New Axis & Allies Global War Variant (free map)

  • deepblue,

    The way China acquires armies is that they get 1 if the Burma Road is open, and they 1 infantry for each point they hold onto.  So if Japan takes out a territory worth 1 IPC, then when China’s turn comes around again they recieve 1 less INF.  This is also from AAP.  I think the Burma Road definitely has it’s uses in the game, I not that interested in the rails, but I believe Burma Road is important if for nothing else to keep things consistent with AAP.

    The roundel for China is there since it is in effect a separate nation, it is controlled by USA, and the USA player plays China, but it is a separate nation (at least in AAP).  Since it is a different shade of green on the map, I thought it would be a neat touch, however, if the group is not in agreement, I can live with this.

  • I’m not sure the Great LAkes actually adds anything meaningful to the game.  I understand that Shermans were shipped out from Detroit, but……

    As for the size, 3 ft by 6 feet is perfect.  3Ft accomodates most plotters, so if someone happens to have one, then that would save a little money.  Also, it would fit nicely on a relatively standard dining room table, with space around to roll die, and for each player to be comfortable.

    I thought Peiping looked to be in correct spot based on other maps of China.  The other empty is Calcutta in India.

    Aside from these things, I think the map looks great.

  • Manchukuo was a former state in Manchuria and both the AA and AAP maps have it as Manchuria.
    +++ They are wrong. I own 3 maps from this period. One made in 39, another in 1942, and a third is mostly complete except for the information on the date… but all of them say the same thing… I also owned a 24" globe (from 39)that also had it labeled as such and i spent hours looking at it… one of the things i remember was the different names ( It latter broke in 1991).

    AH hill is frequently wrong on many things…AS you also know that madagaskarin revised is considered British rather than neutral vichy, While Tanganika territory is missing.

    The only reference I have found to Koko Nor is that it is a lake within Tsinghai Province.
    ++++ it is a lake in the north east of this province, while Tsaidam (which is s similiar spelling as Tsinghai) is a swamp. You will notice that many towns in this province are listed with the suffex “nor” as in Kara nor, Shire nor, kyaring nor,and nging nor  indicating they are part of this province.

    Please provide more info on Heiho, I was unable to find any reference to a land area with that name.
    +++++Heiho comprises of nearly the entire section of land between Soviet- Sino border in Manchukuo. The capital is also called Heiho

    What empty territories are you referring to?  The circle (which if you guys have not noticed represents city areas) area is for Peiping.  I believe this is the correct spot?

    I don’t see the second empty area.
    ++++ leningrad, Stalingrad, Ceylon, Sakhalin Islands ,and Peiping… thats 5

    Hopei is already on the map. Is it in the right spot?
    ++++Hopei is where Peiping is going… its the same territory. Pieping is the major city in this territory and probably a VC.

    Charar on our map is close to what I have found…Yes it is not an exact match but close.
    +++++ well yea i guess…But Hingan was much more prosperious, while Chahar is basically a desert and not much of a territory. Using Hingan would justify the value, while some chinese guy who looked at it would laugh at using Chahar to represent this.

    Please provide info on Hingan.
    +++++ it has actually North and east Hingan ( two territories) comprising north west manchukuo.

  • Under AARHE we have these to represent what we consider important objectives , but this is based on revised…so some extrapolations will be necessary

    with you map you have you have to add malta and tobruch.

    Victory Cities
    Total Victory: The winning team is the first to control every territory.
    Major Victory: Axis wins if they control 45 VCP (Victory City Points). Allies win if they control 55 VCPs.
    Minor Victory: Both sides bid the number of rounds that they want the game to last if they are the Axis. The team that bids the higher number of turns gets to play as the Axis. The game ends after that many rounds. The team controlling the majority of the VCPs at that time wins the game.

    Germany: 18 (subtract 7 if Italy plays)
    Berlin (6) Germany
    Rome (5) Italy
    Paris (2) Western Europe
    Warsaw (2) Eastern Europe
    Bucharest (2) Balkans
    Kiev (1) Ukraine

    Italy: 7 (optional nation)
    Rome (5) Italy
    Bucharest (2) Balkans

    Japan: 15
    Tokyo (6) Japan
    Hsinking (2) Manchuria
    Singapore (2) French Indo-China
    Kuching (2) Borneo
    Shanghai (1) Kwangtung
    Batavia (1) East Indies
    Manila (1) Philippines

    Soviet Union: 18
    Moscow (6) Russia
    Stalingrad (4) Caucasus
    Leningrad (3) Karelia
    Novosibirsk (2) Novosibirsk
    Archangel (1) Archangel
    Almaty (1) Kazakh
    Vladivostok (1) Buryatia

    United Kingdom: 12
    London (5) United Kingdom
    Toronto (2) Eastern Canada
    Cairo (1) Anglo-Egypt
    Calcutta (1) India
    Sydney (1) Australia
    Tehran (1) Persia
    Cape Town (1) South Africa

    United States:  14
    Washington (5) Eastern United States
    Los Angeles (4) Western United States
    Chicago (2) Central United States
    Chungking (1) China
    Ürümqi (1) Sinkiang
    Rio de Janeiro (1) Brazil

    Neutrals:  4
    Ankara (2) Turkey
    Madrid (2) Spain

  • Hey guys,

    been checking in on this variant off and on, great to see it being worked on again.  About the new map, I may have missed the post in recent days, but is the thought to still put the Saharan desert in as impassible again?

    For Detroit, I think it would have to be at least 2 spaces worth of sea zones to get shipping to/from Detroit to the Atlantic and it appears that it is the same amount of land territories to move them overland and then onto ships.  I don’t think it would be worth the change.

    Just regarding the Madagascar thing, in my opinion, if it fell in november then it should go to England, though I do like the thought of it as a axis base with a couple subs off the coast at the start.  I know that much was said about moving the date back a couple months but much of the world was drastically different then too.  Still, even if no income came historically from Madagascar that doesn’t mean that there wasn’t potential for it.  But it just seems best to make it English.  (on a nit-picky note, and I’m not trying to argue this, just pointing it out, the wikipedia entry for the Madagascar battle does actually link to the same page that Imp. leader referenced and the entry seems to match pretty well to it, of course he may have been the one that added the link.)
      what about bumping up romania by 1 or areas there to make up for the Madagascar revenue?  I thought that there was massive oil reserves there at that time held by germany.  If that is true, and the european front is not my area of expertise or anything, but 1-3 could be be valuable.

    Regarding the pacific front, much of the push that corresponded to pearl harbor was to indonesia areas and the resourses there… places like java, borneo, celebes, sumatra, brunei could all go up a bit too as far as value…  if that helps with balance.

    just thoughts, if they help great, if not no worries…

  • I am not saying madagaskar should be british… the battle came latter after this game begins… however all Vichy territories aside from Morroco, upper Algeria and Tunisia should not be colored german and should be either neutral (Vichy) or british controlled. Most of the central formerly Vichy french territories became free french/ british as per revised, while under no circumstances should any german pieces be able to move into Vichy (with the 3 exceptions and southern france).

    Under no circumstances does these Vichy neutrals contribute to german economy.I think they are because theybare the same color and people now say “gee i didnt know germany had all that”… only they are right because they didnt… except of course in only this map.

    These are items that are way too important to even begin playing such a game… you might as well make greenland part of germany because denmarck is german occupied

    and iceland is part of norway and thats german occupied… its the same analogy

    fallen empires do not transfer the colonies as part of the conquest. nations have to fight and conquer them.

    US occupied Greenland
    Britian occupied Iceland and all but 3 of Frances former colonies.

  • Some suggestions;

    Change the colour of Algeria, Niger, French West Africa, West Africa and Madagascar into either British (free French) or Vichy Neutral.

    Divide Morocco into three spaces. Small part of the top into Spanish Morocco and the lower half into Rio the Oro. Make them both Spanish Neutral controlled.

    Add Portugal

    Gilbert Islands should be British not American I think.

    Make Mexico and Peru American or make Brazil also Neutral. All three  declared war in 1942, and Brazil was by far the latest of the three.

    Give Sumatra more IP value, the Dutch East Indies made up for over 75% of Japans oil reserves so these territories deserve some more value.

  • Several people have asked about the Sahara.  If the group likes what I have come up with I will add it to the next draft.

  • Thats a great idea and will really make things more realistic. I hope you do this.

  • Excellent deepblue, please add.

  • Glad you like the addition (it took me the better part of my Saturday to get the border just right), I will add the Sahara.

    Now that I have a better understanding of how China works, I would have to agree with pdel21 on the Chinese roundel.  If no one has an issue with this I will add the roundel and a city area for Chungking.  Please review the proposed change and let me know if you like it.

  • Yep that works.

  • Here’s a printout of the original at 36" x 75". I just finished it tonight for a customer…

    What format is the latest being created in?

    -jim lee

  • PLease use PDF extensions.

  • Jim,

    The local print shop asked that I submit in PDF format.  I am assuming that this will be true in most cases.  I plan to save the fished map with the following settings:

    CMYK, 16 bit, 600dpi

    If you prefer a different format, let me know.


  • can you do 32 bit ? especially with CMYK

  • Micoom,

    Thanks for the input, glad to see someone else contributing.

    I don’t see how dividing Morocco into pieces or adding Portugal will improve game play.

    I will update Brazil.

    I would rather not tackle the IPCs just yet, figured we could get the map right first.

    I will update the Gilbert Islands.

  • Murraymoto,

    Thanks for your input as well,

    Added the Sahara.

    I agree that the lower islands may need an increase but I would like to hold that thought for another day.

  • Imp,

    The 32 bit option is grayed out. Don’t know why.  May have something to do with the original file.

  • A few other things need to be checked out. I think the map should have the Azores which were a strategic base in the mid atlantic. Probably close to Malta in value to the allies, But also a steping stone for axis bomber attacks on USA.

    BTW what is that thing you got around the land masses? those lines that follow the contour of the land. Does that graphic have a name or did you just copy successive patterns of the land mass w/o color to add the outlines?

    Lastly, can we get some PDF’s of the set up sheets?

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