• @U-505:

    I would never give my opponent more than 6 IPC’s as a bid. My bids are exclusively 5 or 6. 2 inf or 1 unit and/or cash to Japan is more than enough to make the game even. Giving a good player more than 6 is asking for trouble.

    How is giving a 6 bid or more asking for trouble?  You’re saying that 7-9 would give the Axis too big of an advantage? How?

  • And yet U-505, your current opponent has a 7 bid.  Doesn’t that go against what you were saying? 8-)

  • My bid is generally 6 - 10.  It depends on my opponent. :wink:

  • 2007 AAR League



    I would never give my opponent more than 6 IPC’s as a bid. My bids are exclusively 5 or 6. 2 inf or 1 unit and/or cash to Japan is more than enough to make the game even. Giving a good player more than 6 is asking for trouble.

    How is giving a 6 bid or more asking for trouble?  You’re saying that 7-9 would give the Axis too big of an advantage? How?

    Yes. 7 IPC’s to a good player is asking for trouble. It allows for at least 2 infantry for the Axis and 1 IPC to Japan to give them the flexibility to purchase 2 TP, 1 IC on J1. I won’t allow that. With a 6 bid, either they get the 2 inf OR only 1 ground unit and the money for Japan. Simple as that.

    8 IPC’s allows for a TP to be placed immeditely. How could you not see the big advantage of that?

    9 or more is Christmas come early for the Axis. 3 inf/ 1 TP, 1 IPC/ 1 inf, 1 arm, 1 IPC/2 art, 1 IPC/1 inf, 1 art, 2 IPC’s/1 arm, 1 art/etc… I’m a kid in a candy store with that kind of bid.


    And yet U-505, your current opponent has a 7 bid. Doesn’t that go against what you were saying? 8-)

    My opponent specifically asked for the Axis and 7 IPC’s to try out a new strategy and I was happy to oblige since new strategies typically don’t pan out on the first attempt, I needed some playing time as the Allies, and the game wasn’t rated at DAAK. He’s proven himself as a fine opponent and I doubt I will allow him another 7 bid again.

    Tell you what, I’ve got some time before the singles tourney. Give me your median bid ( 8 ) and I won’t even buy a TP. I’ll take 1 inf Lib and 1 arm Kwang.  :-D

  • Since you’re so kind to your opponents and don’t want to let them plow through the candy store, how 'bout I just give you a 6  bid as well.  Even in my books, 8 is a little extreme, and I’ve only played a bit.  8 median bid, pfffft, my Canadian snowboot-covered field-goal kicking foot.  8-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’ll still plow through 8 bid IPC.

    It’s a matter of strategy, not units when we’re talking small amounts.

    But I’ll never let you get over 10 IPC.

  • As much as I sometimes think I need a 10 bid at times, I would never in my right mind ask for one because I know I would never get it…not unless I’m playing against someone really inexperienced.  Besides, a 6-7-8 bid is roughly a good target to shoot for.  I like the 7 bid most.  It gives flexibility in what you can buy and where you can put guys.  Yeah, it could get a little predictable as to where, but not always with the what.

  • 2007 AAR League


    Since you’re so kind to your opponents and don’t want to let them plow through the candy store, how 'bout I just give you a 6  bid as well.  Even in my books, 8 is a little extreme, and I’ve only played a bit.  8 median bid, pfffft, my Canadian snowboot-covered field-goal kicking foot.  8-)

    Fair enough. 1 inf Libya, 1 inf Manchuria.


    I’ll still plow through 8 bid IPC.

    It’s a matter of strategy, not units when we’re talking small amounts.

    But I’ll never let you get over 10 IPC.

    OK. 1  Japanese TP sz50.

    Get the threads started and do up your Russia’s.  BBTirpitz1936@aol.com

    I was going to take up jsp’s request for an opponent but now it seems I’m forced to put my money (or my foot) where my mouth is. Have at thee!

  • I’m actually in the middle of a game right now (I use a physical board - can’t stand the ABattlemap stuff), and even though it’s about to finish up, I’m leaving town for Christmas.  I’m not making excuses, but if we do “have at thee now,” Mr. Shakespeare, it’ll either have to be sometime next week or in the new year.  I’ve got a couple games about to happen with friends, so philosophies and the trading of barbs will have to wait for another time.

  • 2007 AAR League

    That’s fine. I’ll be out of town between Christmas and New Years so I can wait as well.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Even a high bid doesn’t guarantee an axis win.  In my AAR game with Jen & Frimmel they had the axis with a bid of 17

    bid placement:
    1 IPC to the Japan Bank
    3 INF to UKR
    1 INF and 1 ART to Libya

    Although it took awhile the Allies were victorious.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I really think the bid is overrated - any individual battle will easily vary by 7 IPCs or more in net outcome for one side or the other, especially if one player has been sloppy in moving/placing units. To really even the game I think the Axis should get a tech or a national advantage or something like that.

    Speaking of bids though, I’ll flog this here yet too since no one has commented on it anywhere else that I’ve posted it:

    I’ve made a blind bid system on my site, at http://frood.net/aacalc/bid/  - all you need is both sides’ e-mail addresses. No membership or login. No info is saved after the counter bid has been entered. So now you don’t need a DAAK account anymore.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Even a high bid doesn’t guarantee an axis win.  In my AAR game with Jen & Frimmel they had the axis with a bid of 17

    bid placement:
    1 IPC to the Japan Bank
    3 INF to UKR
    1 INF and 1 ART to Libya

    Although it took awhile the Allies were victorious.

    Yea, that’s why Infantry, Armor is better for Ukraine.  Nealy impossible for Russia to kill the fighter (saves you 10 IPC right there, not including the damage that fighter gets to do) and then put what’s left in either FIC or Manchuria or Libya.

    I’d really, REALLY love to see what I could do with a 17 IPC bid with just Japan.  1 Infantry in FIC, 2 Infantry, 2 Artillery in Manchuria

  • Baltic transport FTW.

  • If you are giving me $17…

    1 SUB SZ8
    1 INF Belo
    1 INF Ukraine
    1 INF Libya

    So much for any early moves by either Russia OR UK against Germany…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I still crush Ukraine in that, Switch.  :oops:

    17 IPC?  4 Infantry, 1 Armor in Libya

    Buy: 3 Transports, 1 Aircraft Carrier.  Always wanted to do that!

  • Yes, you do get Ukraine… BARELY.  And it costs you a lot to do it (all your starting ARM)

    But you can;t get Belo, and the German’s are sitting pretty with an extra INF at the front, and an extra Russian dead in the Ukraine strike.  I get Egypt a little stronger, and I get to sink the UK fleet at start.

    So, Germany is stronger against Russia, UK is slowed an entire turn (or more), and Africa goes Germany faster, more completely, and for a longer period of time.  HELL of a gain for Germany.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    It costs me all my armor to get Ukraine anyway.  It’s only a matter of do I loose it on the attack (dropping to 2 armor winning) or on the defense (1 artillery, 3 armor, or just 3 armor normally.)

    Eitherway, I loose 28 IPC, you loose 31-34 IPC depending on the defense dice on Germany 1.  Net effect on the land is 0, I get 3 IPC but you get it as well.

  • Actually, your odds of taking Ukraine drop by 8% with the extra INF present at the start of R1.

    And the loss of an extra Russian ARM on R1 means that Germany takes less damage on the counter-attack, so Germany wins TWICE from 1 INF.

  • 2007 AAR League

    assuming it gets a hit in defense

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