Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • I’m in for a set too, sounds interesting

  • One other thing I would like to point out is that the new pieces coming out in 42’ are for that game, what are you going to do? take them out and use them for AA-50? that’s weird. I look at things this way, right now, if you feel like it and you have all the games, you can play AA classic, Revised, Revised enhanced, Anniversary,& the new 42’ ,and then you got D-Day, Guadacanal, & BOTB. What a selection!
      If Field Marshall makes these new pieces, you use them for AA-50 and all the ones from that game go to your other games for stockpile. From what FM is offering with the blockhouses and other new pieces we could come up with a enhanced Anniversary, think about that.

  • Ooops! in my last post I forgot Pacific and Europe as far as having a great selection of games, I love those too!

  • '10

    Hello All!

    No we are not “scared away”  It is summer and we are all very busy.  Like I said before, this is not an easy or short term project.

    I will report news when I have news to report.

    All the ITALY SCULPTS are complete…  except one!

    I am ready to take to the factory but I am missing an Italian Bomber sculpt!!  I have spent all this time and 100s of $$ on sculpts, goose chases and dead ends to get these all together and I am just one short!

    If anyone can help with this please let me know…  I am so close to going into prototype production but it would be a shame not to have a new Italian bomber.

  • '10



    you don’t like universal carriers?   :-P

    Has nothing to do with that, my little turtle friend. Only 60 individuals are interested in this new pieces, that will make $ 6000 and that is too short even for one single mold. Why you think FMG have left the thread ?

    Sorry to double post but…  HONESTLY!  I would never abandon this project!  It may be alittle more complicated and expensive than I thought going in, but I will see this to the end.  This is a dream for me.  We all just have to be patient.  There will be AAA games around forever and I hope these FMG pcs will be a part of that future.

    Also, no matter what we do or how cool they are we can not meet the huge expectations of everyone.  There is just to much need and not enough money in the world to build everything in this thread.  I promise the following:

    a) This will happen…  even if I complete it on my death bed
    b) They will be a great improvement from what WOTC has given us
    c) There will be new units to play around with
    d) There will be LOTS n LOTS of units, so AAA gamers will never again have to worry about running short.

    ITALY will be done first to replace AA50 lousy units and for inclusion in other games like modified AAE.  Others will follow.  I have not asked for pre-orders yet as I don’t like holding peoples money.  If the need arises I will request pre-orders.  Right now the project is living off COMBAT DICE sales and alittle personal cash here and there.


  • a) This will happen…  even if I complete it on my death bed
    b) They will be a great improvement from what WOTC has given us
    c) There will be new units to play around with
    d) There will be LOTS n LOTS of units, so AAA gamers will never again have to worry about running short.

    Remember Field Marshal, I use a lot of pieces playing Pacific!  You cant use chips for carriers or carrier air if you want to look good.  BTW, can anybody make blue chips or green chips so we will have three colors?

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Hello All!

    No we are not “scared away”  It is summer and we are all very busy.  Like I said before, this is not an easy or short term project.

    I will report news when I have news to report.

    All the ITALY SCULPTS are complete…  except one!

    I am ready to take to the factory but I am missing an Italian Bomber sculpt!!  I have spent all this time and 100s of $$ on sculpts, goose chases and dead ends to get these all together and I am just one short!

    If anyone can help with this please let me know…  I am so close to going into prototype production but it would be a shame not to have a new Italian bomber.




    you don’t like universal carriers?   :-P

    Has nothing to do with that, my little turtle friend. Only 60 individuals are interested in this new pieces, that will make $ 6000 and that is too short even for one single mold. Why you think FMG have left the thread ?

    Sorry to double post but…  HONESTLY!  I would never abandon this project!  It may be alittle more complicated and expensive than I thought going in, but I will see this to the end.  This is a dream for me.  We all just have to be patient.  There will be AAA games around forever and I hope these FMG pcs will be a part of that future.

    Also, no matter what we do or how cool they are we can not meet the huge expectations of everyone.  There is just to much need and not enough money in the world to build everything in this thread.  I promise the following:

    a) This will happen…  even if I complete it on my death bed
    b) They will be a great improvement from what WOTC has given us
    c) There will be new units to play around with
    d) There will be LOTS n LOTS of units, so AAA gamers will never again have to worry about running short.

    ITALY will be done first to replace AA50 lousy units and for inclusion in other games like modified AAE.  Others will follow.  I have not asked for pre-orders yet as I don’t like holding peoples money.  If the need arises I will request pre-orders.  Right now the project is living off COMBAT DICE sales and alittle personal cash here and there.


    Finally, the gods have answered, to ease your financial burden, when do you want us to prepay?  This is the second time I checked this thread and got great news.  The first was when this thread was originally created.  Great job.  Sorry for doubting you!


    this should be Italian bomber

    If you want to set up prepay, im ready as soon as you are.

  • @Imperious:

    this should be Italian bomber

    If you want to set up prepay, im ready as soon as you are.

    Seconded, on both bomber and prepaying a set of italians.

  • @ithkrall:


    this should be Italian bomber

    If you want to set up prepay, im ready as soon as you are.

    Seconded, on both bomber and prepaying a set of italians.

    That is an awesome looking bomber! great job Imperious Leader, Thank you FMG!

  • '10




    this should be Italian bomber

    If you want to set up prepay, im ready as soon as you are.

    Seconded, on both bomber and prepaying a set of italians.

    That is an awesome looking bomber! great job Imperious Leader, Thank you FMG!

    Having a picture of the bomber is one thing.  I need a sculpt for it.  Does anyone have a small model of an Italian bomber they would be willing to part with for the project?

  • i will look…

  • Just my suggestions for models of the nations besides italy. I dont know alot of ship classes so i didn’t do naval stuff.

    Soviet Union
    Infantry 1: Throwing molotov-cocktail
    Infantry 2: Helmetless with mosin-nagant
    Artllery: Katyusha BM-13
    Mech: T-60( Russia didn’t have any haftracks cept the ones the US gave it so a light tank is best)
    Tank 1: KV-1
    Tank 2: JS-2
    Fighter: Ilyushin IL-2
    Bomber: Ilyushin IL-4

    Infantry 1: Has panzerfaust
    Infantry 2: Has MP44 or FG42
    Artillery: Nebelwefer
    Mech: Sdkfz 251
    Tank 1: Panzer II
    Tank 2: Panzer IV or Tiger I
    Fighter: ME262(yes this is a jet fighter, but besides the Ju 87 and Me 109 Germany had no other “commonly” recognizible planes except this one)
    Bomber: Ju 390 Amerika Bomber( this piece goes well with IL’s Phase 2 map which has the azores on it, so Germany can bomb the US)

    United Kingdom
    Infantry 1: Beret with sten submachinegun or canadian infantry
    Infantry 2: with lend-lease tommygun or australian infantry
    Artillery: Sexton 25 pounder SP
    Mech: Universal Carrier
    Tank 1: Crusader
    Tank 2: Churchill
    Fighter: Hawker Hurricane
    Bomber: Vickers Wellington

    Infantry: guy with one of those foot mortars
    Infantry: guy with the jap’s pretty unique winter get-up so you dont have infatry in tropical uniforms invading mother russia.
    Artilery: Type 4 Ho-Ro ( I call it the Ha Ro  :lol:)
    Mech: Type 1 Ho-Ha
    Tank 1: Type 89 Otsu
    Tank 2: Type 97 Chi-Ha
    Fighter: Nakajima Ki-43
    Bomber: Mitsubishi Ki-30

    United States
    Infantry 1: has M1 Carbine with 15 round mag not 10 or 30(I will be able to tell)
    Infantry 2: Flamethrower guy would be cool
    Artillery: M7 Preist
    Mech: M3 Halftrack
    Tank 1: M3 Stuart
    Tank 2: Pershing M26
    Fighter: P-51
    Bomber: B-25 or B-29( they are both so awesome looking)

    In general I think rocket lauchers and self-propelled guns should represent artillery seeing as towed artllery, with the excpetion of Railway guns and some anti-tank guns all look almost exactly like the 105mm already used by the allies.

    Also I would like like to have some 2 engine bombers to play around with for the allies all though a B-29 peice would be awesome.
    For Japan, although the Ki-30 is not technically a bomber it did bomb pearl harbor and is much more recognizible than any other japanese bomber which were not commonly used.

  • Emperor Taiki

    I quite like most of your suggestions with a few exceptions

    1.) Id prefer a Wespe, or Hummel to the nebelwerfer, but that’s a pretty minor niggle
    2.) Panzer II. Id rather we had panzers IV & VI to go with the AA50 V’s
    3.) ME262. No other recognizable plane than the Ju87 and the bf109? What about the FW190?
    4.) Ju390, prototype only aircraft don’t really fit for me. He111 or Do217 probably better fits.
    5.) Il-2 isnt really a fighter, one of the late model Yaks or a mig would probably be a better fit.

    Just my 2 cents

  • Soviet Union
    Infantry 1: with rifle at 3/4 position of body advancing
    Infantry 2: Helmet with PPSh-41 submachine gun
    Artllery: Katyusha BM-13
    Mech: T-60( Russia didn’t have any haftracks cept the ones the US gave it so a light tank is best)
    Tank 1: KV-1
    Tank 2: SU series
    Fighter: Yak-9

    Infantry 1: Has standard issue rifle
    Infantry 2: Has MP40 or FG42
    Artillery: Nebelwefer
    Mech: Sdkfz 251
    Tank 1: Panzer III
    Tank 2: Panzer IV or Tiger I
    Fighter: ME262(yes this is a jet fighter, but besides the Ju 87 and Me 109 Germany had no other “commonly” recognizible planes except this one)
    Bomber: Heinkel no doubt about this choice

    United Kingdom
    Infantry 1: classic 8th army flat helmit with sten submachinegun
    Infantry 2: with lend-lease tommygun
    Artillery: Sexton 25 pounder SP
    Mech: Universal Carrier
    Tank 1: Crusader
    Tank 2: Churchill
    Fighter: Hawker Hurricane
    Bomber: Vickers Wellington

    Infantry: bandana and flag hanging from rifle advancing
    Infantry: classic japanese marine with helmit
    Artilery: Type 4 Ho-Ro ( I call it the Ha Ro  cheesy)
    Mech: Type 1 Ho-Ha
    Tank 1: Type 89 Otsu
    Tank 2: Type 97 Chi-Ha
    Fighter: Kate ( no doubt about this choice)
    Bomber: Mitsubishi Ki-30

    United States
    Infantry 1: The M1 Garand
    Infantry 2: Thompson or BAR
    Artillery: Jackson tank destroyer
    Mech: M3 Halftrack
    Tank 1: M3 Stuart
    Tank 2: Pershing M26
    Fighter: P-51
    Bomber: B-17 B-29

  • Soviet Union
    Infantry 1: with rifle at 3/4 position of body advancing and helmetless
    Infantry 2: Helmet with PPSh-41 submachine gun with 35 round box magazine
    Artllery: Katyusha BM-13
    Mech: T-60
    Tank 1: KV-1
    Tank 2: SU-100 or -122(I like this choice too)
    Fighter: The Il-2 is like the soveits’s stuka so even though it is not technically a fighter I thought we should have it, if not i guess the Yak-9 is ok.

    Infantry 1: He should have a panzerfaust, it was a very common weapon, plus it is boring if every just has a rifle or machinegun.
    Infantry 2: Has MP40 or FG42 in fallschrimjager uniform
    Artillery: Nebelwefer, or Hummel if this is too much of a late war weapon
    Mech: Sdkfz 251
    Tank 1: Panzer II, all of the panzer’s are cool but this one would be good in a A&A or WWII game that had an earleir start date that 1941 and even after that, in Russia, especailly’ in the initail invasion these tanks were quite numerous.
    Tank 2: Panzer IV or Tiger I
    Fighter: ME262, if not this ithkrall’s FW190 suggestion would be the next choice
    Bomber: Heinkel He 177?

    United Kingdom
    Infantry 1: classic 8th army flat helmit with Bren gun
    Infantry 2: Paratooper with  Beret and sten gun
    Artillery: Sexton 25 pounder SP
    Mech: Universal Carrier
    Tank 1: Crusader
    Tank 2: Churchill
    Fighter: Hawker Hurricane
    Bomber: Vickers Wellington

    Infantry: bandana and flag hanging from rifle advancing( can I see a picture of this?)
    Infantry: Why not a winter soldeir?
    Artilery: Type 4 Ho-Ro
    Mech: Type 1 Ho-Ha
    Tank 1: Type 89 Otsu
    Tank 2: Type 97 Chi-Ha
    Fighter: Kate, this is good it kind looks like the Ann, but thats fine becasue one is a torpedo bomber and the other is a light bomber
    Bomber: Mitsubishi Ki-30 “Ann”

    United States
    Infantry 1:  Marine holding M1 carbine
    Infantry 2: Regular GI with  Thompson or BAR
    Artillery: Jackson tank destroyer( I understand, but why not a real self-proppeled artilery peice as opposed to a tank destroyer)
    Mech: M3 Halftrack
    Tank 1: M3 Stuart
    Tank 2: Pershing M26
    Fighter: P-51
    Bomber: B-29, I have enough B-17s

    my changes

  • Heinkel He 111

    best looking bomber

  • I agree, it is sexy, but it is not a heavy bomber and I would like to see a He 177 becasue it was the only German heavy bomber produced on a large scale.

  • I would like to add my voice to the B-25 for the USA.  I would love to see the P-51 but I wouldn’t mind seeing the Corsair for the carriers instead.  I’d also like to see one infantry piece (maybe in a later offering) that is an officer.  As for the artillery pieces, lets stick with actual artillery instead of some of the anti-tank guns.  Most A&A arty pieces are already anti-tank guns anyway except for the German flak gun, which was used as both an AA weapon and in direct fire mode, not as a real artillery piece either.

    Keep going FMG.  We’re pulling for you!

  • @dinosaur:

    I would like to add my voice to the B-25 for the USA.  I would love to see the P-51 but I wouldn’t mind seeing the Corsair for the carriers instead.  I’d also like to see one infantry piece (maybe in a later offering) that is an officer.  As for the artillery pieces, lets stick with actual artillery instead of some of the anti-tank guns.  Most A&A arty pieces are already anti-tank guns anyway except for the German flak gun, which was used as both an AA weapon and in direct fire mode, not as a real artillery piece either.

    Keep going FMG.  We’re pulling for you!

    I am too really divded on whether I would like a B-25 or B-29.
    I prefer the P-51 to the corsair becasue the  US already has a carrier plane.
    FMG has said in this set that their will be officer pieces in addition to the 2 infantry pieces
    About the artllery, the German 88mm is the only antitank gun mold made for A&A, the allied 105mm is the straightest artllery peice ever and the japanese artllery is some kind of infantry gun.

    I have only suggested the FMG make self-proppeld and rocket artillery. The only anti-tank peice suggested to represent artillery is the Jackson M36 tank destoyer, and I too question that and am in favor of the M7 Priest.

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