Short answer: It doesn’t make sense to build an IC for ground troops if the IC is less than three spaces away.
Policy Paper #07 at Caspian Sub goes over this. Here’s the appendix that goes through the scenarios. Enjoy.
Appendix A: The Donut Shop and the Paczki Shop*
Let’s start with the Donut Shop, a.k.a. an IC built in the Ukraine.
For starters, you won’t be building tanks at that IC. If you did want tanks there, you wouldn’t bother building a complex because it’s cheaper to build them in Berlin. Here’s why: R1 you build the complex. R2 you build 3tnk. Alternately, R1 you build three tanks in Berlin/Rome. R2 they move to Ukraine. So they get there at the same time, but you have sunk 15IPCs in an IC you don’t need. The no-IC route is more flexible, less risky, and just as fast for tanks.
Now let’s look at infantry built there. Here’s the chart:
Now let’s look at infantry built there. Here’s the chart:
            In Berlin    In E. Europe   In Ukraine   IPCs Spent  Â
R1    no IC    6inf                       18 Â
R2    no IC    3inf       6inf               27
R3    no IC    3inf       3inf       6inf      36
R4    no IC    3inf       3inf       9inf      45
R1Â Â Â Â With ICÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1ICÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â 15Â Â
R2    With IC                    1IC 3inf    24 Â
R3    With IC                    1IC 6inf    33
R4    With IC                    1IC 9inf    42 Â
Without the IC, by the end of R3 you have as much defensive gear in Ukraine as you would with the IC, and you have bought enough gear for 5rounds. It cost you 3IPCs more, but you have more defense in Berlin and Eastern Europe, and you are more flexible in Central Europe. And if the tide turns against you, it costs you nothing to abandon Ukraine.
Next up, the Paczki Shop, a.k.a. the Eastern Europe complex.
Quick note: without the IC, take the 15 IPCs you would have spent on the IC and build 5inf. R2 move them to Eastern Europe. You are now 6IPCs of gear ahead of the IC production.
Don’t build the Donut Shop or the Paczki Shop. Unless the IC is at least 3 spaces away, you’re better off building the gear in your starting complex and marching east.
*Kudos to V-Disc for the naming conventions.
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