The Cliffside Bunker House Rules

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    YouTube video explaination and card deck accessory:
    Coming soon

    Designer: Young Grasshopper
    Contributors: KNP, Black Elk, Baron Munchhausen, CWO Marc, regularkid, and all the members of the Cliffside Bunker

    Victory Objectives and Victory Tokens

    Once a victory objective is achieved, a victory token will be awarded, the side with the most victory tokens at the end of the day wins the game. Victory tokens are awarded immediately upon completion regardless of when, or how the objective was achieved, and a token can never be taken away or awarded twice for the same objective. It doesn’t matter which round the game ends, however, a win or a tie can only be declared at the end of a full game round.

    Optional Rule: The first side to achieve 3 victory tokens will immediately win the game.

    New Research & Development Rule:

    Research rolls are no longer used to develop breakthroughs, instead, nations are awarded development rolls when victory objectives have been achieved. Once a victory token is gained, the nation with the corresponding (*) instructions listed with each objective will choose a breakthrough chart, and make a free development roll with the resulting breakthrough taking effect immediately (may not effect units already in battle during the turn in which the breakthrough was rolled). Any breakthroughs gained by either UK Europe, or UK Pacific will be shared between both UK nations throughout the game.

    Here is a list of all victory objectives for each side…

    Axis Powers

    • London
      The Axis control London
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control

    • Moscow
      The Axis control Moscow
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control

    • Calcutta
      The Axis control Calcutta
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control

    • Sydney
      The Axis control Sydney
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control

    • North Africa
      The Axis control Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, Alexandria, and Egypt.
      (R&D) *The nation that controls the most

    • Pacific
      The Axis control 6 victory cities on the Pacific map
      (R&D) *The nation that controls the most

    • Europe
      The Axis control 7 victory cities on the Europe map
      (R&D) *The nation that controls the most

    • Global Economy
      All 3 Axis powers have a combined total of 136 IPCs on the income tracker
      (R&D) *The nation that controls the most

    Allied Powers

    • Berlin
      The Allies control Berlin
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control

    • Rome
      The Allies control Rome
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control

    • Tokyo
      The Allies control Tokyo
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control

    • Africa
      The Allied powers control all non-neutral territories on the continent of Africa
      (R&D) *The nation that controls the most

    • Paris Liberation
      The Allies have liberated Paris
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control

    • Philippines Liberation
      The Allies have liberated the Philippines
      (R&D) *The United States

    • Asia
      The Allies control the Burma road as well as Hong Kong and Shanghai
      (R&D) *The United Kingdom

    • Pacific Fleet
      There are no Japanese Capital ships on the board
      (R&D) *The United States

    Modified Breakthroughs & Breakthrough Charts

    Chart #1

    1. Heavy Artillery
    -All artillery now support up to 2 attacking infantry and/or mech infantry.

    2. Rockets
    -Each operational airbase may launch a rocket at an enemy facility up to 4 spaces away. Roll 2 dice for each rocket using the die with the highest result to damage the target facility.

    3. Improved Production
    -The mobilization limits of all production facilities has now increased by 1. Also, 2 damage markers may now be removed for the price of 1.

    4. Jet Fighters
    -All fighters now attack at 4 or less. Also, fighters now defend @2 or less when escorting, or intercepting.

    5. Propaganda
    -During the collect income phase, roll 2 dice and collect IPCs totalling the die with the highest result.

    6. Blitz Tactics
    -Mech infantry now attack at 2 or less if paired with a tank or artillery, they may blitz without tanks, and they may tow 1 artillery each during non-combat movement.

    Chart #2

    1. Super Submarines
    -All submarines now attack @3 or less.

    2. Detection Radar

    • All AA artillery and built in AA guns on facilities now defend at 2 or less.

    3. Nautical Engineering
    -Battleships, Aircraft Carriers, and Cruisers are now 3 IPCs cheaper, and Destroyers, Subs, and Transports are now 1 IPC cheaper.

    4. Long-Range Aircraft
    -Maximum movement range for all air units has now increased by 1.

    5. Super Carrier Decks
    -All aircraft carriers may now carry up to 3 fighters and/or tactical bombers.

    6. Heavy Bombers
    -When attacking during general combat or a SBR, roll 2 dice for each strategic bomber and select the best result.

    Combined ANZAC and UK Pacific Nation

    UK Pacific Nation:

    The United Kingdom Pacific economy will now merge with ANZAC to form a new nation separate from the United Kingdom Europe economy. This new UK Pacific nation will use Calcutta as it’s capital, will have a starting income of 27 IPCs, and will use ANZAC gray units, as well as union jack roundels. Any territory controlled by one UK nation regardless of location on the map, will count toward the overall income of the individual UK nation that controls it (the UK Europe starting income is still 28 IPCs).

    (Union Jack roundels can be purchased through HBG here…)

    Modified Setup for UK Pacific Nation:

    Even though West India will count towards the overall income of the UK Pacific, the starting infantry unit positioned in West India will be tan brown and controlled by UK Europe. Also, the 2 ANZAC infantry units starting in Egypt now belong to UK Europe totaling 3 tan brown infantry units starting in that territory.

    Political Exile:

    In the event that UK Europe loses control of London, Ottawa will become the new capital of UK Europe for the remainder of the game. Although all IPCs will be handed to the enemy, UK Europe may continue to collect for territories still under their control.

    In the event that UK Pacific loses control of Calcutta, Sydney will become the new capital of UK Pacific for the remainder of the game. Although all IPCs will be handed to the enemy, UK Pacific may continue to collect for territories still under their control.

    New & Modified National Objectives

    Germany (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if an Axis power controls London

    Soviet Union (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if there are no Axis warships in sea zone #125, and the Allies control Archangel as well as London (Part 1 of 2 which replaces National Prestige).
    -5 IPCs if there are no Allied units on any original Russian territories (Part 2 of 2 which replaces National Prestige).

    Japan (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if Japan controls all original Chinese territories

    United States (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if the United States are at war with the Axis powers

    UK Europe (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if there are no German or Italian submarines on the board.

    UK Pacific (replaces all UK Pacific and ANZAC NOs)
    -3 IPCs if the Allies control Kwangtung and Malaya.
    -3 IPCs if the Allies control all original ANZAC territories and Malaya.
    -3 PUs if the Allies control Gilbert Islands, Fiji, and Samoa.
    -3 IPCs if the Allies (other than the Dutch) control Dutch New Guinea, New Guinea, New Britain and Solomon Islands.

    New & Modified Production Facilities

    Industrial Complex: (Blue)
    Cost - 30 IPCs
    Produces up to 10 units
    Maximum damage 20
    Unoperational at 10 damage
    Capable of mobilizing all unit types
    May only be damaged by strategic bombers
    Contains a built in AA gun for defence against SBRs (1@1 per attacking bomber)
    May only be placed on an originally controlled territory (not islands) with an IPC value of 3 or greater
    Immediately downgraded to a major factory once captured

    Major Factory: (Red)
    Cost - 20 IPCs
    Produces up to 5 units
    Maximum damage 10
    Unoperational at 5 damage
    Capable of mobilizing all unit types
    May only be damaged by strategic bombers
    Contains a built in AA gun for defence against SBRs (1@1 per attacking bomber)
    May be placed on any controlled territory (not islands) with an IPC value of 3 or greater
    Immediately downgraded to a minor factory once captured

    Minor Factory: (Green)
    Cost - 15 IPCs
    Produces up to 3 units
    Maximum damage 6
    Unoperational at 3 damage
    Capable of mobilizing all unit types
    May only be damaged by strategic bombers
    Contains a built in AA gun for defence against SBRs (1@1 per attacking bomber)
    May be placed on any controlled territory (not islands) with an IPC value of 2 or greater
    Immediately downgraded to a military base once captured

    Military Base: (White)
    Cost - 10 IPCs
    Produces up to 3 units
    Maximum damage 6
    Unoperational at 3 damage
    May only mobilize infantry units and sea transports
    May be damaged by both tactical and strategic bombers
    Contains a built in AA gun for defence against SBRs (1@1 per attacking bomber)
    May be placed on any controlled territory including islands
    Immediately removed from the board once captured

    4 colors of plastic houses are available at HBG, each unit purchased contains 5 houses…

    Upgrading facilities:

    All production facilities may be upgraded 1 level per turn for 10 IPCs each level, provided that all placement requirements have been met.

    Modified Setup: All production facilities

    Western Germany - Industrial Complex
    Germany - Industrial Complex

    Soviet Union
    Russia - Industrial Complex
    Novgorod - Major Factory
    Ukraine - Minor Factory
    Volgograd - Minor Factory (immediately upgraded to major factory if Leningrad and/or Ukraine have been captured)
    Japan - Industrial Complex

    United States
    Western United States - Major Factory (immediately upgraded to IC when at war with the Axis powers) Central United States - Major Factory (immediately upgraded to IC when at war with the Axis powers) Eastern United States - Major Factory (immediately upgraded to IC when at war with the Axis powers) Hawaiian Islands - Military Base

    United Kingdom: Europe
    United Kingdom - Industrial Complex
    Quebec - Major Factory
    Union of South Africa - Minor Factory
    Egypt - Military Base

    Southern Italy - Major Factory
    Northern Italy - Major Factory

    United Kingdom: Pacific
    India - Major Factory (immediately upgraded to IC when at war with Japan) New South Wales - Major Factory

    France - Industrial Complex
    Normandy - Minor Factory
    Southern France - Minor Factory

    New Capital Capture Rule

    The cash on hand that is surrendered once a capital is captured for the first time, goes to the conquering nation. However, each time afterwards the cash on hand will go to the bank.

    New Japan / German relationship rule

    Japan may not move units into an originally controlled territory of the Soviet Union that Germany controls. Also, Germany may not move units into an originally controlled territory of the Soviet Union that Japan controls.

    New Strategic Bombing Rules

    The +2 damage bonus for each strategic bomber during strategic bombing raids will now be distributed like such…

    +1 Damage - if the strategic bombers rolling for damage have departed from an operational airbase.

    +1 Damage - if the strategic bombers rolling for damage did not encounter an enemy interceptor.

    Airborne Assaults

    During the combat movement phase, up to 2 infantry units positioned on each territory with an operational airbase may attack hostile territories up to 3 spaces away. These paratrooper units are vulnerable to enemy AA artillery as if they were being transported on one air unit, and all airborne assaults must be supported by a ground attack and/or an amphibious assault.

    Around the Clock Bombing

    At a ratio of up to 3:1, American strategic bombers positioned in London may conduct strategic bombing raids on the United Kingdom’s turn if at least 1 UK strategic bomber also positioned in London is conducting a strategic bombing raid.

    At a ratio of up to 3:1, British strategic bombers positioned in London may conduct strategic bombing raids on the United States turn if at least 1 US strategic bomber also positioned in London is conducting a strategic bombing raid.

    Modified Turn Sequence

    1. Germany
    2. Japan
    3. Soviet Union
    4. United States
    5. China
    6. UK Europe
    7. Italy
    8. UK Pacific
    9. France

    Modified Setup: Soviet Union

    Buryatia: 6 Infantry, 1 AA artillery
    Sakha: 6 Infantry, 1 AA artillery
    Amur: 6 Infantry, 1 AA artillery

    Suggested Game Round Sequence: (games with 4 or more players)

    1. Germany and Japan conduct turns at the same time
    2. Russia and the United States conduct turns at the same time
    3. China and United Kingdom Europe conduct turns at the same time
    4. Italy and United Kingdom Pacific conduct turns at the same time
    5. France conducts their turn, and a new game round sequence begins

    If 2 nations playing simultaneously have units converging on the same area of the map, they must be mindful of turn sequences and follow the order of play.

    Suggested Player Assignments: (games with 4 or more players)

    4 Player Games
    Player 1. Germany / Italy
    Player 2. Japan
    Player 3. Soviet Union / UK Europe / France
    Player 4. United States / China / UK Pacific

    5 Player Games
    Player 1. Germany / Italy
    Player 2. Japan
    Player 3. Soviet Union / UK Pacific
    Player 4. United States / China
    Player 5. UK Europe / France

    6 Player Games
    Player 1. Germany / Italy
    Player 2. Japan
    Player 3. Soviet Union
    Player 4. United States
    Player 5. UK Europe / France
    Player 6. UK Pacific / China

    7 Player Games
    Player 1. Germany
    Player 2. Japan
    Player 3. Italy
    Player 4. Soviet Union
    Player 5. United States
    Player 6. UK Europe / France
    Player 7. UK Pacific / China

    8 Player Games
    Player 1. Germany
    Player 2. Japan
    Player 3. Italy
    Player 4. Soviet Union
    Player 5. United States
    Player 6. UK Europe
    Player 7. UK Pacific
    Player 8. China / France

  • Thanks for posting these. Couple of questions/remarks:

    1. I recall you adding a fighter to Canada, have you abandoned that idea?

    2. Regarding the Allied objective Africa: is this only applicable to the original non-neutral territories? I can already see some game where Allies attack the true neutrals. Would the Allies have to take out the African pro-Axis Neutrals? And what happens if Italy moves into a pro-Axis neutral?

    3. Regarding the Allied objective Pacific Fleet: what happens if Japan buys a capital ship in the Purchase Units Phase and loses all of its existing capital ships in the Combat Phase of that very same turn? Will the Allies gain their objective or is the Japanese buy preventing this?

    4. Regarding R&D Improved Production: doesn’t this breakthrough also affect the New Medium IC Facility? I would expect it to produce 6 units now instead of 5.

    5. Lazy remark: could you add a line to paragraph UK Pacific Nation stating the income of UK Europe? It’s still 28 but it’s nice to see it confirmed/reassured if you’re setting it up for the first time without having to check yourself.

  • Thanks for posting - I already snapped up your “(mech) may tow 1 artillery each during non-combat movement” idea.

  • Sponsor


    Thanks for posting these. Couple of questions/remarks:

    1. I recall you adding a fighter to Canada, have you abandoned that idea?

    2. Regarding the Allied objective Africa: is this only applicable to the original non-neutral territories? I can already see some game where Allies attack the true neutrals. Would the Allies have to take out the African pro-Axis Neutrals? And what happens if Italy moves into a pro-Axis neutral?

    3. Regarding the Allied objective Pacific Fleet: what happens if Japan buys a capital ship in the Purchase Units Phase and loses all of its existing capital ships in the Combat Phase of that very same turn? Will the Allies gain their objective or is the Japanese buy preventing this?

    4. Regarding R&D Improved Production: doesn’t this breakthrough also affect the New Medium IC Facility? I would expect it to produce 6 units now instead of 5.

    5. Lazy remark: could you add a line to paragraph UK Pacific Nation stating the income of UK Europe? It’s still 28 but it’s nice to see it confirmed/reassured if you’re setting it up for the first time without having to check yourself.

    Great observations Ozy,

    1. No… the additional fighter in Canada was part of a combined Canada and ANZAC commonwealth nation we experimented with. It didn’t work because a lot of UK income was being pushed to production facilities away from the fighting.

    2. Yes… only for non-neutral territories, I will edit that.

    3. Yes… the Allies would gain that victory objective immediately for no capital ships on the board (“no matter how or when the objective was achieved”).

    4. Yes… good eye, I will edit that.

    5. Sure… no problem.

  • Sponsor


    Thanks for posting - I already snapped up your “(mech) may tow 1 artillery each during non-combat movement” idea.

    Cheers DK,

    We discussed your AA capabilities on cruisers and battleships, but it didn’t reach the table as we tend to be nervous about changing resolve combat dynamics.

  • I see you removed the paratroopers and added super carriers instead? I agree, the paratroopers is hard to gain anything from.

    Why did you change the order of play? Japan before Russia, how’s so?

  • '17 '16



    Thanks for posting - I already snapped up your “(mech) may tow 1 artillery each during non-combat movement” idea.

    Cheers DK,

    We discussed your AA capabilities on cruisers and battleships, but it didn’t reach the table as we tend to be nervous about changing resolve combat dynamics.

    Are you sure about your SBR values?
    You create the less incentive method, even OOB 1942.2 SBR gives more favorable odds for the attacker.
    Combining Balance Mode Fg A2 D2 with 2 other conditions and D6 damage is the opposite spectrum of OOB G40 SBR.

  • Sponsor

    @Baron M

    I suppose you may be right, I imagine G40B values were created to prevent dark sky strategies and promote escort missions. However, our group doesn’t have dark sky problems, so I would be ok with postponing those values, or my other idea was only allowing fighters to intercept from operational air bases… but I definitely want to keep the bonus cancelation conditions.

  • Sponsor


    Are you sure about your SBR values?
    You create the less incentive method, even OOB 1942.2 SBR gives more favorable odds for the attacker.
    Combining Balance Mode Fg A2 D2 with 2 other conditions and D6 damage is the opposite spectrum of OOB G40 SBR.

    It’s been restructured this way…

    Modified SBR Rule

    The +2 damage bonus for each strategic bomber during strategic bombing raids will now be distributed like such…

    +1 Damage - if the strategic bombers rolling for damage have departed from an operational airbase.

    +1 Damage - if the strategic bombers rolling for damage did not encounter an enemy interceptor.

  • '17 '16

    To be sure following your idea, you still keeping interceptors @2?
    I would feel better if Fg stay A1 D1.

  • Sponsor


    you still keeping interceptors @2?

    No… I removed the modified air battle values until further testing, but what do you think about restricting interceptors to air bases.

  • Sponsor


    Why did you change the order of play? Japan before Russia, how’s so?

    This house rule set was primarily designed for table top games with 4 or more players. We have found that more game rounds are played in the same time frame when 2 players conduct their turns at the same time. The new game round sequence would allow both Germany and Japan to start the game, and every game round there after. Also, because of the non-existent or rare interaction of the two nations… Russia and the United states would be next to conduct their turns together, and save valuable daylight hours for more game rounds. This type of game play takes practice to master, but eventually becomes second nature. It will also matter who plays which nation, because you don’t want one player playing 2 nations that are designed to go at the same time. Here’s a more detailed breakdown…

    Game Round Sequence

    1. Germany and Japan conduct turns at the same time
    2. Russia and the United States conduct turns at the same time
    3. China and United Kingdom Europe conduct turns at the same time
    4. Italy and United Kingdom Pacific conduct turns at the same time
    5. France conducts their turn, and a new game round sequence begins

    Suggested Player Assignments

    4 Player Games

    Player 1. Germany / Italy
    Player 2. Japan
    Player 3. Soviet Union / UK Europe / France
    Player 4. United States / China / UK Pacific

    5 Player Games

    Player 1. Germany / Italy
    Player 2. Japan
    Player 3. Soviet Union / UK Pacific
    Player 4. United States / China
    Player 5. UK Europe / France

    6 Player Games

    Player 1. Germany / Italy
    Player 2. Japan
    Player 3. Soviet Union
    Player 4. United States
    Player 5. UK Europe / France
    Player 6. UK Pacific / China

    7 Player Games

    Player 1. Germany
    Player 2. Japan
    Player 3. Italy
    Player 4. Soviet Union
    Player 5. United States
    Player 6. UK Europe / France
    Player 7. UK Pacific / China

    8 Player Games

    Player 1. Germany
    Player 2. Japan
    Player 3. Italy
    Player 4. Soviet Union
    Player 5. United States
    Player 6. UK Europe
    Player 7. UK Pacific
    Player 8. China / France

  • '17 '16



    you still keeping interceptors @2?

    No… I removed the modified air battle values until further testing, but what do you think about restricting interceptors to air bases.

    I don’t think it is a necessity.
    Keeping interception as it is may increase SBR action.
    Forbidding +1 bonus damage is cool and not OP.

  • '19 '17 '16



    you still keeping interceptors @2?

    No… I removed the modified air battle values until further testing, but what do you think about restricting interceptors to air bases.

    I think the SBR rules are one of the most broken parts of the game rules. If escorts and interceptors rolled at 2 it would add an additional dimension about the undesirability of unescorted SBRs which is both true to history and adds to the game play. No wonder SBR in 1942.2 they made interceptors roll at 2 - but didn’t also make escorts do the same. I think that was also an oversight.

    The other part I hate is combat movement after purchase, but I don’t think anyone is really interested in that.

    Since we’re talking generally, I think the 1942.2 map is a bit broken with that Japanese BB off Indonesia. Too much of the game swings on that battle. I reckon it should be changed to a Cruiser and DD. Or some other similar change. If you make the SZ37 attack and kill the BB, it’s hard to lose. If you lose, it’s then almost impossible to win the game as Allies.

  • Sponsor

    In my experience, it’s pretty difficult to get fighters available for an escort mission when they’re needed back home for maximum scramble defense. Also, you’d have to be pretty savvy to position those escorts close to the front in order to get the range needed. You would have to give up help for other battles so you can get your fighters in on escort missions, and the defender always has the choice to stay grounded. That always fustrates me when I’m looking for an air battle, because now you’re fighters did nothing but scare off the enemy when they could have been doing something else important. However, I do remember 1st edition… and nobody was doing SBRs back then, so I’m glad they fixed it a little, but it’ll never be perfect.

  • '19 '17 '16


    In my experience, it’s pretty difficult to get fighters available for an escort mission when they’re needed back home for maximum scramble defense. Also, you’d have to be pretty savvy to position those escorts close to the front in order to get the range needed. You would have to give up help for other battles so you can get your fighters in on escort missions, and the defender always has the choice to stay grounded. That always fustrates me when I’m looking for an air battle, because now you’re fighters did nothing but scare off the enemy when they could have been doing something else important. However, I do remember 1st edition… and nobody was doing SBRs back then, so I’m glad they fixed it a little, but it’ll never be perfect.

    That is how it adds to the game. OOB, SBRs are just awesome even if unprotected. That’s ridiculous. B-17s did shoot down fighters sometimes, particularly when the fighters were outnumbered 3 to 1, but it is hardly realistic to think that there’s an even match one on one.

  • '17 '16



    In my experience, it’s pretty difficult to get fighters available for an escort mission when they’re needed back home for maximum scramble defense. Also, you’d have to be pretty savvy to position those escorts close to the front in order to get the range needed. You would have to give up help for other battles so you can get your fighters in on escort missions, and the defender always has the choice to stay grounded. That always fustrates me when I’m looking for an air battle, because now you’re fighters did nothing but scare off the enemy when they could have been doing something else important. However, I do remember 1st edition… and nobody was doing SBRs back then, so I’m glad they fixed it a little, but it’ll never be perfect.

    That is how it adds to the game. OOB, SBRs are just awesome even if unprotected. That’s ridiculous. B-17s did shoot down fighters sometimes, particularly when the fighters were outnumbered 3 to 1, but it is hardly realistic to think that there’s an even match one on one.

    It is a thin line between SBR with no interception (OOB G40) or no SBR because of too much frightening  Fgs on IC TT (OOB 1942.2 SBR optional). As YG noted, even when you bring along escort it is often an opportunity lost to use this Fg elsewhere because defender choose to duck in instead of intercept.
    So the defender must see an advantage to risk his precious Fgs when the attacker has an overwhelming forces of StBs, or simply a clear advantage.

    There is only a few conditions which provides attractive ingredients to get more action during SBRs.
    1942.2 with Fg A1 first strike Defense @2 and bomber A1 first strike but damage D6 is not very good incentive for the attacker. And the first strike attack can be scarry for the defender when only 1 or 2 Fg can intercept. Net result, no intercept or rarely. And when there is not enough bomber, StBs stay on regular combat acting like long range tactical bomber attacking @4.

    However, if you rise damage to D6+2, you get something in between G40 and 1942.2
    which have some merits.

    But what YG is trying can probably work better (even if the odds are less appealing to the attacker). Blocking a +1 bonus cannot be enough for a few StBs but in large number,  reducing 5 or more damage to IC can worth the risk to intercept. And as counterweight, when 6 or more StBs attack, an interceptor is likely to be destroyed (6 times 1/6 = grossly near 1 odds).
    The attacker lose some damage on bombing but he gains an opportunity to shot an interceptor.

  • Sponsor


    There is only a few conditions which provides attractive ingredients to get more action during SBRs.

    I wouldn’t limit our imaginations, all it takes is some trouble shooting…here’s a problem with SBRs…

    A loophole in the role of Tactical bombers during SBRs has been exposed and abused.

    By not announcing targets during raids, tactical bombers are being brought in for the sole purpose of escorting even though they are not permitted in this role. However, because there is an eligible target with 1 or 2 bases present… a loophole is created. A possible solution would be to have bombing units (tactical and strategic bombers) announce their targets before an air raid is triggered, and have the posibility of multiple air battles triggered, the defender would divide their interceptors among each separate raid, and than the attacker would divide their escorts last.

  • '19 '17 '16


    A possible solution would be to have bombing units (tactical and strategic bombers) announce their targets before an air raid is triggered

    Isn’t this part already the rule?

    Of course, this loophole is also resolved moderately well by having fighters A2 D2 with both types of bombers A1.

  • '17 '16



    There is only a few conditions which provides attractive ingredients to get more action during SBRs.

    I wouldn’t limit our imaginations, all it takes is some trouble shooting…here’s a problem with SBRs…

    A loophole in the role of Tactical bombers during SBRs has been exposed and abused.

    By not announcing targets during raids, tactical bombers are being brought in for the sole purpose of escorting even though they are not permitted in this role. However, because there is an eligible target with 1 or 2 bases present… a loophole is created. A possible solution would be to have bombing units (tactical and strategic bombers) announce their targets before an air raid is triggered, and have the posibility of multiple air battles triggered, the defender would divide their interceptors among each separate raid, and than the attacker would divide their escorts last.

    Why do you see it as a loophole?

    It is only 1 IPC cheaper than StratB or cost 1 more than Fg unit.

    At least, it can bomb Bases for D6 damage.
    And being fodder for StBs is not very different than Infantry protecting Artillery.

    Also, during Battle of Britain, a lot of German TacBs were shot down.

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