SuperPowers Variant
To win:
Military victory: Conquered 15 victory cities or conquered all opponents countries
Technology victory: Gained Every Tech
Diplomatic victory: swayed 12 countries into your countrySetup
Pick a nation to play, up to 8 nations/players Each nation has a list of starting units, the player controlling the nation picks what territory each unit Is in. Countries that were not choosen place all their units in their capital.
Major IC and Airbase auromaticly are placed in their capital.Nations:
All Soviet marked territories minus Ukraine, Western Ukraine, Moldavo, Belreus, Baltic States, Vyborg, Turmestan, and Kazakamastan.
26 Infantry, 14 mech Inf, 13 Artillery, 16 tanks, 5 fighters, 3 tac bombers, 2 bombers, 8 AA guns, Naval base, 6 Submarines, 4 transports, 2 destroyers.
Capital: RussiaUK
United Kingdon, Scotland, North west India, Southwest Africa, Union of south Africa, Malta.
10 Infantry, 5 Mech Inf, 5 Artillery, 4 tanks, 5 fighters, 4 tac bombers, 2 bombers, 5 AA guns, 2 naval base, 1 submarine, 4 transports, 1 battleship, 1 aircraft carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 minor complex.
Capital: United KingdonFrance
All European French territories plus new hebries.
8 Infantry, 4 Artillery, 2 mech Inf, 1 tank, 1 fighter, 1 tac bomber, 2 naval bases, 1 Cruiser, 1 transports, 2 AA guns.
Capital: FranceGermany
Germany, Western Germany, Greater southern Germany.
10 Infantry, 5 Mech Inf, 3 Artillery, 4 tanks, 2 fighters, 1 tac bomber, 1 bomber, naval base, 3 AA guns, 4 submarines, 1 transports
Capital: GermanySpain
Spain, Western sahara
4 Infantry, 1 artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 destroyer
Capital: SpainPortugul
2 Infantry, naval base
Capital: PortugulItaly
Northern Italy, Southern Italy, Scicily
7 Infantry, 4 Mech Inf, 2 artillery, 1 tanks, 1 fighter, naval base, 2 AA guns, 1 destroyer, 1 Transport
Capital: Southern ItalyYugoslavia
5 Infantry
Capital: YugoslaviaGreece
Greece, Crete
4 Infantry, 1 mech Inf
Capital: GreeceBulgaria
4 Infantry
Capital: BulgariaRomania
5 Infantry, 1 tank, 1 transport, naval base
Capital: RomaniaHungary
3 Infantry, 1 mech Inf
Capital: HungaryPoland
Poland, Eastern Poland
6 Infantry, 1 artillery, 1 fighter
Capital: PolandBaltic states
Baltic States
2 Infantry
Capital: Baltic statesSweden
6 Infantry, 1 fighter, naval base, 1 transportNorway
3 infantry
Capital: NorwayFinland
Finland, Vyborg
4 Infantry, 1 mech Inf
Capital: FinlandSwitzerland
6 infantry, 2 artillery 3 AA guns
Capital: SwitzerlandDenmark
1 infantry
Capital: DenmarkUkraine
Ukraine, Western Ukraine
4 Infantry, Naval base
Capital: UkraineBelreus
2 Infantry
Capital: BelreusMoldovo
1 Infantry
Capital: MoldovoIceland
Capital: IcelandBelgium
3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Naval base, 1 AA gun
Capital: BenuluxIreland
1 Infantry
Capital: EireAmericas:
All us marked territories minus Mexican territories
20 Infantry, 6 Artillery, 15 Mech infantry, 11 Tanks, 6 Fighters, 5 Tac bombers, 3 bombers, 4 naval bases, 12 AA guns, 4 submarines, 7 transports, 3 destroyers, 3 cruisers, 1 battleship, 2 aircraft carriers
Capital: Eastern USCanada
All Canadian marked territories
6 infantry, 3 artillery, 2 mech Inf, 1 fighter, 2 AA guns, 1 destroyer, 1 transport, naval baseMexico
Mexican territories
6 infantry
Capital: MexicoVenezaelu
3 Infantry
Capital: VenezaeluEqutor
Capital: EqudorColombia
1 infantry
Capital: ColombiaChile
2 Infantry
Capital: ChileUraguy
1 Infanry
Capital: UruguyBolivia
2 Infantry
Capital: BoliviaBrazil
Brazil, European S. American territories
5 Infantry, naval baseArgentina
3 Infantry, 1 mech infantry, navalbase, 1 transport
Capital: AregentinaCuba
West Indies
1 infantry, naval base, 1 transport
Capital: West indiesAfrica:
2 Infantry
Capital: MorracoAlgeria
3 Infantry
Capital: AlgeriaTunsia
1 Infantry
Capital: TunsiaLibya
Libya, Tobruk
3 infantry, 1 mech Inf
Capital: LibyaEgypt
Egypt, Alexandria
5 Infantry, 1 tank, 1 mech Inf, 1 AA gun
Capital: EgyptSudan
Anglo Sudan
2 Infantry
Capital: Anglo SudanWest Africa
All French African territories minus maddagasscar plus gold coast
2 Infantry
Capital: French West AfricaEthopia
Ethopia, Itallian Simalia, British Somolia
2 Infantry
Capital: EthopiaKenya
All British African territories minus south African territories
2 Infantry
Capital: KenyaAngola
2 Infantry
Capital: AngolaMozambuique
2 Infantry
Capital: MozambuiqueMaddagasscar
1 Infantry
Capital: MaddagasscarMiddle East:
2 Infantry, 3 Tanks, 3 AA guns
Capital: Israel-JordanSyria
3 Infantry
Capital: SyriaTurkey
Turkey, Cyprus
8 Infantry, Navalbase
Capital: TurkeyIraq
4 infantry, 1 mech Inf
Capital: IraqIran
Persian territories
6 Infantry, 1 fighter naval base
Capital: PersiaSauda Arabia
Sauda Arabia
2 Infantry, Naval base
Capital: Sauda ArabiaAfghanistan
4 Infantry
Capital: AfghanistanTurkmestan
1 Infantry
Capital: TurkmestanKazakhamastan
1 Infantry
Capital: KazakhmastanAsia:
All Chinese territories
30 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 2 mech Inf, 2 Naval bases, 5 AA guns, 2 transports, 3 submarines
Capital: JeholKorea
8 Infantry, naval base
Capital: koreaMongolia
All Mongol territories
6 infantry
Capital: Central MongoliaIndia
India, Western India
10 infantry, 4 Artillery, 3 mech Inf, 2 tanks, 1 fighter, 1 transport, naval base, 3 AA guns
Capital: IndiaBurma
Burma, Shan state
4 Infantry
Capital: BurmaThailand
3 Infantry
Capital: ThailandVietnam
French Indochina
4 infantry, 1 tank, 1 transport
Capital: French IndochinaJapan
All Japanese marked territories Minus Asian mainland territories
10 Infantry, 3 Artillery, 2 fighters, 2 transports, 1 submarine, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 2 naval bases, 4 AA guns.
Capital: JapanCylon
1 Infantry
Capital: CylonPacific:
All ANZAC marked territories minus New Zealand
5 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 fighter, naval base, 1 transports, 1 destroyer
Capital: New south walesNew Zealand
New Zealand
2 Infantry, 1 fighter, naval base
Capital: New ZealandIndonesia
Boreo, Java, Sumatra, Malay, New guinea, Celebs
8 Infantry, naval base, 1 transport, 1 ArtilleryTaiwan
1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Naval base, 1 AA gun
Capital: FormosaDiplomacy
Before the buy phase, is the diplomacy phase. A diplomacy dice costs 6 IPCs, max of 2 per turn. Choose a nation to have diplomatic talks to then roll the dice.1-4 is nothing
5-8 is +1 favor
9-11 is + 2 favor
12 is +3 favorEvery round adds up of favor for a nation, until you reach 10 favor then the nation becomes pro- your nation.
War and peace
Every nation Is at peace, anyone may declare war on any nation (Including neutrals) at any time. You may form alliances. When invading a neutral nation the other nations rolls a dice, who ever rolls the highest the neutral nation joins him/her.
The player may choose where to put the neutral country units in it’s territories.Deals
You may make deals, trade units territories and IPCsCountries that start with no IPC value get +2 ipcs in till they conquer a territory with IPC value
New victory cities
Brazil, turkey, Spain, Malay and Sweden.Tech:
Same as global 1940Government
There are 2 governments; Democratic and Dictatorship
Countries that are separate governments may not form a alliance. If the country is a different government then yours in a diplomacy talk, 1,2,3,4,5,6 is nothing everything else is +1 favor.
You may change your government at the cost of 8 ipcs, but roll a 1d6 and if it is a 1 or 2 a civil war breaks out, roll a dice for each infantry unit, at 3 or less the unit rebels, it must battle other unit that are still loyal, both at attack. The Rebel units stay until their killed. You may not be doing diplomacy until the civil war ends.Starting Dictatorship countries
CubaStarting democratic countries
New ZealandEdit: Changed some rules and added more countries
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2-8 playersSetting
The year is 1990, the cold war just ended, but new nations arise! Take control of your Nation and lead to be the world superpower!To win:
Military victory: Conquered 15 victory cities or conquered all opponents countries
Technology victory: Gained Every Tech
Diplomatic victory: swayed 12 countries into your country
Win WW3 by destroying all countries against you…Years:
Every turn is 1 year. Years have effects, depending what nation or year. Each event at the right time roll a dice and each nation has # or less and if it scores, the event happens.Events:
Persian Gulf War:(2) Iraqi forces invade Kwuait, causing US to declare war on Iraq. If no one controls these nations nothing happens.
Chechen War:(2) Chechen Terrorists rebel against Russia, a civil war errupts in Russia, only roll dice in the caucusus territory.
Yugoslavian Wars: (3) Yugoslavia errupts in a civil war.
Indian-Pakistan Nuclear testing:(3) India and Pakistan gain Atomic bomb tech.
Afghanastan Liberation war:(4) A devastating attack on the twin towers cause US and UK to declare war on Afghanstan. If no one controls these nations, nothing happens. If only UK or US is in play, that nation gains control of the other nation.
Israeli Hamas War:(2) Israel goes to war versus Syria and Iraq. If no one controls these nations, nothing happens.
Libyan-American War:(3) A civil war errupts in Libya and causes the US to declare war On Libya. If no one controls these nations, nothing happens.
Syrian Civil war: (3) Syria errupts in a civil war.
Israeli-Iranian War: (4) Iran and Israel declare war on each other, if no one controls the nations nothing happens.
Sino-American War:(2) Tensions between the US and China broke out into war. If no one controls these nations, nothing happens.
Argentina-Brazil War:(2) a dictatorship government and a democratic in Brazil, a war broke out. If no one controls these nations, nothing happens.
Annex of Mongolia: (2) with mongolian economy falls apart, Russia and China try to annex parts of mongolia. Roll 1d6 for each terrotory in mongolia, 1,2, and 3 it goes to Russia. 4,5, and 6 goes to china.
Indian-Iranian War:(3) With the scare oil, India was forced to declare war on Iran to get the oil deposits. If no one controls these countries, nothing happens.
Oil War: Oil in Sauda Arabia and Iraq were attacked by terrorists and the oil was destroyed. Oil prices went up 50%, China and Russia formed an alliance and attacked US, UK, and Germany. WW3 Began. All other playing nations other than those must choose a side in the war.
Oil discovered in Southwest Africa (3)
Tanks cost 7 IPCs
Mech Inf Cost 5 IPCs
Fighters cost 11
Tac Bombers cost 12
Bombers cost 14 due to lack of Oil.Setup
Pick a nation to play, up to 8 nations/players Each nation has a list of starting units, the player controlling the nation picks what territory each unit Is in. Countries that were not choosen place all their units in their capital.
Major IC and Airbase auromaticly are placed in their capital.Nations:
All Soviet marked territories minus Ukraine, Western Ukraine, Moldavo, Belreus, Baltic States, Vyborg, Turmestan, and Kazakamastan.
27 Infantry, 14 mech Inf, 13 Artillery, 16 tanks, 5 fighters, 3 tac bombers, 2 bombers, 8 AA guns, Naval base, 6 Submarines, 4 transports, 2 destroyers.
Capital: RussiaUK
United Kingdon, Scotland, Northwest Ireland Southwest Africa, Union of south Africa, Malta.
10 Infantry, 5 Mech Inf, 5 Artillery, 4 tanks, 5 fighters, 4 tac bombers, 2 bombers, 5 AA guns, 2 naval base, 1 submarine, 4 transports, 1 battleship, 1 aircraft carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 minor complex.
Capital: United KingdonFrance
All European French territories plus new hebries.
8 Infantry, 4 Artillery, 2 mech Inf, 1 tank, 1 fighter, 1 tac bomber, 2 naval bases, 1 Cruiser, 1 transports, 2 AA guns.
Capital: FranceGermany
Germany, Western Germany, Greater southern Germany.
10 Infantry, 5 Mech Inf, 3 Artillery, 4 tanks, 2 fighters, 1 tac bomber, 1 bomber, naval base, 3 AA guns, 4 submarines, 1 transports
Capital: GermanySpain
Spain, Western sahara
4 Infantry, 1 artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 destroyer
Capital: SpainPortugul
2 Infantry, naval base
Capital: PortugulItaly
Northern Italy, Southern Italy, Scicily
7 Infantry, 4 Mech Inf, 2 artillery, 1 tanks, 1 fighter, naval base, 2 AA guns, 1 destroyer, 1 Transport
Capital: Southern ItalyYugoslavia
5 Infantry
Capital: YugoslaviaGreece
Greece, Crete
4 Infantry, 1 mech Inf
Capital: GreeceBulgaria
4 Infantry
Capital: BulgariaRomania
5 Infantry, 1 tank, 1 transport, naval base
Capital: RomaniaHungary
3 Infantry, 1 mech Inf
Capital: HungaryPoland
Poland, Eastern Poland
6 Infantry, 1 artillery, 1 fighter
Capital: PolandBaltic states
Baltic States
2 Infantry
Capital: Baltic statesSweden
6 Infantry, 1 fighter, naval base, 1 transportNorway
3 infantry
Capital: NorwayFinland
Finland, Vyborg
4 Infantry, 1 mech Inf
Capital: FinlandSwitzerland
6 infantry, 2 artillery 3 AA guns
Capital: SwitzerlandDenmark
1 infantry
Capital: DenmarkUkraine
Ukraine, Western Ukraine
4 Infantry, Naval base
Capital: UkraineBelreus
2 Infantry
Capital: BelreusMoldovo
1 Infantry
Capital: MoldovoIceland
Capital: IcelandBelgium
3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Naval base, 1 AA gun
Capital: BenuluxAlbania
1 Infantry
Capital: AlbaniaIreland
1 Infantry
Capital: EireAmericas:
All us marked territories minus Mexican territories
20 Infantry, 6 Artillery, 15 Mech infantry, 11 Tanks, 6 Fighters, 5 Tac bombers, 3 bombers, 4 naval bases, 12 AA guns, 4 submarines, 7 transports, 3 destroyers, 3 cruisers, 1 battleship, 2 aircraft carriers
Capital: Eastern USCanada
All Canadian marked territories
6 infantry, 3 artillery, 2 mech Inf, 1 fighter, 2 AA guns, 1 destroyer, 1 transport, naval baseMexico
Mexican territories
6 infantry
Capital: MexicoVenezaelu
3 Infantry
Capital: VenezaeluEqutor
Capital: EqudorColombia
1 infantry
Capital: ColombiaChile
2 Infantry
Capital: ChileUraguy
1 Infanry
Capital: UruguyBolivia
2 Infantry
Capital: BoliviaBrazil
Brazil, European S. American territories
5 Infantry, naval baseArgentina
3 Infantry, 1 mech infantry, navalbase, 1 transport
Capital: ArgentinaCuba
West Indies
1 infantry, naval base, 1 transport
Capital: West indiesPeru
Capital: PeruAfrica:
1 Infantry
Capital: NigeriaMorocco
2 Infantry
Capital: MorracoAlgeria
3 Infantry
Capital: AlgeriaTunsia
1 Infantry
Capital: TunsiaLibya
Libya, Tobruk
3 infantry, 1 mech Inf
Capital: LibyaEgypt
Egypt, Alexandria
5 Infantry, 1 tank, 1 mech Inf, 1 AA gun
Capital: EgyptSudan
Anglo Sudan
2 Infantry
Capital: Anglo SudanWest Africa
All French African territories minus maddagasscar plus gold coast
2 Infantry
Capital: French West AfricaEthopia
Ethopia, Itallian Simalia, British Somolia
2 Infantry
Capital: EthopiaKenya
All British African territories minus south African territories
2 Infantry
Capital: KenyaAngola
2 Infantry
Capital: AngolaMozambuique
2 Infantry
Capital: MozambuiqueMaddagasscar
1 Infantry
Capital: MaddagasscarMiddle East:
2 Infantry, 3 Tanks, 3 AA guns
Capital: Israel-JordanSyria
3 Infantry
Capital: SyriaTurkey
Turkey, Cyprus
8 Infantry, Navalbase
Capital: TurkeyIraq
4 infantry, 1 mech Inf
Capital: IraqIran
Persian territories
6 Infantry, 1 fighter naval base
Capital: PersiaSauda Arabia
Sauda Arabia
2 Infantry, Naval base
Capital: Sauda ArabiaAfghanistan
4 Infantry
Capital: AfghanistanTurkmestan
1 Infantry
Capital: TurkmestanKazakhamastan
1 Infantry
Capital: KazakhmastanAsia:
All Chinese territories
30 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 2 mech Inf, 2 Naval bases, 5 AA guns, 2 transports, 3 submarines
Capital: JeholKorea
8 Infantry, naval base
Capital: koreaMongolia
All Mongol territories
6 infantry
Capital: Central MongoliaIndia
India, Western India
10 infantry, 4 Artillery, 3 mech Inf, 2 tanks, 1 fighter, 1 transport, naval base, 3 AA guns
Capital: IndiaBurma
Burma, Shan state
4 Infantry
Capital: BurmaThailand
3 Infantry
Capital: ThailandVietnam
French Indochina
4 infantry, 1 tank, 1 transport
Capital: French IndochinaJapan
All Japanese marked territories Minus Asian mainland territories
10 Infantry, 3 Artillery, 2 fighters, 2 transports, 1 submarine, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 2 naval bases, 4 AA guns.
Capital: JapanCylon
1 Infantry
Capital: CylonPacific:
All ANZAC marked territories minus New Zealand
5 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 fighter, naval base, 1 transports, 1 destroyer
Capital: New south walesNew Zealand
New Zealand
2 Infantry, 1 fighter, naval base
Capital: New ZealandIndonesia
Boreo, Java, Sumatra, Malay, New guinea, Celebs
8 Infantry, naval base, 1 transport, 1 Artillery, 1 fighter, 2 AA gunsTaiwan
1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Naval base, 1 AA gun
Capital: FormosaDiplomacy
Before the buy phase, is the diplomacy phase. A diplomacy dice costs 6 IPCs, max of 2 per turn. Choose a nation to have diplomatic talks to then roll the dice.1-4 is nothing
5-8 is +1 favor
9-11 is + 2 favor
12 is +3 favorEvery round adds up of favor for a nation, until you reach 10 favor then the nation becomes pro- your nation. If you walk a unit into it’s capital all territories of that nation joins you.
War and peace
Every nation Is at peace, anyone may declare war on any nation (Including neutrals) at any time. You may form alliances. When invading a neutral nation the other nations rolls a dice, who ever rolls the highest the neutral nation joins him/her.
The player may choose where to put the neutral country units in it’s territories.Deals
You may make deals, trade units territories and IPCsCountries that start with no IPC value get +2 ipcs in till they conquer a territory with IPC value
New victory cities
Brazil, turkey, Spain, Malay and Sweden.Tech:
1- Heavy Industries- Minor ICs can now build 5, Major ICs now can build 12.
2-Improved Shipyards- Battleships cost 18, Aircraft carrier 14, Cruiser 11, Destroyer 8, Submarine 5 and Transports 6.
3- Improved Diplomatic talks- Now Diplomatic dice cost 5 IPCs
4-SKUDS- Mech Inf now can carry Nuclear weapons
5-Tech Improvement on Tanks- Tanks attack at 4 for 2 rounds
6- Oil discovered- place a new oil derrick anywhereGovernment
There are 2 governments; Democratic and Dictatorship
Countries that are separate governments may not form a alliance. If the country is a different government then yours in a diplomacy talk, 1,2,3,4,5,6 is nothing everything else is +1 favor.
You may change your government at the cost of 8 ipcs, but roll a 1d6 and if it is a 1 or 2 a civil war breaks out, roll a dice for each infantry unit, at 3 or less the unit rebels, it must battle other unit that are still loyal, both at attack. The Rebel units stay until their killed. You may not be doing diplomacy until the civil war ends.Starting Dictatorship countries
CubaStarting democratic countries
New ZealandOil
For each Oil derricks roll a 1d6
1-3 + 1 IPC
4-6 + 2 IPCOil derricks placement:
Mid US
Sauda ArabiaIf you own no oil derricks tanks, mech Inf move 1, fighters and tac bombers move 3, bombers move 4. If your ally owns a Derrick, your units will move the same.
1. You may produce various types of nuclear weapons based on your level of technology (see the techs section for further information). Once you’ve gained a better type of atomic weapon all of your nuclear weapons are considered to be that type. So if you had Hydrogen bombs and you get the Tsar Bomb tech, then your stockpile is now magically comprised of Tsar Bombs and all future bombs will be Tsars.
2. Atomic Weapons may be delivered by Strategic Bombers that start their turn on an airbase owned by your alliance.
3. All types of Nuclear Weapons cost 20 IPCs to build. You may only build 2 nuclear weapons per turn, they are stockpiled in factories.
4. You must pay 5 IPCs a turn in upkeep for each nuke that you have stockpiled. If you do not (or cannot) pay for each of those nukes then your stockpile is reduced to equal the number of nukes that you paid the upkeep for.
5. When conducting a nuclear strike you may choose to launch a strategic or a tactical attack. Each attack uses one nuke.
Nukes are used against industrial complexes or territories. If you target an industrial complex then it works like a normal strategic bombings except that you roll additional dice, do not add +2 to the damage, and there is no limit to the damage that a nuclear strike can do. So an atomic bomb could theoretically do 20 levels of damage to an industrial complex in a single turn- effectively crippling it for the rest of the game.Alternatively, you may launch a strategic strike on a territory’s IPC value. This works as above, except the IPC value cannot be reduced below zero. The IPC value of a territory may be repaired up to its original level (or to 3 if its starting value was below 3) during the Diplomacy and investment phase (see basic rules document).
Fission Bomb - roll 4 dice. The sum total of the rolls is the damage inflicted.
Hydrogen Bomb - roll 8 dice. The sum total of the rolls is the damage inflicted.
Tsar Bomb- roll 12 dice. The sum total of the rolls is the damage inflicted.
Tactical strikes target the ground forces in a territory or facilities in a territory. When attacking a facility use the rules above for launching a strategic attack on an industrial complex.
When launching a tactical attack against a ground territory, roll 1 die for every enemy land unit in the territory. If the attacked area is also being assaulted by your land forces then the tactical nukes are launched before the first cycle of combat takes place. You may use multiple nukes to launch multiple tactical nuclear strikes against the same territory. If a player used 2 nukes to attack a territory then he would roll 2 dice per every enemy unit in the territory, etc.Fission Bomb - rolls of 1 kill an enemy unit.
Hydrogen bomb - rolls of 2 or less kill an enemy unit.
Tsar Bomb - rolls of 3 or less kill an enemy unit.Units killed in such strikes are immediately removed from the board and may not retaliate against their attacker.
If the nuke was delivered by a strategic bomber then the bomber may not take part in any additional rounds of combat in the territory.
Tactical attacks on air bases and naval bases may destroy units based there in addition to damaging the facility. Navies that are in a sea zone bordering an ally’s naval base are considered to be in port. Air units in a territory with an airbase air base are considered to be stationed at the airbase. If a naval base or air base takes more than 6 damage in a tactical attack then the attacker may make an additional roll (as if they were attacking land units) to damage units stationed at these facilities.ARMAGEDDON
There is a limit to how many nukes can fly before nuclear winter sets in. If 15 nuclear strikes are launched then the game is considered to be over with the side with the most (irradiated) victory cities declared the “winner.”
Nuclear Technology
Cost 6 IPCs for Nuke tech, same tech rules.
1. Atomic bombs (Loaded on bombers) (US, Russia, China, and UK starts with this tech)
2. Nuclear missiles (Nukes launched off of AA guns, range of 8)
3. Fission Bomb
4. Hydrogen bomb
5. Tsar Bomb
6. Armegedon Bomb (Same as Tsar bomb but it is inflicted on 2 borderinging territories) -
1. Atomic bombs (Loaded on bombers)
3. Fission BombIn what way is an atomic bomb different from a fission bomb in your rules? The two terms mean the same thing.
1. Atomic bombs (Loaded on bombers)
3. Fission BombIn what way is an atomic bomb different from a fission bomb in your rules? The two terms mean the same thing.
2-8 playersFission Bomb - roll 4 dice. The sum total of the rolls is the damage inflicted.
Atomic is 1 less
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