• Has anyone on here successfully invaded the US either with Japan or Germany? I’m playing a game in which US has gone heavy Europe (I’m the Axis). Britain is very weak and is not a threat, however, I Had extremely bad luck in Russia and was forced to retreat back to Germany but may be in a counterattack position to push for Moscow once again. Italy is up to 30 IPC’s and controls Africa and the Middle East. The problem in the US is sending wave after wave of troops into both Italy and France and so far I have managed to fend them off with success, but for how much longer I’m not sure. Japan is doing great in the pacific, they have taken Australia and almost all of China and are posed to take Calcutta. Would it be possible to invade western US and push towards Washington? Or possibly fake it by going to Hawaii but then moving onto the Europe map into SZ64? What are your thoughts?

  • A Japanese landing force in Alaska might stop the U.S. from sending troops to Europe for a turn or two.

  • '19 '17 '16

    Don’t invade San Francisco while Honolulu is still standing.

    Don’t invade Washington DC while London is still standing.

    Presumably you’re playing to total victory.

    Italy can come up from the Middle East and take the Caucusus which gives Germany a bonus. I would be fairly careful with your German army. You can’t really afford to lose it again and you don’t want to have to run back to save your capital. Bulk up in Paris. to smash any landing. Without seeing the board in detail, sounds like Germany needs a fleet. Sailing around S America might be an option, as might taking the Panama Canal although it would need a lot of troops.

    I’d be more inclined to convoy disrupt USA in SZ10 and try to take London from what you’re describing while Japan weakens the USSR by coming across Asia, rather than a second mass invasion of USSR. Try to hold onto Leningrad and the Scandinavian peninsula if you can though.

    Taking down India is a given in your situation BTW.

  • Customizer

    There is a strategy for attacking the US with Germany and Japan. Everything has to go right and you could probably only get away with it one time because it relies on a surprise. Once you do it, it’s something the US player will probably be watching for.
    Turn 1 = Germany = Attacks Paris and Royal Navy in sea zones 109, 110 and 111. Purchase a carrier and either 1 destroyer and 1 sub OR 2 transports. Also take Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Finland and Normandy. With the new territories, national objectives and plunder of France’s treasury, you should clear 70 IPCs to spend round 2.
    Turn 1 = Japan = Build 3 transports + 1 artillery. Make attacks in China but don’t provoke Russia or the Western Allies. Gather fleet in SZ 6.
    Turn 1 = Italy = Try to destroy Allied ships while trying to protect as much fleet as possible. Take Greece and if Germany doesn’t take S. France, take that too.

    Turn 2 = Germany = Purchase 10 transports and move enough infantry, tanks, artillery and/or mechs to fill them to Western Germany. Any troops not earmarked for the transports should start moving to the Russian border. If any Royal Navy still exists, kill it. Use some Luftwaffe to help Italy clear Allied ships out of the Med.
    Turn 2 = Japan = Buy more transports and equipment and troops to fill them. Continue attacks in China.
    Turn 2 = Italy = If Med is cleared and opportunity arises, send your troops to take Egypt. Otherwise perhaps take Syria. Whatever you do with your army, end your turn with whatever warships you have left in Sea Zone 92.

    Turn 3 = Germany = Purchase infantry and other units to defend Eastern front. UK should be thinking you are trying Sealion so they have probably been buying all defensive units on London. That means no Royal Navy in your way. So, you take your navy and transports and shoot down to Sea Zone 91 and take Gibraltar with that Naval Base.
    Turn 3 = Japan = You could purchase more transports + units to fill them.  It’s up to you.  Main thing is taking your fleet and all your current transports from Sea Zone 6 to Sea Zone 1. Land a few units in Alaska and the bulk in Western Canada. If the US player put a blocker in any sea zone between Japan and Western Canada/Alaska, you will have to send your warships to kill it first and invade next round.
    Turn 3 = Italy = Important thing here is any warships you managed to have in SZ 92 go out to either SZ 102 or SZ 89 to clear any US blockers.

    Turn 4 = Germany = Now spring the surprise.  Everything in SZ 91 goes to SZ 101 and invades the Eastern US. Even though Japan’s attack on Turn 3 put the US on a war standing, they will still only have their pre-war income to spend on defenses.  You will be attacking with 11-13 transports full of land units to attack them with. That’s 22 - 26 land units! Most likely the US will not have enough to withstand your assault. Meanwhile, keep trying to pile up defense on the Russian border because Stalin will come calling.
    Turn 4 = Japan = Invade Western United States from Western Canada. Also take that mighty Imperial Navy and attack whatever fleet the US managed to build and stage in SZ 10 or around Hawaii. Assuming the Germans take the US capital, this attack will give Japan a nice 10 IPC territory and eliminate the main threat to your expansionism. UK and ANZAC will have a little fun at your expense for a round or two, but once you get back into position you will be making plenty to overwhelm the smaller allies.
    Turn 4 = Italy = Try to expand in the Middle East or Africa. With no US threat, Italy should be able to expand.

    If all this works right, the US will be taken out of the picture and the other Allies should be much easier to deal with.  Russia will go after Germany and may have some success at first.  However Germany will have a huge amount of money to spend on lots of units to throw at the Red Army. Eastern US is worth 20 plus there is the plunder of the US treasury, which should be around 75-80 IPCs since Japan brought them into war the round before.
    I imagine your allied players probably won’t want to continue this game.

  • UPDATE: I took out about 6 American transports coming to Normandy, which buys me some time. Russian front is a near stalemate. I’m pushing back for Leningrad and a large buildup in Romania/Besserabia by both Russia and Germany in which neither side wants to attack. It’s back and forth for Cacausus with Italy and right now focusing on holding Rome and backing Germany on the Russian front. Japan will take Calcutta this turn and attack an undefended Hawaii with 10 transports. My Japanese fleet is far superior to the American fleet. They still have nothing in the pacific. Thinking it would be a good idea for Japan to come into the Atlantic, land in Washington and destroy the American fleet rendering them useless and having Germany able to focus on Russia. Is Japan can take out the American fleet, Germany and Italy may be able to rebuild theirs.

  • '19 '17 '16

    10 transports!? Presumably loaded. That’s enough to hit two full turns of production in San Franscisco. Trusting that most likely the USA can defend against that, next turn you can take the Panama Canal which threatens Washington the turn after. Most likely they will put down a blocker on the far side of the channel. Nothing you can do to stop that, but you can buy a naval base in Central America if that helps you.

  • This looks like a thrilling game between relatively inexperienced players on both sides.  I would recommend looking at an economic victory for the Axis:  out-earning the Allies by controlling the Pacific, Middle East, and Africa.  If the combined income of the Axis is greater than the Allies, you will eventually win.  Get enough cheap land units in Europe to prevent Russia from pushing into Axis territory, go after ANZAC next, and build up the German air force.  From Hawaii, turn your Japanese navy south to New Zealand or Queensland.  If you control China, India, and ANZAC lands, the game instantly ends.

    There is a good chance the American player will make mistakes with his fleet and you can wipe it out with a couple subs combined with a stack of bombers.

  • '17 '16

    Game map picture posted on forum, or it didn’t happen…  :-D

  • @knp7765:

    Turn 4 Even though Japan’s attack on Turn 3 put the US on a war standing, they will still only have their pre-war income to spend on defenses.

    I’m not sure about this

  • The text had said that turn 4 they had prewar income… that was the issue.  I have seen the strategy almost pulled off in a face-to-face match.  A clever ship block delayed the invasion for a round and allowed time for the US to defend.  If the invasion fails, the game is over.

  • Italy loses most of it’s fleet during the first round.  It doesn’t always have enough left from the attacks, counterattacks, and round 2 action to remove the American defenses on I3.  The US responds to a potential Sea Lion by building significant Atlantic fleet on US2 so they can put up a reasonable blockade in SZ 102 and 89.

    I have never seen the Axis successfully attack the US mainland in a League match between good players.

  • @ShadowHAwk:



    Turn 4 Even though Japan’s attack on Turn 3 put the US on a war standing, they will still only have their pre-war income to spend on defenses.

    I’m not sure about this

    It is pretty obvious though. USA2 they collect 52 ipcs.
    USA3 they are at war and have 52ipcs to spend, only at the end of USA3 they get the bonus.
    And then germany will attack and take that money away from them.

    We’ve been playing (erroneously, it seems) that if U.S is at war, they get the bonus at the beginning of their round.  I didn’t realize they didn’t get it until the collect income phase.
    Thanks for clarifying.

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