Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • '10


    Yeah I hear you, knp7765. FMG should get shot of that factory - they’re rubbish.

    I haven’t received an email from UPS though. Should I be getting one soon? I am in the UK so not sure if that would cause a delay, but probably.

    As soon as I receive my FMG Italy Combat Units (& Dice) I will post a complete inventory/piece count on here.

    International Customers:

    If you choose and pay for UPS shipping, you would have already received an e-mail.  If you choose AIR MAIL, the product is coming in the mail (Slow and no tracking).

  • TripleA '12

    Ah okay, thanks Jeremy - I remember now. I chose AIR MAIL back in October 2010 so I guess I will wait… and HOPE! lol

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11


    As soon as I receive my FMG Italy Combat Units (& Dice) I will post a complete inventory/piece count on here.

    Good idea. Here is my inventory for 2 sets :


    Infantry = 60 ( 12 x ’ commanders ’ and 24 of each other pose  sculpts )

    Tanks = 24 ( 12 each )

    Autoblinda = 24

    Arty = 24

    Trucks = 12


    Fighter = 24

    Bomber = 12

    Tac bomber = 12

    Transport = 12


    CV = 12

    BB = 12

    CA = 12

    DD = 24

    SS = 20 ( ! )

    Transport = 24

    For a total of 312 308 units.  :oops:

    J.   8-)

  • '10

    So you got more than 150 units for each set!  BONUS I think!

  • Hi

    I have ordered both Italian Units and Combat Dice + Combat Dice Elite.
    Will I receive Italian Units and Combat Dice now in the mail?, and the Elite Dice later?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11

    Yea !

    In each box set there are 6 ziplock bags containing, each : 1 commander, 2 inf  sculpt # 1 and 2 sculpt # 2; 2 autoblinda, 1 semovente and 1 ( the other tank  carro armato 41 ), 1 truck and 2 arty. 1 CV, 1 BB, 1 CA, 2 DD, 2 transport and 2 SS ( 5 out of 6 ); 2 figther, 1 bomber, 1 tac bomber, 1 transport.

    26 units per bag x 6 bags = 156 - 2 SS = 154 total

    J.  8-)

    PS I corrected the total from my last post from 312 to 308  :oops:

  • Just got my pieces in the mail and all I can say is… Wonderful job FMG!  The level of detail in these pieces is amazing.  I cannot thank you enough for making these.  Speed up production on the other nations because I plan on buying every single set you produce!

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11


    Just got my pieces in the mail and all I can say is… Wonderful job FMG!  The level of detail in these pieces is amazing.  I cannot thank you enough for making these.  Speed up production on the other nations because I plan on buying every single set you produce!


    J.  8-)

  • I got my pieces today and they were well worth the wait, and I cannot wait to order some Germans when they are ready to go.  :-)

  • Customizer


    Yea !

    In each box set there are 6 ziplock bags containing, each : 1 commander, 2 inf  sculpt # 1 and 2 sculpt # 2; 2 autoblinda, 1 semovente and 1 ( the other tank   carro armato 41 ), 1 truck and 2 arty. 1 CV, 1 BB, 1 CA, 2 DD, 2 transport and 2 SS ( 5 out of 6 ); 2 figther, 1 bomber, 1 tac bomber, 1 transport.

    26 units per bag x 6 bags = 156 - 2 SS = 154 total

    J.  8-)

    PS I corrected the total from my last post from 312 to 308  :oops:

    Cool.  That means each ziplock bag contains one stamping of the mold.  A little view into how the factory works.  Apparently as soon as they stamp the mold, they immediately bag them.  So, six bags equals one set.  I would imagine your missing subs either fell out between the mold and the bag ( they are small pieces) or maybe they even stuck in the mold itself and they didn’t check before moving on to the next set.  If I’m not mistaken, they put the mold together and inject the plastic into it.  When the plastic was injected and came to one of the sub cavities, it probably simply bypassed it because it was already full.  Wonder how often that happens before someone catches it.

  • Customizer

    Hey guys, you want to hear something frustrating?  I just checked my UPS tracking info and found out my package arrived here in Wichita at 12:35 AM today (11/24).  Unfortunately, I’m not due to receive delivery until Monday because:  Today is Thanksgiving Day, a national Holiday so they obviously don’t deliver today.  I think UPS is one of those companies that give their employees the Friday after Thanksgiving off so no delivery tomorrow.  UPS doesn’t deliver during the weekend except for the expensive stuff like “Next Day Air” so no goodies for me Saturday or Sunday.  Therefore, I MUST wait until Monday.  It’s just so frustrating knowing that it is right HERE in Wichita but I can’t get it.  Oh well, at least I will get them for my next weekend and have two days off to play with them.

  • TripleA '12

    Man, that is frustrating. I hope you get them before Monday, by some miracle. I expect mine are somewhere over the atlantic but HQ have lost track of exactly where these units are. They are heading into unknown territory and few expect to make it back alive.

  • '10

    Thank you for your positive comments.

    Now go; Spread the word!!  Tell the world!

  • Gents, mie are in the great state of Illinois somewhere enroute to Enid, Oklahoma.  Scheduled delivery is next Tusday.  For the gentleman who’s are heading across the Atlantic i hope you get them AND THEY DON’T GET TIED UP IN YOUR NATIONS CUSTOMS DEPT.

    Happy Thanksgiving


  • if i order the italians today when will i have them by?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11


    So you got more than 150 units for each set!  BONUS I think!

    In a sense. I think what happened, after reading the # of units in your Germany combat set, is that we were supposed to get only 6 cargo/transport ships and 12 subs in a set. I got 12 cargo/transport ships and 10 subs per set. So, as the math goes : 6 more ships minus 2 subs = 4 extra units for a total of 154 instead of 150. But I am not complaining, not at all. :wink:

    J.  8-)

  • Customizer

    I think it’s cool that you got more transport ships.  I always thought we needed more of those anyway because we use them like crazy for most countries with the exceptions of Russia and France.

  • '12

    Got mine the other day. I am very impressed with quality!  Here is my piece count along any comments about spcific units (intended to be helpful, not whiney).


    6 leaders
    11 SMG
    13 Rifle

    Rifle and SMG guy are almost  indistinguishable at 1 foot away.

    Land units:

    12 Artillery
    6 Trucks (I had intended to use these as mech inf, but they are HUGE!!! Still may, tho)
    11 Armored Cars (not a fan of this choice over the Italian wheeled APC.  Looks too much like the tank on the board.  BTW: the short side is the front  :-D)
    7 Tanks
    6 Assault guns (The assault guns are much bigger than the tank, despite both of the real vehicles actually being identical from the waist down.  Perhaps this was done to make them easier to tell apart)


    12 Transports (Love them)
    12 Subs (Several were rather curved and in need of heating/straightening)
    12 Destroyers
    6 Cruisers
    6 Carriers
    6 Battleships


    12 Fighters
    6 Tacs
    7 Bombers
    5 Transports.

    156 Total

    Quite happy overall.  I’d recommend them. :)

  • Just tore in to my new FMG Italians.  Figured I’d put my piece count here, too.

    8 bomber
    3 transport planes
    7 tacs
    12 fighter
    12 arty
    6 heavy tank
    5 light tank
    12 armored car
    6 truck
    7 commander
    11 rifle inf
    13 smg inf
    13 ss
    6 bb
    6 cv
    12 dd
    6 ca
    13 transport

    Little disappointed with the number of air transports, but these pieces are so freaking cool that I don’t think it’s really an issue.  I’ll probably get a couple extras when I buy some sets of Axis minors from HBG.  Keep up the good work, FMG!  :-D

  • Customizer

    Such weird piece counts.  I guess Jeremy was right, with so many pieces and so many sets, there are bound to be a few missing and a few extra pieces here and there.  Good thing HBG sells the pieces individually so those of us that want to can fill any small holes in the sets.

    Great news is I guess FMG decided to double-up on the number of transport ships per set.  Thank you very much for that FMG!

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