LHTR did the move fighters to the sea zone the carrier would be in (new or old) to stop artificially extending fighter range, I believe.
That was the result, but not the actual reason. You could read the thread in the AH forum for clues, but I’m to tired to rehash it now…
The main reason LHTR altered the OOB ftr~landing~on~new~carrier rules was to clarifiy movement rules.
OOB makes planes land at the IC of the new carrier being placed… THEN the planes move onto the carrier once it was placed. That would be movement during mobolize units phase. YUCK… so said the LHTR rules committee.
And…actually allowing fighters to hover above a SZ awaiting a new carrier to land upon (as per LHTR) EXTENDS their range.
Please do not alter history. I was there, as were you.
There was not going to BE any fighter/carrier rule. The “LHTR committee” did not say “yuck”. The committee eliminated the rule. It was only after a howl of protest that “the committee” realized the new rule would not satisfy us.
However, instead of leaving the rule the way it was written by mike, the new “movement” excuse was given for a change…which really did not change anything.
The old rule really was not confusing, It did not “add movement”, in that any German fighter which could have landed at the IC just now “lands” in the sea zone.
95% of the job the rules committe did was excellent. This part was poorly planned, executed, and botched.
I was not on the LTHR comittee.
I was told (or read somewhere) this rule was to clear up movement discrepancies.
That is why I posted such. Â If my information about the rules committee’s reason were wrong, I apologize.
I want to further discuss the ‘adding an extra move’ that people are telling me is incorrect.
When a piece gets an additional move (during a different phase), yes, you are altering it’s range, there for, you are giving it an extra movement.
Here is a perfect example for OOB rules. I’ve already demonstrated how the placement of fighters in newly built carriers extends the range of fts in LHTR.
Germany has a ftr in Libya which does combat into sz 16 (2 moves).  Germany buys a carrier on it’s turn.  The ftr lands in Germany  (2 moves).  During mobilize units, this ftr can MOVE 1 more space onto the newly built carrier.  This ftr has now moved 5 spaces on it’s turn, has it not?  P
Please clarify how this does not demostrate an extra movement.