying” an original Jap territory.  So can a player claim his 5 IPC’s by flying ANZAC aircraft onto the Carolines, or does “occupying” mean ground units only?

  • Official Q&A

    Air units count.

  • @Krieghund:

    Air units count.

    OK, thanks again.

  • Can planes on island be scrambled to defend sea units of another ally? eg. UK builds airbase on Borneo, ANZAC lands fighters there, Japan attacks US Destroyer off Borneo without attacking island itself. Can these ANZAC fighters participate in battle? Thanks.

  • @cressman8064:

    Can planes on island be scrambled to defend sea units of another ally? eg. UK builds airbase on Borneo, ANZAC lands fighters there, Japan attacks US Destroyer off Borneo without attacking island itself. Can these ANZAC fighters participate in battle? Thanks.


  • if a sub and a transport make a combat move into a sz with a lone enemy sub, and the enemy sub submerges before battle, it still gets to shoot at the transport at a 2 instead of 1?  This seems true in the rules, but very counter-intuitive.

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, it’s true.  The defending sub’s shot occurs during the Combat Move phase, so it happens before the attacking sub actually attacks.

  • @Krieghund:


    If china captures a Japanese Naval or air base in an originally owned Chinese territory, china immediately destroys it like it does with complexes since these are facilities right?

    No, only industrial complexes are destroyed.

    Does china or other allies get to use said air bases?  Judging by the wording of the rules, I’m guessing no - they stay Japanese.

  • @Stoney229:



    If china captures a Japanese Naval or air base in an originally owned Chinese territory, china immediately destroys it like it does with complexes since these are facilities right?

    No, only industrial complexes are destroyed.

    Does china or other allies get to use said air bases?  Judging by the wording of the rules, I’m guessing no - they stay Japanese.

    No, they are Chinese, and the allies can use them

  • @calvinhobbesliker:




    If china captures a Japanese Naval or air base in an originally owned Chinese territory, china immediately destroys it like it does with complexes since these are facilities right?

    No, only industrial complexes are destroyed.

    Does china or other allies get to use said air bases?  Judging by the wording of the rules, I’m guessing no - they stay Japanese.

    No, they are Chinese, and the allies can use them

    Confirmation?  From page 9: “Although China’s purchases are made in the same way as the other powers, it does not have industrial complexes, or air or naval bases.”

    Another question.
    pg 12 states “If you want to make any amphibious assaults, announce your intent to do so during the Combat Move phase.”
    Say US makes an amphibious combat move into sea zone 6.  Must the US player announce which territory (s)he intends to amphibiously assault?

  • @Stoney229:





    If china captures a Japanese Naval or air base in an originally owned Chinese territory, china immediately destroys it like it does with complexes since these are facilities right?

    No, only industrial complexes are destroyed.

    Does china or other allies get to use said air bases?  Judging by the wording of the rules, I’m guessing no - they stay Japanese.

    No, they are Chinese, and the allies can use them

    Confirmation?  From page 9: “Although China’s purchases are made in the same way as the other powers, it does not have industrial complexes, or air or naval bases.”

    Another question.
    pg 12 states “If you want to make any amphibious assaults, announce your intent to do so during the Combat Move phase.”
    Say US makes an amphibious combat move into sea zone 6.  Must the US player announce which territory (s)he intends to amphibiously assault?

    I think that sentence implies that China can’t BUY bases; not that they can’t have them

    In Z6, the US does have to announce which one

  • @Stoney229:

    Confirmation?  From page 9: “Although China’s purchases are made in the same way as the other powers, it does not have industrial complexes, or air or naval bases.”

    Doesn’t that just mean China can’t buy air or naval bases?  That’s entirely different from owning/using them.

    Another question.
    pg 12 states “If you want to make any amphibious assaults, announce your intent to do so during the Combat Move phase.”
    Say US makes an amphibious combat move into sea zone 6.  Must the US player announce which territory (s)he intends to amphibiously assault?

    Yes.  The land units should be designated to territories being assaulted before any dice are rolled.

  • the term used in the book is “have”.  That could mean they don’t have any available to be built (synonymous with cannot build, as you say), but it could also mean they cannot have them.  I’d like some confirmation on that.

    Re:z6 - do you have confirmation/anywhere that this is stated specifically?  because I cannot find it in the rule book.

  • Well, I don’t know if it’s the same language in the P40 rulebook, but the AA50 rulebook on page 14 says “If you want to make any amphibious assaults during the Conduct Combat phase, you announce your intent to do so during this phase.  An amphibious assault takes place when you attack a coastal territory from a non-hostile sea zone by offloading land units from transports into that target territory….  …  During the Conduct Combat phase, you can only launch amphibious assaults that you announced during this phase.”

    I don’t know of any time in any A&A game where you can decide exactly what you are going to attack after dice are rolled.  I know the rules quoted above leave a bit of wiggle room, but in A&A all combat moves must be exactly and specifically spelled out before the conduct combat phase.  There is no such thing as rolling any dice, and then being able to decide which land territory you’re going to attack.  All assignments of ground forces have to be specifically made before rolling any dice, and nothing can be changed once you start rolling any dice whatsoever, if you strictly follow the rules.

    No I don’t have a direct quote or something that says “you cannot decide how you will allocate your ground units after the combat movement phase is complete” or some such thing, but I am 99.9% Krieghund will confirm that yes, the USA must announce which territory they intend to assault, and not only that, but with exactly which ground units are going to which territories.  Make that 100% sure.

  • Official Q&A

    When the rules say that China does not have industrial complexes, air bases or naval bases, they mean literally that.  China doesn’t start the game with any of these things.  The rules specifically state that China may purchase only artillery (conditionally) and infantry, and that captured industrial complexes are destroyed.  Captured bases and AA guns can be owned and used by China and its allies.


    Well, I don’t know if it’s the same language in the P40 rulebook, but the AA50 rulebook on page 14 says “If you want to make any amphibious assaults during the Conduct Combat phase, you announce your intent to do so during this phase.  An amphibious assault takes place when you attack a coastal territory from a non-hostile sea zone by offloading land units from transports into that target territory….  …  During the Conduct Combat phase, you can only launch amphibious assaults that you announced during this phase.”

    I don’t know of any time in any A&A game where you can decide exactly what you are going to attack after dice are rolled.  I know the rules quoted above leave a bit of wiggle room, but in A&A all combat moves must be exactly and specifically spelled out before the conduct combat phase.  There is no such thing as rolling any dice, and then being able to decide which land territory you’re going to attack.  All assignments of ground forces have to be specifically made before rolling any dice, and nothing can be changed once you start rolling any dice whatsoever, if you strictly follow the rules.

    No I don’t have a direct quote or something that says “you cannot decide how you will allocate your ground units after the combat movement phase is complete” or some such thing, but I am 99.9% Krieghund will confirm that yes, the USA must announce which territory they intend to assault, and not only that, but with exactly which ground units are going to which territories.  Make that 100% sure.

    Correct, all attacks must be specifically declared during combat movement.

  • thank you very much!!

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