Anyone seen this? My wife found it and thought of me (and you lot).
I was in tears.
yea i saw that yesterday. The screen is 4:3 rather than 16:9, so its useless for watching movies. It’s pretty much a waste of $499. And the jokes going around the name " ipad" sounds like a woman’s personal thing. But if your the type that hangs out at Starbucks all night with the french beret, only male friends and your MAC sipping coffee with that beatnik vibe, then this is your chance for stardom and ridicule at the same time.
It’s just a big ipodtouch with less features.
:lol: I bet it’s even funner if you know German (which is on my “To-Do List”, btw). It’s probably like watching Monty Python and The Holy Grail with Subtitles for People Who Don’t Like the Film (taken from Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part II). :-P :lol: