Oh, I get it now!
So the AI just confused. Makes sense.
Surprised no feed back yet :?
well ….still waiting on the set up sheets so we can see how it plays out. I cant comment on something i cant play.
Also need rules uploaded that you used. I don’t even know if the units have the same prices or whatnot.
Great to see the project resuming.
I will try to fix Them. I have to copy the same letter from another spot from same country and paste over the original. It is time consuming so try not to be too picky.
Aren’t you vectoring the file?
It will be a pain for your future work if text are not text and lines are not lines.
Its a pity with all the textures. Other PNG is loseless and compresses very well. Our AARHE are around the same resolution (7200x3600) and is like only 2-3 MBs.
Thanks folks,
Craig I agree with you Whole Heartedly
While a lot of the changes that happen over time during the Deep Blue work were also good, I don’t think that the original work got the proper playtesting that it deserved.
Which page in this post had all the Spelling Corrections, I cannot find it, :? ?
Aren’t you vectoring the file?
Its a pity with all the textures. Other PNG is loseless and compresses very well. Our AARHE are around the same resolution (7200x3600) and is like only 2-3 MBs.
Vectoring? = To make it so you can print on smaller pieces of paper, right?
The textures I think look nice, but I can Change the colors of the countries a little if you would like. I already changed the Impassable’s color.
Yes I agree the file is large, so what, it takes little longer to download?
well ….still waiting on the set up sheets so we can see how it plays out. I cant comment on something i cant play.
Also need rules uploaded that you used. I don’t even know if the units have the same prices or whatnot.
Set up charts will be done, when the map is done. I plan on using an almost exact set up Positronica used.
rules that the Easy Part.
My next Map update, I will release Set up charts, and a Final Version of the map, But I first need your thoughts. I know I have missed a few things that my eyes are not seeing
Vectoring? = To make it so you can print on smaller pieces of paper, right?
Vectoring is the total absence of Rastorized artwork. No jagged lines. You can enlarge the artwork to any size and it remains the same it does not pixelate.
Yes the map needs lots of changes. Their are too many sea zones by a factor of 40% if you maintain the old movement of 2 spaces it will not balance up. The sea zones need to be outlined with dotted lines. I think this map had ports all over the map.
German port at Hamburg/ Kiel missing should be in SZ 17 (west germany), also French port at Dakar missing ( SZ 53) The one above does not really perform as a military port… its a port for commerce.
The German occupied french territories are not accurate ( Germany does not own any french below the Sahara), The Italian ones aren’t either ( but i think hes aiming to get the Italians a few bucks). Also the German color is too blue. Grey looks better.
A vector format (open formats like svg…proprietory formats like illustrator…etc) stores colours, lines and texts.
No matter how large you want to print it, it remains perfect.
(You can also drags things around and do pain-free editing.)
PNG is a picture format. Like JPEG it stores pixels. However JPEG is optimized for photos. Whereas PNG works well for cartoonish graphics.
(Both can be viewed in web browser. Hence I recommend PNG for most axis and allies maps.)
By the way, I gave you karma. Best wishes to the project.
“Vectoring” means converting the file from raster format (made of pixels, like a jpg or a tif) to vector format (made of calculations, like an ai or an eps). Vector images can be scaled to any size without losing resolution, whereas raster images look worse and worse the more you enlarge them.
PS- There are a number of automatic ways to convert a raster to a vector, but most of them result in a totally inadequate result for print. Doing it properly would require you to trace the entire map manually, adding in every detail, label, border, sea-zone etc by hand.
its best to start with a vector file and Illustrator is the best program for this. RAR based files are an abomination. its ruins and converts Jpegs and when you want to view them as Jpegs they get ruined. It cant do jack. I almost consider it a virus of sorts.
people who like raster have no concern for accuracy and aesthetics for their artwork, unless they are old school and trying to imitate old technology.
Cool, It’s like going to computer School
Thanks for the info.
Also, the Next time I post an UpDate I will start a Whole new Thread, so the size of this one (thread) doesn’t scare peeps away.
Unless most are against this Idea.
I should be Able to Clean and Finish this Project sometime by the 16th of November.
fingers crossed
Death’s Head.
I believe there was a request for the correct spellings. You can find my post with them on page 3 of this thread. I am excited to see that this has legs again.
Imperious, you are right in that the territories to the Italians were to give them some $$$.
So has there been a resolution on the start date of the game? I think that is where we lost deep blue last time….or there abouts.
Nailing Down a Time Specific Start date is hard, because Germany was quit Militarily active in 39, 40 and 41, while Jpn at that time was only at war with China until Dec of 41.
I would like to see a post Blitzkrieg, pre Barborossa Germany, but that is like a full year and then some before Japan attacks USA and British colonies.
so there is the delema, cause I would prefer that GE has no Russian positions at game start.
Yes those Italian spaces are an attempt to give them a little more cash.
Pdel21, yes I realize there are alot of spelling errors still, and I plan on having them corrected in the next update
Using the Existing Spaces in Europe, I could Make the French a country.
But they would probably not survive the first turn.
a. if I do this, should their be a Vichy Fleet?
b. Should I build France, With a touch of Zeno Games mentality?
c. limit Japans and US’s Options or phases of their first turn.
If I Create France, should I do Same with Poland? I am thinking No, but could be convinced possibly.
I Don’t want every other Space in Europe to be a different color. With France, Poland, Germany, Italy already in place if Poland is a go.
of the existing NB’s and AB’s, which would you like to see go bye bye and others that may need to just slide a little.
I’ve been thinking about a 39 start variant and one option would be to make cut out templates that would go over France and Poland and others, then when they are taken simply remove the template and the territory is German.
That would work for the map but then you’ve got set up and how to contain the Japanese until 41 etc. etc.
But they would probably not survive the first turn.
a. if I do this, should their be a Vichy Fleet?
+++++++ yes at Dakar
b. Should I build France, With a touch of Zeno Games mentality?
++++++ its the only way to make it painless. a scripted result when it falls is the answer.
c. limit Japans and US’s Options or phases of their first turn.
+++++++++ for 1939? yes basically frozen till activated, if japan does not attack by turn X, then USA automatically declares war. YOu can also simulate the oil embargo by reducing Japan’s income, unless they take oil centers
If I Create France, should I do Same with Poland? I am thinking No, but could be convinced possibly.
++++++++ you need a space for Poland its too large to leave out.
of the existing NB’s and AB’s, which would you like to see go bye bye and others that may need to just slide a little.
++++++ NB AB?? huh?
NB= Navel Base
AB= Air Base
only NB. their is not way in hell that each land territory doesn’t have latterly hundreds of air fields, except for a few pacific islands.
Only major ports can repair warships and i dont see more than about 15 of these on the map.
If you go the other way every sea zone will have a prt and every land territory will have an airbase… so whats the point?
keep it simple.
im new and wanted to see the map, the links in the first page are dead links.
is there a new up to date link?
im new and wanted to see the map, the links in the first page are dead links.
is there a new up to date link?
Go back and see my post on page 43 or 42. That should show you the map.
that is one vary nice map… and huge, now i just have to kick the family out of the house for a week to use the living room :-D
yes there is a new link 0n pg 43.
Media fire
Still working on map, sorry for no update on Sat. like I had Hoped