However, not giving Germany a NO for control of London just won’t work for us, I know that this one may be on the block for consideration… and I think you should find a way to make it work.
Yup. I agree completely. And we have decided to include a London NO in the next release of Balance Mod (which we expect will be forthcoming in the next two weeks). The NO we have settled upon, based on user feedback in the “G40 Balance Mod - Feedback Thread” is this:
“5 PUs if Germany has a land unit in either Egypt or the United Kingdom (London).”
The upshot of this NO is that Germany now has two ways to achieve the 5 PUs from the OOB “Presence in Egypt” NO. But if Germany captures both UK and Egypt, it still only gets +5 PUs. This NO was the brainchild of Adam514, the Master League player who co-created the Mod. We play tested it. Its awesome. And was well received in the feedback thread.
We did initially toy with the idea of giving Germany a separate NO for London alone (so conquest of both London and UK would mean +10), but there was some well-reasoned opposition to it from League players. And after play testing several sealion games, we agreed that the separate NO would make Sealion overpowered, unduly limiting UK’s strategic options.