Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • @Upside-down_Turtle:

    there’s also those people who don’t have any versions and would like to buy one of the world variety, as Revised and Anniversary are out of print.  no AA42 equals no new players…  AAR/AA50 copies drying up all over.

  • @AG124:


    They do have a Philippines and North Africa Version…

    @ Upside-Down Turtle:

    I think dabapic was referring to board games, and specifically to his desire to see two board games based on the North African and Philippines campaigns, respectively. The Axis & Allies: North Africa game to which you posted a link is a collectable miniature game (in which I am quite invested) which is connected to A&A board games through its brand name only. Also, the Guadalcanal A&A board game to which you linked is not a proper response to an expressed desire for an A&A Philippines board game; Guadalcanal is located in the Solomon island chain (north-east of Australia) and has nothing to do with the Philippines or Letye Gulf, either geographically or in terms of the respective military campaigns involving those islands. I’m actually not quite sure why you posted either of those games as a response to dabapic’s post. :?

    It’s in the Solomon Islands?  Crud.  I am a pox upon my own species.  A simple google search would have eliminated that error.

  • @Imperious:

    I advise they wait till the new AA42 game comes out if they want to make a piece set for everybody, but i also said they should instead work on new Italian pieces to fix the duplicates from AA50, and also make all the new pieces. I would not want them spending thousands of dollars and charge $30 bucks or more for a set, when AH is already making a new game with all new pieces for $30… that would not be a good decision. Its better to wait till we get pictures of the new pieces, because they may be really good and hardly anybody will spend more to get a second new set.

    But my advice is only that. Its prudent to wait till pictures arrive, then make decision.

    With the track record of this company reusing old molds, does anyone think they are going to have new pieces that compare to what FMG is talking about?  On the small possibility they do have some new pieces, I doubt they will compare with FMGs for acuracy or detail.  FMG did a great job on the dice.  I’m expecting similar drive to produce pieces for this market.

  • I happened to communicate with Jeremy today at Field Marshall and he said we will be hearing something in a few weeks. He just hasn’t had any new news to tell us, but he says the pieces project will be done , it is just going to take awhile but that the company is determined to do this project. I was estatic to hear this and thought I would share with you all.

  • @dabapic:

    I happened to communicate with Jeremy today at Field Marshall and he said we will be hearing something in a few weeks. He just hasn’t had any new news to tell us, but he says the pieces project will be done , it is just going to take awhile but that the company is determined to do this project. I was estatic to hear this and thought I would share with you all.

    I’d like to reitterate this as well, as I was talking to him this past weekend over our playtesting of Superpowers (apparently a review to come on that …)

    The project IS going to go forward … but slowly and it will take a lot of time and effort (and of course, money).  When they have something, they’ll let us all know.  :)

  • @dinosaur:


    I advise they wait till the new AA42 game comes out if they want to make a piece set for everybody, but i also said they should instead work on new Italian pieces to fix the duplicates from AA50, and also make all the new pieces. I would not want them spending thousands of dollars and charge $30 bucks or more for a set, when AH is already making a new game with all new pieces for $30… that would not be a good decision. Its better to wait till we get pictures of the new pieces, because they may be really good and hardly anybody will spend more to get a second new set.

    But my advice is only that. Its prudent to wait till pictures arrive, then make decision.

    With the track record of this company reusing old molds, does anyone think they are going to have new pieces that compare to what FMG is talking about?  On the small possibility they do have some new pieces, I doubt they will compare with FMGs for acuracy or detail.  FMG did a great job on the dice.  I’m expecting similar drive to produce pieces for this market.

    I know this was posted around here somewheres, though I couldn’t find it this morning, so here’s the quote and link from larry’s site:
    “I have been more than negligent with you guys… But I’ve been busy, busy, busy… Not that you haven’t been but I don’t handle pressure as well I guess. I think it’s ok for me to let you know the following - The AA42 is based on the Revised Map. There will be NEW sculpts. Really cool sculpts actually… The price tag will be VERY low as well. Love you guys!”

    as NEW is capitalized, it would be believable that as far as Larry knows, they are not retreaded sculpts, but counterpoint for the quality and detail compared to FMG…?  could be difference for the price of $35 for the whole game from AH and $60 from FMG.  Then again, AH will likely be pumping out several thousand more copies than FMG if this is replacing AAR as the standard in the library and bringing their costs down further.  We’ll see…

  • This is all covered before. FMG IMO should not do a new set of sculpts till we see what the new pieces will look like. The take all the missing items and fill in the blanks. This is to say i feel they would be best served to focus on Italy and any pieces that are not good and also invent all the new pieces in AA color and scale so people can outfit all the various games with various pieces and provide rules for same.

    Example: if AA42 does not have new AA gun or factories then FMG should make flak towers and various AA guns for all 6 nations and have major, minor and port pieces in national colors, complete with damaged factories in case they get bombed you will have neat pieces to show scorched earth or bombed out factories.

    we also need these ASAP!

  • You know you can spend $6o for a new video game and not be playing it a month later because you beat it, FMG is willing to go out on a limb for us to make these pieces and I will buy them and also get Larry’s new game and have them all. Because these are lifelong purchase’s, you will have them and use them for as long as you have the games, which for me will be the day I die, and then my kids will inherent them.

  • I’m in for a set too, sounds interesting

  • One other thing I would like to point out is that the new pieces coming out in 42’ are for that game, what are you going to do? take them out and use them for AA-50? that’s weird. I look at things this way, right now, if you feel like it and you have all the games, you can play AA classic, Revised, Revised enhanced, Anniversary,& the new 42’ ,and then you got D-Day, Guadacanal, & BOTB. What a selection!
      If Field Marshall makes these new pieces, you use them for AA-50 and all the ones from that game go to your other games for stockpile. From what FM is offering with the blockhouses and other new pieces we could come up with a enhanced Anniversary, think about that.

  • Ooops! in my last post I forgot Pacific and Europe as far as having a great selection of games, I love those too!

  • '10

    Hello All!

    No we are not “scared away”  It is summer and we are all very busy.  Like I said before, this is not an easy or short term project.

    I will report news when I have news to report.

    All the ITALY SCULPTS are complete…  except one!

    I am ready to take to the factory but I am missing an Italian Bomber sculpt!!  I have spent all this time and 100s of $$ on sculpts, goose chases and dead ends to get these all together and I am just one short!

    If anyone can help with this please let me know…  I am so close to going into prototype production but it would be a shame not to have a new Italian bomber.

  • '10



    you don’t like universal carriers?   :-P

    Has nothing to do with that, my little turtle friend. Only 60 individuals are interested in this new pieces, that will make $ 6000 and that is too short even for one single mold. Why you think FMG have left the thread ?

    Sorry to double post but…  HONESTLY!  I would never abandon this project!  It may be alittle more complicated and expensive than I thought going in, but I will see this to the end.  This is a dream for me.  We all just have to be patient.  There will be AAA games around forever and I hope these FMG pcs will be a part of that future.

    Also, no matter what we do or how cool they are we can not meet the huge expectations of everyone.  There is just to much need and not enough money in the world to build everything in this thread.  I promise the following:

    a) This will happen…  even if I complete it on my death bed
    b) They will be a great improvement from what WOTC has given us
    c) There will be new units to play around with
    d) There will be LOTS n LOTS of units, so AAA gamers will never again have to worry about running short.

    ITALY will be done first to replace AA50 lousy units and for inclusion in other games like modified AAE.  Others will follow.  I have not asked for pre-orders yet as I don’t like holding peoples money.  If the need arises I will request pre-orders.  Right now the project is living off COMBAT DICE sales and alittle personal cash here and there.


  • a) This will happen…  even if I complete it on my death bed
    b) They will be a great improvement from what WOTC has given us
    c) There will be new units to play around with
    d) There will be LOTS n LOTS of units, so AAA gamers will never again have to worry about running short.

    Remember Field Marshal, I use a lot of pieces playing Pacific!  You cant use chips for carriers or carrier air if you want to look good.  BTW, can anybody make blue chips or green chips so we will have three colors?

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Hello All!

    No we are not “scared away”  It is summer and we are all very busy.  Like I said before, this is not an easy or short term project.

    I will report news when I have news to report.

    All the ITALY SCULPTS are complete…  except one!

    I am ready to take to the factory but I am missing an Italian Bomber sculpt!!  I have spent all this time and 100s of $$ on sculpts, goose chases and dead ends to get these all together and I am just one short!

    If anyone can help with this please let me know…  I am so close to going into prototype production but it would be a shame not to have a new Italian bomber.




    you don’t like universal carriers?   :-P

    Has nothing to do with that, my little turtle friend. Only 60 individuals are interested in this new pieces, that will make $ 6000 and that is too short even for one single mold. Why you think FMG have left the thread ?

    Sorry to double post but…  HONESTLY!  I would never abandon this project!  It may be alittle more complicated and expensive than I thought going in, but I will see this to the end.  This is a dream for me.  We all just have to be patient.  There will be AAA games around forever and I hope these FMG pcs will be a part of that future.

    Also, no matter what we do or how cool they are we can not meet the huge expectations of everyone.  There is just to much need and not enough money in the world to build everything in this thread.  I promise the following:

    a) This will happen…  even if I complete it on my death bed
    b) They will be a great improvement from what WOTC has given us
    c) There will be new units to play around with
    d) There will be LOTS n LOTS of units, so AAA gamers will never again have to worry about running short.

    ITALY will be done first to replace AA50 lousy units and for inclusion in other games like modified AAE.  Others will follow.  I have not asked for pre-orders yet as I don’t like holding peoples money.  If the need arises I will request pre-orders.  Right now the project is living off COMBAT DICE sales and alittle personal cash here and there.


    Finally, the gods have answered, to ease your financial burden, when do you want us to prepay?  This is the second time I checked this thread and got great news.  The first was when this thread was originally created.  Great job.  Sorry for doubting you!


    this should be Italian bomber

    If you want to set up prepay, im ready as soon as you are.

  • @Imperious:

    this should be Italian bomber

    If you want to set up prepay, im ready as soon as you are.

    Seconded, on both bomber and prepaying a set of italians.

  • @ithkrall:


    this should be Italian bomber

    If you want to set up prepay, im ready as soon as you are.

    Seconded, on both bomber and prepaying a set of italians.

    That is an awesome looking bomber! great job Imperious Leader, Thank you FMG!

  • '10




    this should be Italian bomber

    If you want to set up prepay, im ready as soon as you are.

    Seconded, on both bomber and prepaying a set of italians.

    That is an awesome looking bomber! great job Imperious Leader, Thank you FMG!

    Having a picture of the bomber is one thing.  I need a sculpt for it.  Does anyone have a small model of an Italian bomber they would be willing to part with for the project?

  • i will look…

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