Ah! Now I see it
Explain your avatar / screen name
Avatar: US Air Force Academy Logo (where I was a Cadet in 1987)
Screen Name: Many of you know this already. Several years ago I was seriously into the BDSM scene. At the time I lived on the NC/SC border just east of I-95. I was both a Dominant and a submissive, depending on the day and how I felt, while I was in the scene, thus I was a “Switch.” Thus NC SC Switch.
Also, as many of you know, I am Pagan, and had been one of hte most well known folks of that religious group in the region about 7 years ago. Many Pagans are Witches, so NCSC’s Witch :-P
I love the dual meaning, although only the first was intentional…
desertrat comes from the time spent at the numerous Desert resorts of Southern California. Fort Irwin comes to mind as one of my favorites. I actually go by the name of Thunder, on a few other forums that I frequent. It was a name that I got long ago, but it stuck, after an accident that I had while working on the Northrop ATB. The B-2 Bomber program. Thunder goes BOOM… :roll: Get it? The Avatar is from a wargame that I made up before I found A&A. Its a 144th scale V-1, that I’ve yet to figure out how to implement it into the game. But it looks cool.
poly is phonetically the first part of my last name. Some girl in college used to call me polywog and it stuck briefly. …that plus I just think it’s a funny word. …Obviously, not choosen for intimidation factor…
The russian battleship - pretty much the most unused piece in the box. Well, besides the russian aircraft carrier… In fact, it took me a while to find a picture… & I’m pretty sure the one in the picture was made into many tin cans long before wwII.
axis_roll: When the axis get going, they roll right over any allied defenses… a valiant goal for the Axis alliance.
My avatar currently is the A&A Revised Enhanced title belt. There is a ranking list of players who play with the Enhanced rules set. Right now, the powers that be are trying to rework exactly how this system works: http://boards.avalonhill.com/showthread.php?t=15677
Actually, Polywog, most of the Russian battleships (more like Heavy Cruisers and Destroyer-Dreadnaughts (DD, in case anyone wonders where the initials for Destroyer comes from, I finally got it tracked down from an old Rear Admiral from Taffy 7-WWII, USA) ) were sunk by the Japanese before WWII and never rebuilt. The Russia navy was such an utter disgrace. To this day I wonder why they even start with a submarine at all.
Sorry, I don’t want this thread to get off topic, but hey, that russian sub is key to my allied strategy :D!
Any more avatar explanations?
I’ll just take this opportunity to explain my new catch phrase, Audi Alteram Partem. It is a legal doctrine in latin that means “hear the other side” or “both sides must be heard”.
My avatar is a rugby ball, because….I like rugby.
Actually, Polywog, most of the Russian battleships were sunk by the Japanese before WWII and never rebuilt. The Russia navy was such an utter disgrace. To this day I wonder why they even start with a submarine at all.
You could not be more right: The BB in my avitar is Oryol (Orel). It was the only surviving “modern” battleship of Tushima & surrendered to the Japanese after the battle. Like most other awful Russian capital ship designs of the turn of the century, it was heavy, over-gunned, under armored, under powered and highly unstable on the open ocean. It belongs to possibly one of the worst classes of battleships ever built and was made into Japanese tin cans in the 20’s.
Rune Blade - the bad a** weapon from Final Fantasy VII. The name kinda stuck for me and now I post it on anything I do online. I even sign my games with “Rune Blade”.
As far as my “a”, I found this cute one of my son when he was one.
I miss Final Fantasy…
Does my Avatar really need an explanation? :-D
No, because Khan rocks!
Hey froodster is that you in your avatar??
I thought all Canadians looked like this …[attachment deleted by admin]
Yeh that’s me…
But tell me, do all Americans look like this?
[attachment deleted by admin]
Sankt = Saint in norwegian
Sankt Hallvard, guardian angel/city protector of Oslo(Capital of Norway…)
Introduced in an online game a while back as I ran out of “cool” american nicknames and figured “fuck it, people don’t need to know what my nick means if english is all they know.”
Also featured in songs for the city’s main football club(soccer, that is - VÃ¥lerenga: www.vif.no / www.vpn.no)
But tell me, do all Americans look like this?
About 99% :wink:
Since Star Wars is my favorite film series and Grand Admiral Thrawn’s character is defined by his strategic brilliance I thought it was an appropriate avatar for an Axis and Allies forum.
“Concentration, focus, long-term thinking–those are the qualities that separate a warrior from a mere flailing fighter.”
-Grand Admiral Thrawn -
Pretty much, Dan. Except for some of us conspiracy nuts that honestly believe that McDonald’s = Poison and that we cannot trust the FDA to do their job, so we grow our own fruits and vegatables in our own greenhouses…oops! I’m destroying the world with my greenhouse! Oh, it’s okay, it’s just sun lamps, heaters and water I purify myself, I guess it’s okay, as long as I hold my breath. :P :evil:
Politics aside, pretty much. No one takes responsibility for themselves in my country. They all want to blame someone else because they’re fat, ugly, democrat, whatever.
I joined this site mid-2001, way back when. I used to play the game Everquest, and at one point I made a character. The random name generator came up with “Yanbun”. That character eventually became my main guy and I used it on a lot of online sites. When I joined this site, I couldn’t really use such a weird name (though my email was Yanbun100@hotmail.com at the time), so I used the shortened “Yanny”.
The avatar is from Shining Force 2, an old Sega Genesis game, one of the best RPGs of it’s time.
I joined this site mid-2001, way back when. I used to play the game Everquest, and at one point I made a character. The random name generator came up with “Yanbun”. That character eventually became my main guy and I used it on a lot of online sites. When I joined this site, I couldn’t really use such a weird name (though my email was Yanbun100@hotmail.com at the time), so I used the shortened “Yanny”.
The avatar is from Shining Force 2, an old Sega Genesis game, one of the best RPGs of it’s time.
lol, I always thought “Yanbun” was something funny you made up from Yanny.