logistical costs
I was thinking simpler if all paid in advance
for Sahara, both paid in advance or paid afterwards is reasonable or arguably realistic anyway
ok fine make it so…
you mentioned “movement into Sahara and no combat”
what do you mean? does it make a difference? are you saying you want “no combat” to be paid after, and “yes combat” to be paid in advance?
It does not matter now because we now have it all paid for in advance. never mind
if not exactly unrealistic, then lets make it hit all the time and save the rolling
like OOB and AARe
yes please simplify and consolidate these rules into a easy to use package.
you mention “subtract following turn”, doesn’t make sense, maybe you misunderstood the rules
they are destroyed and you lost the money this turn, less money to spend
in enemy turn they move into position and then in your turn you are affected, not later
your correct meant this turn.
production interruption
you misunderstood
I am referring to the rule named “production interruption”
(after 3 cycles of land combat, territory income reduced, table lookup for damage)
Yes thats correct, thats another rule that we keep yes.
I am saying we could simplify it to in each cycle of land combat cause damage, effectively a 1 IPC SBR
well it it removes yet another thing to look up and index then it would be better. I IPC i could go for. sounds like a winner Tekkyy. do it.
You bring up UK and Japan. None of them are effected in any way by isolation rules except if they occupy small islands and these sea zones where the island is is occupied by enemy ships, then they are denied IPC from that source.
The ONLY other thing that effects them is each German ship in the open atlantic or indian ocean ( not in neutral port) takes one potential IPC from Uk or USA these may include subs.
Likewise, USA and UK subs only in Pacific can also harm Japan potentially with a die roll causing 1 IPC damage.
here you seems to be talking in a blend of rules
by “isolation rules” are you referring to your
This was a good rule and it should not have been thrown away. Also, as i remember the German subs and ships dont actually cause USA damage, only the aid of lend lease that flows to either UK or USSR is damaged… the American economy was not dependent on its few colonies
f you don’t control as path of sea zones from islands to your capital you don’t gain income from these places
it in conflict with “causing 1 IPC damage” which is under “convoy sea zone” heading in current rules
They can both work. The fact that German ships are in these sea zones reduces income, the fact that American or British or even Japanese ships control the sea zone that surrounds the small island also denys income to that owning player. This is historical modeling.
anyway I am saying since UK and Japan is scattered
they are affected the most if saving has to be done at Capital
saved IPC would be raided twice, strangely
How are they effected? they ONLY lose the saved income if the home territory is captured. That would be the end of the game for each of them in practical terms. They are also protected by the fact that they are islands and cant be assaulted by connected land territories. They have a great advantage. Their is nothing strange about it.
or are you saying saving mechanism can skip the convoy sea zone rule?
OMG. lets get past this. Its a non-issue. Its not even related to that.
finally I remind what we have a path system
because convoy raid not related to production, or not related to actual shipping, is silly
This makes no sence to me what your saying.
forget path system unless it relates to “isolation of small islands” because those German ships/ subs and UK/ USA pacific subs only take income from the enemy if these ships make their saving roll as per our rules.
also please post a non-PDF version ( Microsoft word)